Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 735: Life and death crisis

The dense black energy instantly spread to hundreds of meters, and the gloomy scarlet eyes stared at Zhang Yi.

The turbulent black air continued to generate around him, and in the end, a black wind raged on the surface of the Dongting Lake.

These black tornadoes brought a large amount of lake water into the sky, creating a spectacular sight of dragons absorbing water.

A total of nine black tornadoes revolved around Yin Yin and Zhang Yi whistling, forming a water-absorbing wonder in Nine Dragons.

"Blood Moon Demon Blade!!!"

As the yin cloud's roar fell, the anomaly appeared.

I saw that in the thick black air, it was as if a crimson moon suddenly appeared.

If you look closely, you will find that this is not Chiyue at all, but that the big knife in Yinyi's hand has turned blood red at this moment, as if it could drip blood.

Such a bright red blood makes it impossible for the black energy to cover it, so it is particularly peculiar.

With the appearance of this round of monster blood moon, a kind of strange power suddenly agitated in this space and time.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

At this time, he felt a weird feeling.

He only felt as if the entire time and space had become extremely dark at this moment, as if the world had become as dark as the black air.

And the only thing that catches the eye in this world is the moon that is like a **** moon.

This blood moon seemed to have a weird power that could make Zhang Yi's eyes unable to move while staring on it, leaving only this blood moon in Zhang Yi's eyes and heart.

The blood moon can not only attract people's eyes, but also grab people's minds.

He seemed to be suddenly filled with an unquenchable desire to kill|slaughter and blood|hope, as if only by killing and killing the people around him could he vent this repressed emotion!

Accompanied by this killing intent, there is also an inexplicable irritability, as if something is stuck in my heart but I can't say the uncomfortable feeling that I can't breathe out and can't vent.

However at this time...

I saw that the blood moon had already begun to slowly approach Zhang Yi.

The **** moon is the long knife of Yinyi, and the approach of the **** moon means that the knife of Yinyi is already coming towards Zhang Yi.

However, Zhang Yi's mind was attracted by the blood moon at this moment, and he was completely unable to move away. His mind was even more confused by the blood moon, and the whole person fell into a state of confusion.

Yin Yi had naturally noticed all of this, and he smiled sharply:

"Zhang Yi, ah Zhang Yi! Since you antagonized us, our Netherworld Sect has been analyzing you for decades! We have the intelligence of your every battle, and we are desperately analyzing your offense and defense. We have collected you The information and the analysis data we made are enough to fill a football field! And I am here today, just to deal with you!"

Yin Yi slowly approached Zhang Yi holding the long knife, he kept his speed, making Zhang Yi be confused by the demon sword.

"Zhang Yi, do you know? After analyzing all your battle data, we have discovered that since your fame, every enemy you have faced has not had a strong enough spirit attack! Even though you have defeated the ocean The mirage also seized our dementor from the human corpse house, but those things are only direct spiritual attacks! These spiritual attacks have no effect on you. However, it does not mean that you are immune to all spiritual attacks! "

The shadow was getting closer and closer, and his demon sword was about to chop Zhang Yi's body.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel a moment of great danger approaching at this time, but he was anxious, his eyes and mind were still firmly attracted by the demon knife, unable to disperse it!

"We used the data transmitted back at the last moment when the Dementor Orb was captured by you, and studied the frequency of your soul for decades, and finally found a trace of the gap in your soul! As we expected, Your soul is not invulnerable! And as long as we add enough pure and secret magic weapons to interfere with the mind and soul in the soul attack, we can penetrate into the gap of your soul and cause you to be suppressed! And mine! This Blood Moon Demon Sword is a special weapon that our Netherworld Sect has spent more than ten years in gathering all the power to specifically restrain you!"

Yin Yi smiled more and more proudly:

"Do you know why our Netherworld Sect has not been in contact with you for decades, and we haven't come to kill you directly? This is because our Netherworld Sect never fights uncertain battles! If we do not have the certainty of victory to kill you, then we I will stay away from you until the day I can kill you! With this blood moon demon knife made, we have enough confidence to kill you! But at this time, you have disappeared from your seclusion, and we can't find you. Revenge, so I can only wait patiently. However, who would have thought that you came to Dongting Lake today! This is your death date today! Here we have prepared two ultimate moves to deal with you! The Blood Moon Demon Sword is just one of them! Now it seems that my Blood Moon Demon Sword alone is enough!"

Speaking of this, Yin Yi has entered the scope of killing Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi felt dangerous in his heart beating wildly. He desperately wanted to react, but he couldn't do it at all.

As Yin Yi said, there is no perfect defense in this world.

Although Zhang Yi's spirit is powerful, it is inevitable that there are defects. Now the Netherworld Sect has caught a trace of Zhang Yi's spirit and suddenly hit the killer, and immediately hit Zhang Yi by surprise.

This time, it has become the most dangerous moment for Zhang Yi!

Yin Yi had already arrived in front of Zhang Yi with the Blood Moon Demon Sword at this time, his scarlet eyes were full of killing intent:

"Zhang Yi! Keep your head!"

Yin Yin screamed, and the Blood Moon Demon Sword in his hand was suddenly raised, and it was about to chop towards Zhang Yi's neck.

If this knife is chopped down, Zhang Yi, who has still been unable to move, will definitely be decapitated.

At this critical moment, suddenly—

A crisp dragon chant resounded across the sky at this moment.

Long Yin has a long history, and his voice reverberates continuously between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, the surface of Dongting Lake suddenly broke open, and a giant golden shadow suddenly rushed into the sky.

This golden giant shadow turned out to be a golden dragon.

But if you look closely, you will find that this giant|dragon is not a complete giant|dragon. It only had two claws and one horn, and it was not even a flood dragon, strictly speaking, it belonged to a monster beast.

The giant dragon roared angrily, opened his big mouth and bit at the gloom.

Yin Yun couldn't help being taken aback:

"The ghost mist is already overwhelming, and the bone hole is about to open. Why does this monster still dare to stay here now? Xing Shang does not mean that this monster will only practice at the bottom of the lake on weekdays. It has always been lazy and never asks about the outside world. Why is it attacking me suddenly?"

While the shadow was horrified, the giant dragon had already rushed in front of him, and the big mouth of the blood basin full of fangs was about to bite towards the shadow.

In panic, Yin Yi hurriedly reversed the blood moon demon knife and slashed towards the giant|long.

As the shadow of the knife passed, a piece of golden blood was sprinkled in the sky.

I saw a deep wound on the side of the giant dragon's cheek, and even the skull was cut open.

Yinyi itself has extraordinary strength, and his Blood Moon Demon Sword is even more of a demon and evil spirit, so even this giant dragon can hardly resist under a single sword.

This knife almost split the giant dragon's head in half.

The dragon suffered such a severe damage, and suddenly fell weakly from the sky back to the surface of the lake.

Its huge body floated in the lake, and the golden blood slowly spread on the lake, surging with the waves.

"Damn wicked animal!"

Yin Yi could not help but cursed:

"It almost broke my big event of killing Zhang Yi!"

Immediately, Yin Yin turned the Blood Moon Demon Sword violently, and was about to turn around and cut it towards Zhang Yi.

However, after the giant dragon's desperate battle, the blood moon demon blade twist disappeared from Zhang Yi's sight in an instant, making Zhang Yi completely awake from the state of absent-mindedness just now.

Zhang Yi's eyes were cold and he said lightly:

"Thanks to the Netherworld Sect, I discovered another weakness of mine today!"

Speaking of this, a cloud seemed to rise under Zhang Yi's feet in an instant, and then his whole person disappeared in an instant.

"Gone?" Yin Yi said in horror, "No! Not so!"

Yin Yi hurriedly searched in the thick fog with the Blood Moon Demon Knife, hoping to find Zhang Yi's figure.

"Zhang Yi! We have studied all your skills and we know that you are a technique called somersault cloud! This technique can make you extremely fast! But return quickly, no matter how fast you are, you can pass faster. The speed of light is not achieved? As far as you can see, whether it can take advantage of my Blood Moon Demon Sword is not necessarily!"

Immediately, the Blood Moon Demon Sword in Yin Yi's hand raised, and the demon blood gleamed towards the thick fog in all directions.

But after a long time, there was no response at all.

In the end, Yin Yi still heard the sound, only to realize that Zhang Yi was already on the surface of Dongting Lake.

At this moment, Zhang Yi stepped on the lake and stood beside the severely wounded dragon.

At the moment of life and death just now, this giant|dragon desperately saved Zhang Yi's life. If it weren't for this giant|dragon, I'm afraid that Zhang Yi would have been killed by the evil thief of the Netherworld Sect just now.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and gently stroked|touched the giant|dragon's wound:

"Old friend...thanks to you just now."

Just now, Zhang Yi had recognized that this giant|dragon was the strange fish he had known by the Dongting Lake when he temporarily lived in Yue City decades ago.

The weak giant|long heard Zhang Yi recognize himself, and couldn't help but let out a faint dragon chant.

Zhang Yi seemed to understand the words of Ju|Long, and he said lightly:

"If there is a chance, how can there be no chance? I promised you that if one day you can become a dragon soaring for nine days, then I will ride on you and browse the beauty of the world. I Zhang Yi speaks, always speaks Must go!"

The giant dragon moved lightly, and it became weaker and weaker under the severe injuries, as if it didn't believe Zhang Yi's words.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, and then took out an object from the spatial artifact.

I saw this thing dripping with verdure, exuding a soft green, but it was filled with the breath of infinite vitality.

This thing is exactly the small piece of Taiyin Xuan Liu that Zhang Yi used to treat the Star Devouring Devil Vine.

Zhang Yishou suddenly grasped the remaining Taiyin Profound Willow and crushed it into powder.

Then Zhang changed his hand and sprinkled the green powder on the wound on the giant dragon's head:

"This thing is a healing medicine! And my Zhang Yi's medical skills, I dare not say that the universe is number one, but it can be regarded as the highest point. I can save you back!"

After that, Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and tapped a few times on the giant|dragon's body, and a few qi was injected into the giant|dragon's body.

Without stopping his hands, he took out some pill from the space magic weapon and stuffed it into the mouth of the giant|long to let the giant|long take it down.

Although the giant dragon was seriously injured and was on the verge of dying, Zhang Yi's medical skills were extraordinary and there were healing medicines such as the Taiyin Xuan Liu. It was not difficult to pull the giant dragon back from the death line.

After Zhang Yi performed his medical skills on the giant dragon, he had stabilized the giant dragon’s injury.

Under the influence of the Great Yin Xuan Liu, the huge wound on the giant dragon's cheek even showed signs of healing.

No one noticed that Zhang Yi just planted a secret formation on the giant|dragon when he stroked and healed the giant|dragon, and also told the giant|long some secret sound transmission...

Finally, Zhang Yi lightly patted the head of the giant dragon, and said:

"Wait for me here now, I will kill the person who chopped you, and then come back and continue to reminisce with you."

After speaking, Zhang Yi got up and flew up to the clouds in the sky.

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