Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 899: Who is lying

Du Xuanhao didn't intend to tell Zhang Yi for many things, so he had to prepare for some things himself.

I saw Du Xuanhao take out something from the space magic weapon, it was like a black flag.

Zhang Yi said coldly when he saw it:

"The soul-calling banner, people who don't know think our Elder Du is a soul-cultivator!"

Du Xuanhao said embarrassingly:

"If you want to be able to use the bronze sundial, you really have to use the soul to make sacrifices!"

The soul-calling banner is a magic weapon specially used to collect the living soul.

Such artifacts are often used by the soul cultivator to store the soul for the convenience of daily practice.

But this kind of practice method is generally not done by righteous people. Wuwangjie claims to be upright, but the second elders use Horcruxes such as soul-seeking banners, which is naturally tantamount to hitting himself in the face.

That's why Du Xuanhao seemed so embarrassed.

But embarrassment belongs to embarrassment, but the sacrifice is still going on.

I saw Du Xuanhao raise the soul-calling banner, and countless souls suddenly appeared in it.

One by one, translucent figures hovered and flew around the spirit-recruiting banner. Each of these souls died in a miserable state. At this time, they all stared at Du Xuanhao, showing resentment. The power of the spirit banner cannot leave a certain range.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yi frowned slightly:

"It turns out that in order to collect the souls, Elder Du also killed these living people with his own hands!"

Du Xuanhao defended himself:

"This is also a helpless move. After all, I am short of time and have no time to slowly collect spirits. Moreover, these people are all villains that should be killed, so please don't care about these details!"

At this time, the vision reappeared.

I saw that the bronze sundial trembled slightly|shaking, followed by a suction force from the body of the bronze sundial.

With this force of suction, the souls floating near the hoisting flag seemed to be drawn by some kind, and they started to drift towards the bronze sundial.

One by one, in the mysterious traction, all the souls were submerged in the copper dial, and were swallowed by the copper dial.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the spirit of the bronze sundial sounded:

"Sacrifice to me, you can get my one-time use right!"

Du Xuanhao was about to press his hands on the bronze dial, as if communicating with the bronze dial.

Immediately afterwards, a staircase created by the twisting and bending of time and space suddenly appeared in front of the altar, extending from the altar to the colorful stone in the sky.

This ladder has been opened, and the turbulence of time and space can no longer affect the two of them.

"It's done!" Du Xuanhao said happily, "Next, we only need to take away this bronze sundial!"

Zhang Yi asked:

"How to take the bronze sundial?"

Zhang Yi didn't think that this copper dial was so simple to hug it from the groove.

Du Xuanhao said:

"I have my own way."

With that, Du Xuanhao took out a small glass bottle from his arms, and there was a drop of blood in the glass bottle.

Zhang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw this drop of blood.

This drop of blood is full of infinite life ability, as if it can make a life infinitely regenerate at any time and obtain eternal life.

Zhang Yi is no stranger to this kind of blood. He had previously extracted this kind of blood from the longevity liquid of the longevity gate and the body of the vampire emperor.

"Unexpectedly, Elder Du actually still has the blood of the ancient gods."

Zhang Yi said lightly, it seems that the blood of the ancient **** is the key to taking away the bronze sundial.

Du Xuanhao was also surprised:

"I didn't even expect that Sect Master Zhang was really knowledgeable and even knew the blood of the ancient gods!"

As Du Xuanhao spoke, he dripped the ancient god's blood on the bronze sundial.

As the ancient god's blood dropped onto the copper dial, a magical reaction occurred quickly, and the drop of ancient god's blood spread quickly, covering the entire copper dial in an instant.

And the spirit of the bronze sundial suddenly screamed at this moment:

"This is... the blood of the gods! Damn! You humble mortals! Use the blood of the gods to suppress me! The sin deserves all death! Your sins deserve all the death!"

With the exclamation of the bronze conch spirit, the bronze conch began to trembl|tremble, and then slowly floated from the groove, floating in the air.

At this time, the copper dial was blood-red, as if it had been painted with a layer of red paint.

And now the bronze sundial, it seems that it can already be taken off and taken away.

Seeing Du Xuanhao stretched out his hand, he was about to grab the bronze sundial floating in the air.

However, at this time, something abnormal happened suddenly!

The space where Zhang Yi and Du Xuanhao were located seemed to tremble suddenly at this moment, and a huge mana immediately swept toward them fiercely.

Du Xuanhao, who was about to grab the bronze sundial, was shocked and hurriedly retracted his hand to resist.

His hands changed the technique in mid-air, and at the same time a silver disc was sacrificed and blocked in front of him.


I saw a straight streamer hit the disk fiercely, and the silver disk suddenly shattered in an instant.

As the disc was shattered, the trend of the vast stream of light continued unabated, and it still slammed towards Du Xuanhao, as if he wanted to kill Du Xuanhao in one fell swoop!

The power of this fierce streamer is too strong, and it has completely exceeded Du Xuanhao's two levels.

At this time when there is no room for hair, Zhang Yi finally made a move!

I saw Zhang Yi grabbed Du Xuanhao behind him, followed him with a punch and blasted towards the streamer.


The huge collision suddenly caused the entire space to be distorted at this moment.

The strong shock wave spread to the surroundings. The bronze buildings around the altar were flattened like pieces of paper at this moment, and the bronze sundial that was suspended in the air was also impacted and flew out into the distance, smashing into the bronze city. In one of the corners.

Zhang Yi's punch finally blasted the streamer away, saving Du Xuanhao's life.

At this time, a voice came:

"Wang Quan, the man who has long wanted to teach Zhang Sect Master, tried it today and it really deserves his reputation!"

Accompanied by this voice, I saw a few figures slowly walking towards this side.

These people are not others, they are Ling Tianyi, Yao Shenghao and Dongfang Yichen. And it was not someone else who made the sound, it was Ling Tianyi who was the leader.

Du Xuanhao, who was behind Zhang Yi, saw Ling Tianyi, and his face changed drastically as if a mouse saw a cat.

And Ling Tianyi walked with everyone, while staring at Du Xuanhao coldly and said:

"I have been guessing before, who betrayed me! I didn't expect it to be you! Second, elder, elder!"

Ling Tianyi said the last three words almost every word. When he said these three words, his tone was full of murderous intent, as if he was eager to peel Du Xuanhao into a cramp.

Du Xuanhao's expression changed, and he said:

"Ling Tianyi! You are going to bring Wuwangjie into a place where no one can recover! As the second elder of Wuwangjie, I naturally want to stop you!"

Ling Tianyi couldn't help but laughed:

"It's really high-sounding! If you really are thinking about the unwholesome world and not for your own selfishness, then why did you take away the bronze sundial just now? Don't you know what impact it will bring if you take away the bronze sundial? If it weren’t for me to arrive in time, wouldn’t you succeed!"

Ling Tianyi's words seemed to hit Du Xuanhao's sore spot, making Du Xuanhao speechless for a while.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly when he heard this.

It seems that Du Xuanhao has something to hide from Zhang Yi about the copper sundial!

At this time, Dongfang Yichen who followed Ling Tianyi couldn't help but speak.

Dongfang Yichen spoke to Zhang Yi:

"Master Zhang, what the **** is going on? I've said that after I found the Lingjie Master and they called you together, and then we returned to the original world together. Why not only did I not wait for me, but also advanced with Elder Du Came to this Bronze City? When did Elder Du come to this world?"

Faced with Dongfang Yichen's question, Zhang Yi did not answer.

In fact, there are many things that he still doesn't know clearly.

But Ling Tianyi said to Dongfang Yichen for Zhang Yi:

"Because our Master Zhang was deceived by Du Xuanhao! However, Master Zhang was kept in the dark from beginning to end, knowing nothing!"

Hearing this, Dongfang Yichen was surprised, Yao Shenghao sneered.

Zhang Yi's face was calm, but Du Xuanhao's complexion changed drastically.

Just listen to Ling Tianyi continue to say:

"Master Zhang, if I didn't guess wrong, did Du Xuanhao tell you that I, Ling Tianyi, is a bad person, and what I do will harm everyone, telling you not to believe me?"

Zhang Yijing listened quietly, without comment.

Ling Tianyi continued to sneer:

"But in reality, the real careerist is Du Xuanhao! We Wuwujie provided the platform and resources for Du Xuanhao to conduct research on the parallel world. However, when Du Xuanhao got the research results, he immediately forgot his roots. Trying to take the success as your own, and even want to use the results to do evil things! If you let him take away the bronze sundial just now, Zhang Sect Master, then you will truly fall into Du Xuanhao's trap! You can’t return to your original world! So, Master Zhang, you might as well kill the Du Xuanhao who played you with your own hands to get revenge!"

When Zhang Yi heard this, there was still no fluctuation in his expression.

On the contrary, Dongfang Yichen looked dumbfounded, apparently completely unable to understand what was going on.

Yao Shenghao, the president of the Seven Stars Association, seemed to know a little bit, but he was more indifferent.

Du Xuanhao hurriedly retorted:

"Master Zhang! You must not listen to Ling Tianyi's demon words to confuse the crowd! I have no intention of harming you at all! And I can tell you a great secret! That is the current Ling Tianyi, his consciousness may no longer be him. I'm in control! I don't know who or what controls his consciousness now, but Ling Tianyi is definitely no longer the same Ling Tianyi before! I was aware of this, so I started to oppose him and stop him Conspiracy!"

When Zhang Yi heard this, there was finally a wave of fluctuation in his eyes.

He couldn't help thinking that in the sea of ​​knowledge of Yue Zhongzhe, the head of Huashan School, another "Yue Zhongzhe" spirit had once attacked Yue Zhongzhe's spirit. Later, when Zhang Yi withdrew from Yue Zhongzhe's knowledge of the sea, he found that Yue Zhongzhe's situation was not right.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but guess that perhaps Yue Zhongzhe's body was already dominated by another "Yue Zhongzhe" spirit.

Hearing Du Xuanhao's words at this time, Zhang Yi couldn't help but have an idea in this regard.

After all, he had never personally killed the other himself, and he didn't know what kind of weird changes would occur after killing the other himself.

Hearing Du Xuanhao's words, Ling Tianyi still smiled mockingly:

"Elder Du, are you talking about the Arabian Nights? But it’s okay, just let you say a few more words before you die. Master Zhang! Leader of the East! President Yao! Today, Ling Tianyi, the lord of the innocent world, will represent Wuwangjie handles housework and eliminates traitors! This is our internal affairs for Wuwangjie, so please don't intervene!"

After speaking, Ling Tianyi looked at Du Xuanhao coldly, and was about to kill him!

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