Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 937: Fengshen Bang

Jiameng's shout immediately attracted everyone's attention.

People immediately looked in the direction Jiameng pointed out, and as expected, beside a stone platform in the center of this room, there was a skeleton that had already turned into a skeleton.

This skeleton is dressed in ancient style clothes. These clothes have not shown the slightest sign of corruption until now, and they are also extraordinary.

It can be seen that this person has been dead for some years, and although he has turned into white bones, there is a faint golden light on the bones.

This skeleton presents the appearance of sitting cross-legged behind a stone platform, as if practicing spiritual practice.

Zhang Yi walked towards the skeleton, but when he was about to approach, he suddenly stopped.

I saw his finger lightly touching the front, and saw a golden light appearing around the skeleton.

Immediately afterwards, these golden lights formed a series of words.

These characters are not Tianzhuan scripts, but Bronze scripts of the pre-Qin period.

Although the inscriptions are ancient, they are not difficult to defeat Zhang Yi.

In the world of comprehension in the previous life, Zhang Yi has studied various ancient scripts, including bronze inscriptions.

Zhang Yi took a close look at these inscriptions, and he roughly understood what was going on.

But at this time, Jia Meng also leaned close to Zhang Yi, staring at the words and wondering:

"I have decided to stay and guard this formation for life! If there is no wrong calculation, I still have a thousand years of life. During this thousand years, I will definitely guarantee that the entire formation will not go wrong, and the ancients that have been sealed here. God will never run out!"

"It has been a thousand years, and my longevity is finally almost exhausted. My mission has been completed, and there has been no problem with this formation for a thousand years! I have done my duty, and the next guardian task should be done by my younger generation. finished!"

"Why hasn't anyone come to take over for me to continue guarding the great formation? What happened? Someone should have taken over for me at this time to continue the mission of sealing the ancient gods! I have been using the elixir for two years, why is it still No one came? Did they forget me? Or did something happen to them?"

"I contacted the colleagues in the other sealed locations through the jade dish. Some colleagues have lost contact, and the remaining colleagues don’t know what happened. They also have no one to take over. But we can’t go out and find out. When we From the day we choose to stay, our spirits and the entire array have been integrated. Once we leave, we will die!"

"I can't hold on anymore, I'm going to die. There are fewer and fewer colleagues who can be contacted, and most of them are dead. In the end, only two colleagues can still be contacted. They are like me. Someone who can wait to take over for me must have something wrong! But I have no life span to figure out what happened. All I can do is do my last duty."

"I have recorded the changes of the ancient gods over the past thousand years on the jade disc. At the same time, I also have all the maintenance and repair records of the seal formation over the past thousand years, as well as various data on the operation. In this way, I will be the next generations. When I find my body here, I can quickly take over my job and continue to guard the Great Formation to seal the ancient gods."

"My descendants, if you see the content I left for you, please be sure to stick to our mission as a gas refiner! At the same time, please be serious. This is by no means a simple job! Through the research of various data in the past years, it has been found that the volatility in the sealed ancient god’s dream is becoming more and more frequent, and the probability of it awakening is also increasing!"

"I don't know what the future will be, but I hope that in the future, the human race can still stand in the forest of the royal family and will not be eliminated and destroyed. By now, all colleagues have been out of contact. I know that I am the only one who is still alive, but I won’t be able to survive today. My younger generations, here is...I beg you!"

Jia Meng had read it here, and finally it was over.

The Gu Ya-jun on the side also leaned forward, but Gu Ya-jun couldn't understand these words at all.

Immediately Gu Yajun couldn't help asking:

"Sister Jiameng, are you reading these words? You know these strange words? What kind of words are they?"

Jia Meng blinked her eyes and replied:

"This is a bronze inscription from the pre-Qin period. We steal the dead from the quiet gate not only the living, but also the dead. Since we are going to steal the tomb, then of course we have to learn these ancient characters. But these words are like the diary before this life. Recorded everything about him, especially the most rare thing is that this person turned out to be the legendary pre-Qin Qi practitioner!"

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help asking:

"Do you know the pre-Qin qimen?"

Jia Meng glared at the equally curious Gu Yajun, and said:

"I just want to tell Zhang Yi, I don't want to tell you disciples of the martial arts!"

Gu Yajun smiled awkwardly:

"Sister Jiameng, now it's such a big place. Even if I want to avoid it, I can't avoid it. My elder sister is very ignorant, and I ask my sister to give me advice and tell her."

Zhang Yi said without caring:

"Jiameng, I want to hear what you know about Qi refiners?"

Jiameng heard Zhang Yi speak, and then smiled at Zhang Yi and explained:

"Master Zhang Yi, let me tell you! We at Ukong Thieves Specializes in stealing people’s belongings, robbing the rich and helping the poor. We steal both the dead and the living. So we have stolen many ancient tombs when we got a lot of money and jewelry. , We also got some precious information from ancient times. Among them, when we stole an ancient tomb from the pre-Qin period, we accidentally got information about the pre-Qin qi practitioners. This attracted the attention of our high-level thief gate, so we started Targeted search for all the information about the Qi refiners in the pre-Qin period, whether in cultural relics or in ancient tombs. As the more information we find, we cannot help but be shocked for the Qi refiners in the pre-Qin Dynasty!"

Zhang Yi was not surprised to hear this. He had heard of the pre-Qin qi practitioner in his previous life, and in this life he had contacted the image information left by the pre-Qin qi practitioner Zuo Jie in the tomb of the ancient temple in the void.

In fact, Zhang Yi once asked the intelligence departments of Fuxingmen and Zhang's family to collect information about ancient gas refiners, and he also had a lot of gains.

This time, Zhang Yi asked Jiameng to tell what she knew, in order to see if the information between Fuxingmen and Youkong Pirates was consistent.

On the contrary, Gu Yajun didn't know anything about this, and she couldn't help but become more curious about Jia Meng's words:

"Ancient Qi refiners, could it be that those..."

Jia Meng was dissatisfied and planned to say:

"Don't interrupt! Listen to me first! After analyzing all the collected information about Qi refiners, we finally came to a conclusion. That is, in ancient times, there really existed a powerful cultivation civilization. .But for some reason, this cultivation civilization quickly declined and declined, so that it completely disappeared in history and became a myth. After exploring an ancient secret realm, we found a very crucial clue...Yes. Master Zhang Yi, have you ever heard of the'Feng Shen Bang'?"

Zhang Yi nodded:

"It is a magic weapon in the legend, it comes from the novel "The Romance of the Gods" written by Xu Zhonglin, a writer in the Ming Dynasty."

Gu Yajun couldn't help nodding when he heard the words.

For their practitioners, they like things related to practice the most, and the novel "The Romance of the Gods" is a must-see. Moreover, "Fengshen Yanyi" has been reproduced many times into a TV series, which can be described as a household name.

Jia Meng suddenly asked:

"What if the'Feng Shen Bang' is real?"

When Zhang Yi and Gu Yajun heard this, they couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Jia Meng continued:

"Although the stories of gods and monsters in "The Romance of the Gods" cannot be taken seriously, they may contain some key information in them! The Xu Zhonglin of this novel is very likely to be an ancient practitioner. He has hidden some of the key information he has investigated in the novel in a special way, so that this information can be circulated for thousands of years without interruption."

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help feeling that if what Jia Meng said was true, then Xu Zhonglin was really a talent!

If someone wants to keep a piece of information, what will he do?

Whether it is hidden in an ancient tomb, in a secret, or in a peerless formation, it cannot be insured, and it may even be destroyed by nature and time, or it may be forgotten by people. Become a secret buried underground forever.

But if the information is hidden in a novel, and this novel has reached the point where it has become a classic, then this novel can be passed on forever, so that this information can be preserved for a long time and years. .

Such an approach is undoubtedly a genius-like creativity.

Just listen to Jia Meng continue to say:

"We have collected various versions of "The Romance of the Gods" in Youkong Thieves, and then deciphered them in combination with our discoveries in the secret realm. In this way, we deciphered some information about the ancient gas refiners. In ancient times, it was indeed There are a group of first practitioners who have fought to protect the human race! And we also have speculation that the magic weapon in "The Romance of the Gods" is likely to be real, but it is not the purpose of the novel. It is used to deal with the existence that is the most threatening to the human race, and is very powerful, ancient, and wise, and is called an ancient god!"

When Gu Yajun heard this, he didn't know whether he should believe it or not.

After all, such words are too weird.

Immediately Gu Yajun couldn't help but point to the skeleton:

"Could it be that he is the ancient Qi refiner, and the formation in the Taiping Lake is the masterpiece of the ancient Qi refiner? And the ancient god... God! Is all this true or false?"

At this moment, Gu Yajun only felt that his thoughts had been affected.

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