Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1422: Demon's Gate

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Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, many people were immediately interested, and their eyes fell on the two of them.

Is this an invitation to fight?

"You are in danger!" Yao Kongzhu gritted her teeth. She is now seriously injured. Not to mention hitting it, even walking is a bit hard.

"I'm here to kill you!" Several figures flew from the sky and landed outside the safe area.

The first one is a young man, looking at Zhao Yuande coldly, his finger gently ticked him.

"Which side are you?" Zhao Yuande looked at several people, who felt very uncomfortable with their chills.

"Your grandfather is a cold family..." One of the teenagers snorted coldly, trying to get back to the scene, but the word "Han family" was immediately pronounced destined for their death.

"Han Family! Good! I didn't go to you, you came to me instead!" Zhao Yuande no longer hesitated and stepped outside the safe area step by step.

"There are five people in the other party, shall we help?" Shen Tu Binger looked at Zhao Yuande's back.

"That's the Han family..." Xu Yuan's face changed slightly when he heard Shen Tu Binger's words.

"Go! Help!" Shen Tu Yingjie shook his heart.

He knows that he missed this opportunity and wants to shoot again, I am afraid there is no chance!

The four members of the Shentu family did not hesitate to follow behind Zhao Yuande and strode toward the outside.

Xu Yuan hesitated again and again, but finally shook his head helplessly and followed.

It doesn't matter whether you go or not, anyway, Han Family and Han Family both fell apart, and in the future, Han Family won't think you are a good person because you didn't shoot at that time.

When Xuan Jizong saw Zhao Yuande walking out of the safe area, no one said anything.

Only Duanmu Feiyun would catch up and help in one step, but Zhao Yuande's voice came from his ear.

"Don't come out, the province has exposed its identity!"

Duanmu Feiyun nodded silently and returned to the back of Xuan Jizong several people.

And there are a few people in the Sun family, Sun Xiaoqi, Sun Miaoyu, Sun Qing'er, all of them also blinked, and they seemed to have many scruples.

Zhao Yuande's speed seemed slow, but he came out of the safe zone in just one step.

"You all have to stay here today!" Zhao Yuande's figure suddenly turned into a Kunpeng with his wings spread. The speed is incredible.

In the last moment, the five members of the Han family looked at Zhao Yuande in the face of frost, and Zhao Yuande already appeared in front of them in the next moment.

Zhao Yuande appeared in front of them without slowing down, and rushed towards the young boy who spoke.

The faces of the five Han families changed greatly, and they sacrificed powerful Xianbao attacks.

However, their speed was too slow. The youngster had no hiding at all. He was directly hit by Kunpeng, who was transformed by Zhao Yuande.


The body of the teenager exploded and turned into a flesh and blood.

"Slave him together!" The Han family watched his brother's flesh and blood with anger.

With swords and swords, Zhao Yuande seems to be an undead **** of war.

He simply did not avoid flashing, letting the attack fall on his body, and his fist was heavily flying a Han family out.

The Han family didn't expect the other party to be so fierce. They didn't defend at all. They just saw the figure in front of them and then punched themselves in the chest.

Half of the person's body exploded, leaving only his chest and flying towards the safe area.

His hopeless eyes suddenly revealed the hope of life!

But just as his head was about to fly into the safe zone, a group of people suddenly flew out of the safe zone to directly block him.

This group of people is exactly five of the Shen Tujia.

"This guy is bad for you, let me go back!" Shen Tu Yingjie kicked him in the head and kicked him directly to Zhao Yuande, "Brother Zhao, give it back to you!"

Zhao Yuande turned his head and grinned at several of Shen Tu Yingjie's hands. He swiped his hand and cut his head directly in half with a sharp finger.

"We are not his opponents. Quickly escape into the safety zone!" It was only a moment that five people had lost two of them. They were finally afraid and rushed towards the safety zone.

"Friends of the Han family, you still stay!" The five members of the Shentu family completely blocked their escape route, making it impossible for them to cross in a short time.

Although it is only a few tens of feet away from the safety zone, the three of the Han family feel that they are thousands of miles apart.

"Shen Tujia's! Do you want to be an enemy of our Han family?"

"Oh! The Han family is far away in the central fairyland, and my Shen Tujia dominates Bai Hezhou. I don't believe that the Han family will tear my face with my Shen Tu family for a few disciples." Shen Tu Yinghao waved his hand carelessly, "not to mention The trial of the Huntian Immortal Kingdom was originally a resource war, a contest between geniuses. If you die, you can only say that you are waste. You have been eliminated. Let's compete with our Shentu family!"

"You..." A young boy of the cold family pointed at Shen Tu Yingjie, and hadn't said the following, he was directly torn into pieces by Zhao Yuande, who had been converted into Kun Peng.

"Ah! I fight with you!" The eyes of the young boy of the Shouhan family were blood red. At this time, there was a small portal in his hand, and he threw it towards the void.

The little portal has not yet been turned into a gate that is thousands of feet high, and the **** mist in the gate is tumbling, and a burst of furious roar comes from it.

"The Demon God's Gate!" Many people in the safety zone suddenly opened their eyes in shock. They did not expect this kind of thing to be on the Han family.

At this time, there was a figure in the crowd covered in black robes. His eyes stared at the gate of the devil, and his endless desires were revealed!

At this time, Zhao Yuande had already killed the remaining Han family. At this time, only the young Han family headed was left on the field.

"Let's go back to the safe area!" Zhao Yuande nodded to the five members of the Shen Tu family.

The five also felt that the breath from the gate made them sweat.

Zhao Yuande's words made them feel as though they were getting away, and hurried into the security zone.

"Haha! Are you still running? Since then I will fulfill you, the ancient Demon God will come out to me!" The young boy of the Han family cut off one of his legs as soon as he gritted his teeth, and he threw the **** leg to his face with grief. The door.

In his mouth at this moment, the mysterious and ancient spell was low, and a strong breath rushed out of the door of the Demon God, and the huge claws protruded out suddenly, holding the cold. The broken leg of a teenager.

The leg shrivelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if all the anger and vitality were absorbed by the big hand at once.

Seeing this scene of you, many people can't help but change their complexion.

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