Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 694: Star Eater Magic Vine joins

After hearing Teng's words, Zhang Yi couldn't help but hesitate slightly.

When Zhang Yi was in retreat, letting Feng Ziyan be by his side, Zhang Yi didn't actually worry much.

After all, Zhang Yi trusts Feng Ziyan very much.

However, this vine made Zhang Yi unable to trust her like Feng Ziyan. If she murdered Zhang Yi during the critical moment of Zhang Yi's retreat, then Zhang Yi might really be in danger.

It was all this that made Zhang Yi start to hesitate.

Teng seemed to notice Zhang Yi's hesitation, and immediately turned around to leave:

"Forget it if it's inconvenient."

Zhang Yi suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her:

"Let's go together, I am willing to believe you."

Zhang Yi said that he was willing to believe, but the guard in his heart had not been completely let go.

However, in order to be able to surrender the Star Devouring Magic Vine, Zhang Yi was willing to give it a try.

After all, the Star Devouring Devil's Vine is too powerful, and if it really hurts Zhang Yi, there is no need to wait until Zhang Yi is in retreat. You can do it now.

Since Teng did not harm Zhang Yi now, Zhang Yi felt that it was unlikely that Teng would harm him when he was in retreat.

So in order to let Teng also start to let go of his guard, Zhang Yi was willing to accept Teng's request first.

Teng was stopped by Zhang Yi and couldn't help but stop.

She raised the hand held by Zhang Yi, and couldn't help but grasp it with Zhang Yi's hand. She couldn't help but wonder:

"Is this the feeling of being in contact with the human race? It is really unique..."

Zhang Yi doubted:

"Have you not been in contact with anyone before?"

Vine replied:

"The life of our creature is destined to be lonely. I have also contacted other human races before, but that was when I killed them. And being able to contact without hatred like this is really the first. Second. This feeling..."

Teng couldn't help but stretched out his other hand and held it in Zhang Yi's hand.

Holding Zhang Yi's hand in both hands, she seemed to feel this very special feeling carefully.

Feng Ziyan on the side looked wide-eyed.

She stretched out her hand suddenly, forcibly separated Zhang Yi and Teng's hands, and asked angrily:

"What are you doing?"

Fuji became more and more puzzled:

"Why is she suddenly angry?"

Zhang Yi replied:

"It's just possessive."

Feng Ziyan said to the vine with a serious face:

"Zhang Yi is mine! You are not allowed to rob me!"

Vine replied:

"Why do I need to rob you of a human race? What's more, if I want to rob, how can you stop it?"

Feng Ziyan was about to argue, but Zhang Yi was helpless to stop her:

"Okay, well, there will be more opportunities for the two of you to get along in the future. There is no need to quarrel at this time. Let's go to Shake Light Planet first. I estimate that after three days, we will prepare everything and begin to retreat. In these three days, I will Treat you well."

After speaking, Zhang Yi opened the space-time channel and began to transmit.

After the familiar feeling came, they finally came to Yaoguangxing's teleportation platform.

Looking at everything unfamiliar around him, Teng couldn't help but wonder:

"We have come to another planet! How fast and fast did your human race do it?"

Zhang Yi said:

"If you want to learn, I will teach you slowly later. Now I will settle you down first, and then I have to hold a meeting to arrange my preparations for the retreat and things after the retreat."

But Fuji said:

"I will go with you. I want to see the life of your human race."

Feng Ziyan also hurriedly said:

"Zhang Yi! I want to go with you too!"

Feng Ziyan didn't worry that Teng and Zhang Yi were together and she was no longer next to her, so she decided to go too.

Zhang Yi hesitated slightly, but finally agreed.

After all, these two people are going to retreat with him, and they are not the enemies of Zhang Family and Fuxingmen, so it's okay to let them listen to some irrelevant content of the meeting.

So soon, Zhang Yi took the two to the conference room.

The core of Zhang's family and Fuxingmen in the conference room have been summoned by Zhang Yi.

The first issue to be discussed in this meeting is naturally Zhang Yi's retreat.

The last time Zhang Yi retreats, he was near the base.

At that time, the base had just been established when Zhang Yi was in retreat, and there were not even a hundred people in the entire base.

Moreover, Zhang Yi broke through from the fifth floor to the sixth floor of Renwangjue at that time. The shock wave generated during the breakthrough only needs a large mountain to resist, and it will not cause much damage to the base.

Today, however, the status of the base is very important.

In particular, Zhang Yi broke through from the sixth level to the seventh time in Renwangjue. The impact that was generated was not just a mountain that could withstand it, and the power of the shock wave would be terrifying.

Therefore, it is no longer suitable for Zhang Yi to break near the base, otherwise it will cause a catastrophe to the base.

The last time Zhang Yi came to the base, he had already explained that Elder Zuo Zhihua of Miaofa and Elder Tiangong, Mechanical Emperor, were looking for a breakthrough point for Zhang Yi on the Shaking Star.

At this time, at the meeting, both of them showed Zhang Yi the best position for a breakthrough.

This is the North Pole of Shaking Star, where both human races and demons are very rare and unwilling to set foot, especially after investigation by the intelligence personnel of the surveillance department, it has been determined that there is nothing unusual there.

If Zhang Yi makes a breakthrough in the Arctic, his impact will only destroy the surrounding glaciers and icebergs, and will not cause any impact on people.

Now the Tiangong department and the monitoring department have joined forces to monitor the North Pole and closely monitor the movement of the North Pole. At the same time, Zhangjia and Fuxingmen have sent their hands to the North Pole for prevention and control, so as not to disturb Zhang Yi's retreat.

Now that the location of the breakthrough has been selected, the next step is the matter of Zhang Yi's retreat.

This time Zhang Yi's retreat will be very long, and Zhang Yi predicts that it will never be shorter than the last ten years.

Therefore, during such a long period of time, a lot of work must be done in place, lest Zhang Family and Fuxingmen are in a state of no leader, and it is difficult to make decisions if they encounter problems.

Zhang Yi first ordered Mu Yinting to preside over all affairs of Fuxingmen if Mu Yinting, the elder holding the sword, leaves the customs during his retreat.

Before Mu Yinting leaves the customs, all matters of Fuxingmen will be discussed by Zuo Zhihua and Mechanical Emperor before they can make decisions.

Zhang Yi's doing this is justified. Although Zuo Zhihua is very capable of doing things, he lacks leadership. Tell him one thing, and he can do it properly. But if a cause is entrusted to him to lead, it will become difficult for him to lead the crowd.

As his feelings gradually disappeared, the mechanical king made any decisions more and more accurate and in line with his interests. However, the disadvantage is that he lacks human touch. This makes some of his decisions, although very correct and often cold and ruthless, making his subordinates unrelenting. Few people feel unbearable.

That's why Zhang Yi chose to let the two of them discuss together before making a decision, so that they can complement each other.

Zhang Yi did not expect the two of them to lead Fuxingmen to do a lot of business during this period, only that they could keep Fuxingmen's foundation without problems, and wait until Zhang Yi returns.

After the general direction is determined, what is left is the discussion of some details.

These issues involve the continued arrangement of the lock star network array on the earth, the development of resources on the shaking stars, the development of interstellar magical instruments, and so on.

These matters were boring and boring. At first, Teng and Feng Ziyan were able to listen with Zhang Yi together, but the two soon felt bored, and they stopped attending Zhang Yi's meetings.

During the two days of the meeting, Feng Ziyan brought vines to play everywhere in the base.

Teng has always been lonely and arrogant, disdainful of communicating with ordinary human races, and she is only willing to say a few more words if she is the only Feng Ziyan who can still see her.

Feng Ziyan was afraid of vines at first, but as she learned that vines no longer needed to hunt the planet for physical reasons, and as she became more and more familiar with vines, she gradually stopped being afraid of vines.

It was for these reasons that the two of them started to be able to go out to play together.

Teng had only seen the human races on Kaiyang Star, and she thought that the life of all races was like that. However, when she came to the base, she saw a completely different life here, which made Teng even more curious about the human race.

Three days passed quickly.

Although Zhang Yi said that he would entertain Teng and Feng Ziyan during these three days, in fact, Zhang Yi was in meetings most of the time, so the time to entertain them personally was very scarce.

After Zhang Yi had settled all the affairs in these three days, he could finally go to the North Pole and start retreating.

Zhang Yi immediately found Feng Ziyan and Teng, and planned to take them on the road together.

When Zhang Yi saw Feng Ziyan and Vine playing together, he couldn't help being full of surprises:

"I thought you two couldn't play at the same time."

Fuji also said:

"I also feel that I will never be friends with my prey, but now I am no longer who I was when I was, I have... no need to continue hunting."

Feng Ziyan also said strangely:

"Yeah, I scared her back then! But now I gradually feel that she is not scary at all, but rather pitiful!"

Fuji heard this angrily:

"You call me pitiful?"

Feng Ziyan nodded and said:

"Of course poor, you only have me as a friend! And my friends are everywhere! There are on the earth, on the star of Shaking, and on the star of Kaiyang! I will have more friends in the future!"

Zhang Yi saw that the two were about to continue arguing, so he said:

"Okay, okay, I'm going to retreat now. You two think about it carefully, do you want to retreat with me or play here?"

Feng Ziyan was puzzled after hearing this:

"Does it have a big impact? Can't we retreat with you while playing?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yi thought for a while and replied:

"It really has no effect, but you two are too powerful. I am worried that if you play outside, you will cause trouble!"

Now Zhang Yi retreats in the Arctic, which can be regarded as an open environment.

After all, Shaking Planet has been firmly controlled by the base. Not to mention the humans and demons in the Arctic, even the wild animals have been cleared away by the base, and there is no one to disturb Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi retreats by himself. Feng Ziyan and Teng will come and have a look when they have time, and they will go and play everywhere when they are free. Anyway, they are not afraid of the shock wave when Zhang Yi breaks through.

What Zhang Yi worries about is just that they will cause trouble when they play by themselves. After all, these two people are too powerful. If they get angry because of something, the damage will not be covered.

Feng Ziyan promised:

"Zhang Yi, don't worry, I will take good care of her! If she doesn't understand, I will teach her!"

But Fuji said coldly:

"Who is optimistic about who, who teaches who is not necessarily!"

Zhang Yi said:

"Okay, then I have three chapters with you. During my retreat, first, you are not allowed to kill. Second, you must accompany me in retreat, but I can allow you to go out for one month every year. Third, you Don't leave this planet while playing!"

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