At that time, Zhang Yi temporarily lived in Yue City and once lived in a small inn by the Dongting Lake.

At that time, Zhang Yi once met a fisherman who had picked up a strange fish with a big slap.

The fishermen thought it was rare and wanted to sell this strange fish for a good price.

This incident happened to be encountered by Zhang Yi, and when Zhang Yi looked at it, he knew that this strange fish might have just awakened the bloodline of the ancient divine beast Chiki.

The strange fish has just awakened and is still weak, but it is unintentionally salvaged by fishermen. If it is unlucky, it may be sent to a chopping board and fall into human abdomen.

Zhang Yinian had rare blood in the strange fish's Chinose kiss, so he spent a lot of money to buy the strange fish from the fishermen and release it in Dongting Lake.

Who would have thought that this strange fish is quite spiritual.

After that, every time Zhang Yi came to the lake to go fishing, the strange fish would send some fish that he killed to Zhang Yi.

For this reason, Zhang Yibian was also familiar with this strange fish, and also introduced the acquaintance between An Qi and the strange fish.

Time hurriedly passed, the strange fish of the year had grown into a huge half-dragon, and it would surely be able to completely transform the dragon if it took time to practice.

And the Angel of the year had already passed away two years ago because of the exhaustion of her life.

Guaiyu thinks of love and grace, just like Zhang Yi, Guaiyu thinks of An Qi's friendship, so these years have been guarding An Qi's descendants.

But when Zhang Yi came to Dongting Lake today, the strange fish felt Zhang Yi's breath, and immediately rushed over to recognize Zhang Yi.

In the end, it happened to see that Zhang Yi was in danger, so Guaiyu fought hard and went straight to the Yin Yin of an opponent who was stronger than himself. Even if he is fighting for his own life, Zhang Yi will be saved.

The strange fish, or the giant dragons nowadays, are so aware of their graces, and Zhang Yi will not let it be a slap in the face of Zhang Yi.

Immediately, Zhang Yi's momentum was like a rainbow, and he quickly flew high in the sky to face the gloom.

Amidst the large black air emanating from the shadows, he can be seen holding a blood moon demon knife in a hideous manner, and looking at Zhang Yi gloomily with scarlet eyes:

"Zhang Yi, as long as my Blood Moon Demon Sword is in hand, you are not my opponent at all! This Blood Moon Demon Sword may not be a magic weapon for others, but for you, it is absolute restraint! Because it is A weapon designed to kill you specifically for your weaknesses!"

Having said that, Yin Yi once again raised the Blood Moon Demon Sword in his hand.

Yaoyi was an offensive from the Soul, and once again spread towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Although your words are correct, haven't you heard of it? Others' weaknesses can often only be attacked once. If you miss a hit and try a second time, you will be dead!"

Having said this, Zhang Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed it towards himself.

Without touching his finger to one place on his body, he could close the function of that place.

Seal the eyes!

Seal your ears!

Seal the nose!

Seal the tongue!

Seal yourself!

Feng Yi!

The six identifications have been sealed, and Zhang Yi continued to seal the five senses.


Shut down!

Seal the color!

Feng Wei!

Seal the touch!

In the end, Zhang Yi's five senses and six senses were closed, and his whole body was floating in the air quietly, like a stone.

After a person's five senses and six senses are blocked, the whole person will enter a state similar to death.

People in this state will naturally no longer be confused and tempted by the outside world.

Seeing all this, Yin Yi couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Amazing! I can actually think of blocking the five senses and six senses to avoid the power of my Blood Moon Demon Sword! Yes, in your current state, you really will no longer be affected by the Blood Moon Demon Sword. But at this time, you are no different from a piece of wood. , How do you fight me like this?"

Yin Yi sneered, then violently chopped down towards Zhang Yi with a knife.

Zhang Yi, who has blocked his five senses and six senses, will be unaware of everything in the outside world.

Even if someone wanted to kill him, even if someone stabbed a knife into his body, he would not react, just like a wooden man.

Yin Yi saw all of this, so he confidently took the knife and slashed towards Zhang Yi fiercely.

In an instant, Yin Yun had already slashed in front of Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi was about to be killed!

However, at this moment, an abnormal change suddenly appeared!

I saw Zhang Yi's originally closed eyes suddenly opened at this moment!

Zhang Yi's eyes were completely indifferent at this time. There was no human emotion in it, and it was more like a fierce beast.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi opened his mouth, and what came out of his mouth turned out to be a dragon chant!

"Ren... Jian... Drink... Take!"

Just listen to Zhang Yi's mouth at this time, unexpectedly shouting some weird words.

This kind of remark is like a child who is learning to speak from an adult, and it is very vague and weird.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that what it says is... the unity of man and sword!

At the same time, Zhang Yi instantly merged with the flying sword of his life, forming a huge sword light and slashed towards the shadow.

This sword light penetrates the sky and the earth, upwards as if piercing the sky, and downwards, it has penetrated into the earth. It is unparalleled.

With the sword aura, the roaring black wind suddenly subsided, as if surrendering under such a terrifying sword aura.

Sword Qi is 30,000 miles across, and a sword shines on 19 continents! !

Between the sky and the earth, there is only this sword energy that penetrates the sky and the earth, dazzling like the sun.


Such a sudden scene made Yin Yin couldn't help but scream.

At this moment, Yin Yi was close to Zhang Yi, and couldn't avoid this high-speed and violent sword energy.

All he could do was to sacrifice the Blood Moon Demon Sword desperately, trying to use the special attributes of the Blood Moon Demon Sword to bring Zhang Yi under control again.

"What? Not valid!"

Yin Yi quickly discovered something that made him fearful, and the Blood Moon Demon Sword had no effect on Zhang Yi!

It seemed that at this moment, the Blood Moon Demon Blade could not find the flaw of Zhang Yi's Soul, or that the flaw of Zhang Yi's Soul had disappeared, as if it had been replaced by a Soul.

at this time-

In the dazzling sword light, this mist shrouded the world and brightened it.

The sword's momentum is like a shooting star, and it is fleeting!

When the sword light in the sky dissipated, everything seemed to have settled.

I saw Zhang Yi's figure unexpectedly appearing behind the shadows.

At this moment, the two people who had fought face to face and killed each other were frozen in the air, back to back.

"how come…"

Yin Yi gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"You have obviously closed the five senses and six senses, and you are no different from a vegetative, how can you still wake up at this time? And even after you wake up, my Blood Moon Demon Sword is actually ineffective against you?"

Yin Yi couldn't figure it out at all. He was always paying attention to Zhang Yi's condition and determined that Zhang Yi hadn't awakened from the closed five senses and six senses. However, what was strange was that Zhang Yi was awake unreasonably.

He had come to Zhang Yi completely, and he was about to behead Zhang Yi.

Who could have thought that Zhang Yi turned into a sword aura, making Yin Yin too late to effectively resist and dodge the sword aura at close range, and face the power of the sword aura completely.


There was a crisp sound.

It turned out that the blade of the Blood Moon Demon Sword in Yin Yi's hand suddenly collapsed and a small piece was missing, forming an ugly crack.

Immediately afterwards, a large cobweb-like crack suddenly stretched out from the collapse, which firmly enveloped the entire Blood Moon Demon Sword.

With the appearance of the cracks, I saw the blade of the entire Blood Moon Demon Sword, suddenly turning into countless fragments at this moment, one after another, falling onto the lake surface below.

Blood Moon Demon Blade, destroy it! !

This weapon was specially made for Zhang Yi, and its rank was not high enough, and it was far inferior to Zhang Yi's natal flying sword that had faintly surpassed the tribulation realm.

After adding Zhang Yiren's sword just now, his power is even more fierce.

Therefore, the Blood Moon Demon Blade couldn't bear it, and it was normal for it to break suddenly.

This weapon was originally used to attack Zhang Yi's divine soul flaws, allowing Zhang Yi to be killed without the strength to fight back.

Once Zhang Yi faced the battle with a sound state, then this Blood Moon Demon Sword could not withstand a single blow.

Yin Yi looked at the blood moon demon knife that had been smashed into pieces in his hand in horror, with a face full of disbelief:

"How can this be? Why can you fight with me when you have closed your five senses and six senses?"

This is the most unintelligible content of the Yin Yi.

However, Zhang Yi turned his head and opened his mouth, but instead of a human voice, it turned out to be a dragon.

Especially at this time, Zhang Yi's movements looked very weird and distorted, as if a dragon was maintaining a human form.

He stretched out his hand very uncomfortably, one by one he lifted the five senses and six senses in his body.

She stared at all this in a daze, thoughtfully:

"Could it be that…"

After that, Zhang Yi suddenly trembled and his eyes slowly closed.

Afterwards, his eyes suddenly opened again, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

When Zhang Yi spoke again, his mouth was no longer Long Yin but a human voice:

"Didn’t you say that you have been studying the Netherworld Sect for decades and I have thoroughly studied all my combat skills? Then I will cast a spell that I have never used in this life, and you have never seen it before—movement. Spiritualism!"

The so-called soul transfer is the transfer and exchange of souls in two bodies.

When Zhang Yi was healing the giant|dragon just now, he secretly placed a magic circle on the giant|dragon's body for soul-shifting, and the voice transmission and the giant|dragon said this, and also taught the giant|dragon in humans. The knack of using the human sword to unite in the physical situation.

So when everything was ready, Zhang Yi returned to the sky to fight the gloom.

He closed his five senses and six senses, making his soul unable to perceive anything outside, thus avoiding the attack of the Blood Moon Demon Sword.

Subsequently, at the moment when Zhang Yi completely closed the five senses and six senses, he used the last trace of consciousness to activate the soul-shifting technique, causing the giant|long and Zhang Yi's bodies to exchange.

After Zhang Yi’s body had the soul of a giant dragon, he was naturally not affected by the spells used to block the five senses and six senses of Zhang Yi, so according to Zhang Yi’s words, he used the human sword to assault the Yin Yin, and finally successfully destroyed the Yin Yin hand. Blood Moon Demon Blade.

Yin Yi could not help but exclaimed when he heard this:

"Soul transfer...for those of you who have souls, how dare you use it at will! It's so bold!"

Zhang Yi knows what Yin Yi means.

For creatures with souls, leaving the body itself is a matter of great risk, not to mention the extremely dangerous act of soul exchange.

There will be some serious consequences for the exchange of souls.

First of all, the exchange of souls requires no psychological rejection on both sides to proceed. Once one party has repelled, or will not change back after the change, it will cause the result of the soul transfer technique to become irreversible.

Secondly, because the soul after the replacement is not the original body of the body, nor does it grow with the body, this kind of soul transfer will cause severe rejection and lead to a variety of sequelae.

The most obvious sequelae is that it will damage the soul and cause amnesia.

In the world of comprehension, there were some evil monks who used an evil method similar to soul-moving called "Shoushe".

The so-called "seizing house" is to destroy the opponent's soul, and then use your own soul to enter the opponent's body to occupy the nest and dove to seize the body of the other person.

The evil monks tried to rob other people's young flesh by relying on seizing their homes, so as to realize that they could achieve immortality.

This evil method was once all the rage in the world of comprehension.

However, people quickly discovered that although the seizure of the dormitory can give people a new life in disguise, each seizure of the dormitory will cause the soul to be injured and lose a lot of memory, and this damage is irreversible.

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