Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 898: Legend of the Ancient Gods

With the opening of the entrance to Buzhou Mountain, a burst of air flowed into that entrance at this moment, causing a screaming sound like a ghost crying.

This entrance is invisible to the naked eye, it looks like a sky without any problems.

But this entrance cannot deceive the air, nor can it deceive a practitioner who has reached Zhang Yi's cultivation level.

Zhang Yi just glanced at it and knew that there was already a time-space portal in that piece of time-space.

He took another look at Du Xuanhao's way of opening this space-time entrance, which was not too mysterious. Zhang Yi took a few more glances and understood the principle.

"Elder Du specializes in time and space?"

Zhang Yi asked.

When Du Xuanhao met Zhang Yi for the first time, he was able to open up time and space to talk to Zhang Yi secretly. And now with the formations he has laid down, it can be roughly seen that he has been involved in the vacant house quite deeply.

Du Xuanhao replied after hearing the words:

"I am a genius in this area! When I first studied the mysteries of Mount Tai, it was my greatest credit! The way to calculate the entrance of the mountain and open it was invented by me, and the one created by imitating the time and space channel is used to approach the colorful I also designed the stone formation! Even...Forget it, it doesn’t make sense to say these now. Master Zhang, let’s get on the road."

After finishing speaking, I saw Du Xuanhao slam his head towards the sky where the entrance of time and space existed.

What is strange is that when Du Xuanhao crashed into the air, he disappeared out of thin air!

Zhang Yi knew that he had entered the portal of time and space.

Zhang Yi immediately flew towards the sky without delay.

When he flew to a certain point, the sight of his eyes suddenly changed. He knew that this had passed through the entrance of time and space and entered into another time and space.

"Here is the situation at the foot of Buzhou Mountain?"

Zhang Yi looked around in astonishment. It was the first time he saw such a sight.

I saw time and space at this time, like a fairyland.

Clouds and mists are everywhere here, like clouds or dreams.

Large swaths of clouds gathered under Zhang Yi's feet, like a sea of ​​white clouds.

And in the middle of this cloud, there is a mountain like a huge pillar standing upright, thrusting straight into the clouds.

This huge mountain is naturally not Zhoushan!

But the huge Buzhou Mountain seemed to grow out of the clouds.

In Zhang Yi's world, Buzhou Mountain overlapped with Taishan Jade Emperor Peak, so the foot of Buzhou Mountain and Jade Emperor Peak became indistinguishable from each other, so there is nothing strange about it.

But today's Bu Zhoushan in this world has maintained the most complete state before the overlap.

"Let me take a closer look, what is underneath!"

Immediately Zhang Yi stretched out his hand towards the clouds and mist that filled the foot of Buzhou Mountain. He wanted to see exactly what the foot of Buzhou Mountain was like.

Following Zhang Yi's fan, the powerful mana immediately caused a hurricane to form at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and a large cloud of mist was instantly surging in all directions.

As the clouds were blown away by the hurricane, the situation at the foot of Buzhou Mountain finally emerged.

I saw that what appeared at the foot of Buzhou Mountain turned out to be a large piece of ice.

This piece of ice is spreading endlessly towards the distance of this time and space, like an ice lake or sea of ​​ice!

However, Zhang Yi discovered that there seemed to be something in the depths of this icy land.

He looked closely and saw some distorted, weird and huge figures!

These figures were so deep in the ice that Zhang Yi couldn't see their specific appearance at all.

But one of them is the largest, even bigger than a mountain!

If Mount Everest is in front of this figure, I am afraid it can only reach the waist of this figure.

And the upper body of this voice resembles a human form, while his lower body is as long and hovering as a snake, twisted and strangely terrifying.

Such a huge figure is frozen by ice, but it is also proudly in the middle of countless hideous figures like a king.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly as he looked at this huge figure. He did not expect that there would be a piece of ice at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and he did not expect that there were countless monsters in the ice.

At this time, Du Xuanhao flew to Zhang Yi's side.

Zhang Yi asked:

"what are they?"

Du Xuanhao answered:

"I don't know, but I have a guess?"

Zhang Yi looked at Du Xuanhao, waiting for his answer.

Du Xuanhao shrugged and said:

"I also guessed randomly. After all, didn't the ancient myths say that Gonggong and Zhu Rong fought and died after being defeated? So I guessed that this might be the ancient God Gonggong and its tribe."

Hearing this speculation, Zhang Yi couldn't refute it.

After all, this myth is familiar and everyone knows. Using this myth to speculate about the frozen monster here is not difficult to understand.

So if the icy ground under the ice is really the work of ancient gods, then when Zhang Yi explored Mount Tai, were these the monsters he encountered?

"Let me verify it!"

Immediately, Zhang Yi raised his fist and aimed it at the ice ground beneath his feet.

Zhang Yi's actions immediately shocked Du Xuanhao:

"What are you doing? You are crazy! If you break the ice and release the monsters inside, aren't we in danger? No one in Wuwangjie dared to be as crazy as you at the beginning!"

However, Zhang Yi said lightly:

"If the ice can be broken so easily, then the monster inside has ran out early. If the ice monster is really broken and ran out, then it means that the monster is not strong."

After speaking, Zhang Yi already blasted his fist towards the ice land.


A huge loud noise shook the entire space.

After Zhang Yi punched, the icy land was unscathed!

Zhang Yi could see all of this clearly. When his fist struck the surface of the ice, a dense layer of twisted text suddenly appeared on the surface of the earth. It was a mysterious seal script that appeared in the secret realm of Yaochi. !

And the source of this piece of talisman seal is that peerless array!

The Peerless Array not only covers the entire time and space of Buzhou Mountain, but also covers this icy land!

Therefore, when Zhang Yi's punch hit the ground, his power was shared by the entire peerless array, which made Zhang Yi's punch even the ice without breaking.

"So it's about the same as I guessed."

After the punch, Zhang Yi did not continue to do it.

He didn't intend to destroy this Peerless Great Array, because he had already determined that once the Peerless Great Array was damaged, the frozen things in the ice would really escape.

Du Xuanhao saw that nothing happened after Zhang Yi's punch, so he couldn't help but feel relieved:

"I said Master Zhang, next time you want to do something out of the ordinary, can you discuss it with me before doing it? You will scare me out of a heart attack like this! Okay, let's get in now! Bronze City! Otherwise, Ling Tianyi and the others will come soon, and they will be in trouble!"

Zhang Yi didn't say anything, so he flew towards the sky with Du Xuanhao.

The two quickly passed through the first layer of clouds, and the second layer of clouds appeared higher.

This is the same as the world they are in. There are a total of nine layers of clouds. After crossing the eight layers, you can reach the top of Buzhou Mountain and see the colorful stones in the ninth layer of clouds.

Zhang Yi and Du Xuanhao soon arrived in the Bronze City, and they walked towards the altar in the middle of the city.

The Bronze City here is the same as Zhang Yi's world, silent and desolate.

It's just that Zhang Yi wanted to see if the bronze dials here were the same as those in the other world.

The two of them went all the way, and soon came to the altar in the middle of the Bronze City. They came to the small altar at the center of the altar, and finally saw the bronze dial here.

I saw that in the groove of the small altar, there was indeed a bronze sundial exactly the same as that in Zhang Yi's space artifact.

Du Xuanhao said to Zhang Yi:

"After a while we use this copper dial to open the passage to the colorful stone, we will take this copper dial away! In this case, Ling Tianyi and the others will lose the copper dial and if they have that teleportation formation, they will be trapped. Here! Even if they search the world’s spirit stones and reorganize the teleportation platform, but without the guidance of the bronze dial, they will only have a one-ninth probability of returning to our world! The greater probability is that they will be exiled. To other parallel worlds!"

According to Du Xuanhao's explanation, there are nine parallel worlds. If there is no copper dial guide, once entering the colorful stone, it will be easily teleported to other parallel time and space.

In other parallel time and space, the timeline is completely different from Zhang Yi's world and this world. When they enter other worlds, they may encounter more troubles.

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help asking:

"Then why, when I entered the colorful stone with Ling Tianyi and others, we were not lost, but all entered this parallel universe?"

Du Xuanhao answered:

"That's because when the bronze sundial was still there, Ling Tianyi had already set the destination for the next crossing, which is this parallel universe, so you will only be crossed here when you crossed it. This parallel universe is what we didn't have at the beginning Wujie carefully selected it, because the timeline here is later than our world, so the people here are weaker than ours, so Ling Tianyi and the others can easily kill themselves in this world. And in some parallel universes Among them, the timeline is already earlier than our world, and we in that world have already cultivated very powerfully! If Ling Tianyi and the others enter that parallel world, they still don’t know who killed whom!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi had the urge to go to a parallel world in another timeline earlier to take a look, because then he might be able to see himself in the future.

However, Zhang Yi gave up on this idea.

Because he has lived a lifetime, he has a rough idea of ​​his future.

Moreover, the guy who was possessed by the Netherworld Sect on the White Bone of the Demon King had also revealed that Zhang Yi in various parallel worlds was mostly unremarkable, and only a few were special.

Therefore, Zhang Yi did not need to waste the world to see another parallel world. What's more, after experiencing this parallel world, Zhang Yi no longer intends to be a superfluous person in another parallel world.

So Zhang Yi asked:

"How do you plan to activate this bronze dial?"

Now this bronze dial quietly exists in the groove on the altar, and there is no response.

But Zhang Yi knew that he needed to pay some sacrifices if he wanted to use this bronze dial.

Du Xuanhao said confidently:

"Don't worry, I was prepared."

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