Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 936: There is a dead man

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhang Yi was still walking towards the center of the lake with the water dripping.

The lake soon passed his knees, then his waist and abdomen, and then his chest.

Jia Meng couldn't help but be surprised:

"Hey! Master! Are you going to commit suicide? Do you want a life jacket?"

Zhang Yi didn't bother to care about her at all, and continued to walk towards the lake.

The people on the shore couldn't help but stare at each other, wondering what Zhang Yi was going to do.

And Zhang Yi was already submerged in the water very quickly, and his body was already sinking quickly, sinking to the bottom of the lake. Zhang Yi lifted his foot and walked towards the front step by step at the bottom of the lake.

Although Zhang Yi's injuries are still unhealed, the tyranny of the king's body is enough to support him to walk normally underwater.

His destination is the bottom of the lake. He has sensed the remaining part of the Peerless Great Array at the bottom of the lake. His purpose is to go to the remaining part of the Peerless Great Array to investigate.

When Zhang Yi was walking on the bottom of the lake, everyone on the lake couldn't help being surprised.

"Brother Yi! Brother Yi!"

Lin Sijia couldn't help yelling towards the lake, and she didn't understand what Zhang Yi was doing.

On the contrary, Jiameng on the side took out the scuba from the space artifact, and then put on the scuba and walked towards the lake.

Lin Sijia couldn't help but hurriedly asked:

"What are you going to do?"

Jia Meng glared at Lin Sijia and said angrily:

"Of course I'm far away from you people of various sects! Do you think I will go stupidly with you to rob Kanshui lotus, and then be besieged and killed by you? I'm not that stupid! Following you, I might as well look for it Master Zhang Yi play!"

Speaking, Jiameng also plunged into the water suddenly, and began to dive in the scuba, diving towards the bottom of the lake.

In just a few moments, Jia Meng also disappeared on the lake.

At this time, only the disciples of the various sects were left on the bank.

Gu Yajun also opened his eyes at this time and stood up from the ground, staring at the lake.

A disciple from Jingyuelou couldn't help asking:

"Senior Sister, can we go to the center of the lake to get the Kanshui lotus? Now I heard that kid said that the monster is also asleep, we just need to row over!"

Not far away, Wu Bo and Duanmu Yuehua couldn't help but look at Gu Yajun, and they also wanted to know how Gu Yajun would answer.

Gu Yajun glanced at Kanshui Lianhua in the distance, and then looked at the place where Zhang Yi had disappeared. She seemed to hesitate.

After a while, she said to the two Jingyuelou disciples:

"You go quickly to get the Kanshui lotus! I'll go to the bottom of the lake to take a look."

The two disciples couldn't help but said anxiously:

"But Senior Sister, our two strengths..."

Gu Yajun answered:

"If you can get it, you can get it. If you can't get it, you just need to save your life! I will bear all the consequences."

When the two Jingyuelou disciples heard this, they could only shut up.

Gu Yajun has quickly judged the pros and cons.

Although Kanshui Lotus is known as the holy medicine for healing, it is just a dead thing after all. But the person named Zhang Yi has already attracted Gu Yajun's attention.

Gu Yajun can be sure that this Zhang Yi is definitely a rare wizard!

If such a person can be used for his own use, then the benefits that Mr. Gu Ya has obtained are not what the mere Kanshui Lianhua can imagine.

So Gu Yajun immediately cast a diving spell on himself, and then entered the Taiping Lake and dived quickly.

The two Jingyuelou disciples immediately took out an inflatable kayak from the space artifact. After they were inflated, they immediately paddled the kayak and headed towards the lake.

Duanmu Yuehua couldn't help but asked Wu Bo dissatisfiedly:

"Are we going to continue diving with that unknown kid and Gu Yajun?"

Wu Bo looked towards the center of the lake:

"Don't forget, the purpose of our trip is Kanshui Lianhua! Now Gu Yajun went diving and gave up the fight for Kanshui Lianhua. This is our great opportunity! What are we going to do diving for? Of course it is speed to get Kanshui. Lotus!"

The two immediately took out a small boat, and then rowed the small boat towards the center of the lake.

In the end, Lin Sijia was the only one standing on the shore.

She has just started to practice as she is not strong enough and has no diving equipment, so she can't dive as long as Zhang Yi and Gu Yajun. At the same time, with her cultivation base, she also has no ability to **** Kanshui lotus with Wu Bo and Duanmu Yuehua.

At this time, Lin Sijia became the most useless one.

Up to now, she can only stay by the lake alone, waiting for the end of this mission.


The bottom of Taiping Lake.

Zhang Yi stepped forward steadily step by step, stepping on the mud and water plants at the bottom of the lake, and he was already close to the target.

In the dark bottom of the lake in the distance, I saw that there was already some light flickering.

Zhang Yi knew that that was the part of the Peerless Formation that was still in operation.

Immediately Zhang Yi speeded up and quickly approached the bright spot.

As I approached, I saw some faint blue light bands twisting in this corner of the lake bottom.

These bands of light crisscross like a bird's nest and like a cage, covering the nearby dungeon.

But in this cage, there seems to be something in it.

Zhang Yi came to this faintly blue light belt cage and looked at these light belts carefully.

At this time, Zhang Yichao's eyesight was like a microscope, and he could see some subtle information on these light bands.

I saw that above these bands of light, there were countless densely packed mysterious texts flashing above them. These texts were extremely small, and each one was probably only one-thousandth the size of a grain of sand.

"Tianzhuan...This is another thing!"

Heavenly seal script, in the legend, is the text handed down from the immortal world.

Every word in the seal script contains the great principle, and when it is activated, it can produce extraordinary abilities.

These mysterious words often appear in all mysterious places. Zhang Yi had seen it in the palace of the Queen Mother of the West in the secret realm of Yaochi, and had also seen it in the formation of the Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi to seal the banner of Chi You.

But I didn't expect to see it again here now.

Zhang Yi took a close look at these heavenly seal scripts, and then began to study how to crack this formation.

If you talk about the entire complete Peerless Array that year, Zhang Yi's attempt to crack it would probably take a lot of time, experience, and manpower.

After all, the formation that can seal the ancient gods is already a new formation that is completely detached from the human world, and it is already a brand-new knowledge of formations.

But what is left now is only a small part of the peerless array of the year, and it would not be too difficult for Zhang Yi to crack this part.

While Zhang Yi was carefully observing this formation, two figures were swimming and approaching in the lake behind him.

They are not others, but Gu Yajun and Jiameng.

After Gu Yajun followed Zhang Yi here, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"There is such a strange place at the bottom of Taiping Lake? Is this... a formation?"

Jia Meng also exclaimed immediately:


Jia Meng's cultivation is not as strong as Gu Yajun, and she can't speak in the water at all.

Therefore, as soon as her mouth left the scuba to speak, the strong water pressure pushed her mouth into a mouthful of lake water, which scared her hurriedly to put the scuba on again.

Zhang Yi carefully observed the formation for a while, and finally reached out his hand toward these blue light bands.

"Be careful!" Gu Yajun hurriedly called, "It may be dangerous!"

Gu Yajun's hunch tells her that these dark blue crisscrosses are like a light belt of a bird's nest, with very terrifying power, if you touch it at will, it may bring unexpected danger.

However, Zhang Yi turned a deaf ear, his hand still touched a light band.

Zhang Yi didn't act rashly. He had already analyzed this formation before and found a way to enter. And now, he is about to open the door of entry.

Among the countless light bands in this formation, only one can be touched, and this one is also the mechanism that opens the door. If you accidentally touch another light belt, the self-defense mechanism of the formation will activate the attack on the intruder.

And to find an accurate one among these tens of millions of light bands, this requires an ultra-high understanding and knowledge of the formation method, as well as extremely strong logical ability, spatial construction ability, and vision.

Zhang Yi's observation just now has brought this inconspicuous light to judgment.


When Zhang Yi's hand touched this light band, the formation did not open the defense, but a mysterious effect was produced, which made Zhang Yi and the position produced by the light band touch a strange one. a feeling of.

Immediately afterwards, several light bands in front of Zhang Yi quickly condensed together at this moment, and in the end they formed a blue door.

There was a bright blue light inside this blue door, as if leading to a certain place.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yajun hurriedly persuaded:

"Be careful! The origin of this door is unknown, I'm afraid it is dangerous!"

Zhang Yi didn't hesitate, and walked towards the door.

Gu Yajun couldn't help but feel annoyed:

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you listen to good words to persuade you?"

However, how could Zhang Yi listen to Gu Yajun's words, he had already stepped into the blue door, and disappeared.

After Zhang Yi entered the door, he found that the lake here was completely blocked outside the door. What appeared in front of Zhang Yi was a hall made of diamonds on all sides.

The hall is a rectangular parallelepiped, and all six sides are made of masonry.

However, these masonry are not ordinary masonry. They don't look like they are fired from clay, but as if they are made of jade.

And the masonry shimmers constantly, and even some sporadic masonry will automatically stretch out from the wall. Whether it is stretching or flickering, there seems to be a certain special law.

Zhang Yi understood that this was the core of the formation.

At this time, two figures entered in the blue door behind him, it was Gu Yajun and Jiameng.

Gu Yajun and Jiameng didn't expect that there was such a place behind the blue door, and they couldn't help but stare and look around.

Immediately afterwards, Jiameng with sharp eyes suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed towards a corner:

"Look! There is a dead man there!"

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