Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1421: I never regret doing things

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"Brother Zhao!" Not far away at this time someone was beckoning to him excitedly, it was Shen Tu Yingjie who had met not long ago.

At this time, there were still a few people around Shen Tu Yingjie, among them the young man named Xu who was put away by Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande didn't care, walked to Shen Tu Yingjie's side and nodded to him.

"Brother Zhao, let me introduce you. This is my sister Shen Tu Binger." Shen Tu Yingjie saw Zhao Yuande approaching and immediately introduced Zhao Yuande to the people around him. He was referring to a slightly shy person. The girl, but when she saw that the girl seemed a little indifferent, she couldn't help but glared at the other party, "Bing'er didn't hurry!"

"Have seen Brother Zhao!" Shen Tu Binger saw his brother's eyes, and his heart was very strange.

My brother sees this guy as if he has changed himself, and he feels so excited. Who is this brother Zhao?

Zhao Yuande nodded at him, looked up and down, and said with a smile: "Well! It looks really similar to Shen Tuxue!"

"Do you know Sister Xue?" Shen Tu Binger heard Zhao Yuande mention Shen Tuxue and suddenly came to spirit.

"Don't ask Binger first!" Shen Tu Yingjie winked at Shen Tu Binger and continued to point at another humane around her, "This is my cousin Shen Tu hero."

"Have seen Brother Zhao!" Although the hero of Shen Tu had not heard of Zhao Yuande's merger before, he knew that Shen Tu Yingjie, although young, was not an untargeted person. It was enough to introduce them so seriously that this person was very received. Shen Tu Yingjie's attention.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"This is my cousin, Shen Tu Rulan!" Shen Tu Yinghao introduced to a woman with a calm face behind her.

"Oh! I know you, Shen Tu Rumeng's sister! Brother Sun's... hehe!" Zhao Yuande originally wanted to say little sister-in-law, but he didn't say anything when it came to his mouth.

"Brother Zhao!" Shen Tu Rulan heard Zhao Yuande's words, and suddenly fell back slightly, her attitude was very respectful, which made the rest of the Shen Tu family feel a burst of incredible!

You should know that Shen Turulan's eyes are always higher than the top. Ordinary people will not see them in her eyes. She did not expect to see Zhao Yuande so respectful today.

Shen Tu Yingjie couldn't help whispering, did she already know Zhao Yuande's true identity?

She has heard a lot about Zhao Yuande, because she is very concerned about the matter between her sister and Sun Yang, and she naturally noticed Zhao Yuande when she wanted to understand Sun Yang.

She has analyzed from the news that she has learned, since Sun Yang and Zhao Yuande met, it has been a smooth journey, and cultivation is even more rapid!

And it is obvious that Zhao Yuande is the main one among them, and Sun Yang is the second, Sun Yang obeyed his words!

Can the young master of the Tang family be treated like this, can they be ordinary people?

And she also knows that Zhao Yuande left Xuan Jizong because of certain things, and Sun's ancestors immediately included them in Sun's family!

This led her to the conclusion that this person is definitely not simple and definitely worth making friends.

"Hehe! Don’t be so polite, the Sun family and the Shen family will soon marry, and the two of us will soon become an alliance! Everyone will have to move around more and more in the future!" Zhao Yuande doesn’t know why the other party is so respectful of himself, But there was some speculation in my mind.

"Brother Zhao said very much!" Shen Tu Rulan nodded, a quiet smile on his face.

"Oh! This..." Shen Tu Yingjie pointed to the last person, that is, the young man with the surname Xu. "This is Xu Yuan. I am the grandson of the elder of the Shen Tu family who is too old!"

"Know! Know!" Zhao Yuande looked at the other party, just nodding and breaking what the other party had done before.

"Oh! It would be great if you knew me!" Shen Tu Yingjie didn't care either, and this Xu Yuan didn't like it, but after all, the other party was Xu Taishang's person. He still had to give some face.

Xu Yuan looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes somewhat, and he was a little grateful to Zhao Yuande at this moment. The other party didn't tell everyone what he was doing in Haifang City.

Moreover, seeing that the Tu Tujia people attach importance to Zhao Yuande, he also knows that he wants to seek revenge from the other party, which is nothing more, so he can only try to change his mind and throw this hatred away first!

"Brother Zhao, do you think my brother-in-law can win the daytime whistle?" Shen Tu Yingjie asked curiously.

"Natural!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "Brother Sun's talent is not worse than that during the day, and more importantly, he also met me, haha!"


Just at this time, there was a cold and sharp woman's voice.

Zhao Yuande felt a cold eye sweeping around himself!

He turned his head and saw that a woman covered in black yarn was staring at herself coldly.

"Yao Kongzhu, right! If you don't want to die, close your mouth to me!" Zhao Yuande knows why the other party aimed at himself and killed Yao Kongming of the Yao family!

"You killed my brother! I will cut you!" Yao Kongzhu's eyes seemed to breathe fire, and her coldness swept through the center of her dozens of feet.

Swept by the cold, everyone was stunned and rushed to a cold from the soul.


Suddenly there was a thunder in the void, which fell **** Yao Diaozhu's body.


Yao Kongzhu screamed, the white light flashed all over his body and wanted to block the thunder, but it didn't work at all!

Thunderlight seemed to have crossed the boundary of time and space, and fell directly on her, scorching her whole body black.


Yao Kongzhu rolled directly to the ground, his face showing horror.

"The safety zone releases the energy in the body and punishes slightly! The next time it will not be spared!" A vague figure in the void appeared, and the figure was mechanical and lifeless!


Everyone watched Ji Kongzhu lying on the ground in embarrassment and couldn't help but take a breath.

What a terrible rule of punishment, just one blow to the thunder will make the sky proud girl Ji Diabolo rolling around!

"Ah!" Ji Diaozhu was unbelievable at first, then fell into extreme panic, and finally a painful roar!

At this time, he was scorched by Thunder's whole body, and the body's blood and blood were disordered, and his internal organs were even more seriously injured. If she comes back with such a blow, she feels that she will die!

"Haha!" Zhao Yuande, who was not far away, couldn't help laughing out loud, "What a prestige! Do you think this is your Yao family, do you think this is the Central Immortal Palace?"

" will regret it!" Yao Kongzhu was forced to stand up by several Yao family members. He heard Zhao Yuande mocking her and she almost got out of control again. Too.

"I never regret doing things!" Zhao Yuande grinned, showing his white teeth. "We have the ability to go outside the safety zone for a while, and don't make cruel words here without tricks!"

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