Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1707: Peerless beauty

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

At this time, Xiao Jin has returned again, and instantly took away the lives of the three!

However, Xiaohei is as obscene as its master, always picking up the weaker cultivator, and also very fond of sneak attacks, but it also killed two of them.

In just an instant, the opposing team shrank again, and now there are only about 10 people left!

"Everyone, if we kill more, we will get more, but we must work hard!" Zhao Yuande smiled happily at the two women as if it were not a Shurachang, but a beautiful scenery with pleasant scenery.

The second daughter naturally walked through the **** sea of ​​corpses, and she would never be soft on the enemy.

Especially Zhou Ming, this woman's swordsmanship is very clever, as if there is a terrible force attached to the sword, each sword hacking out looks like a breeze, but it falls on the other party but is powerful and let the peace Her opponents often suffered a big loss because of contempt.

However, her sword will always leave a few cents. There are only injured people under her sword, and there are no four people.

At this time, Xiao Hei picked up the bargain, and after Zhou Ming, after Zhou Ming hit the enemy hard, it rushed up and killed him without hesitation!

Thanks to the efforts of everyone, these people soon set foot on Huangquan Road. The originally beautiful green grass field was now full of corpses, flesh and blood, and blood flowed into a stream.

"How are you! This is a big fortune!" Zhao Yuande happily counted the seized trophy.

"Uh um! Yes, very good! Should we go again?" Zhou Fei rubbed his hands.

"It's not too much to do this!" Zhou Ming said at this time, "Although they have the heart of robbing, they should not die like this!"

"Hey! Miss Zhou Ming, people are not hurtful, and tigers are harmful. If you say that we are not as good as them, will they still leave our lives after stealing our stuff?" .

"No... no!" Zhou Ming hesitated a little and nodded.

"That's right! They are called killing and killing the mouth. If they don't kill the mouth, they will wait for our next revenge! Of course, if we don't kill these people, if they jump out when we are embarrassed in the future, don't we want to regret death! "Zhao Yuande said.

"I know this is the reason, but..." Zhou Ming seems a little difficult to explain, "but this is somewhat in line with our pure Yangxian Palace's rules...somewhat inconsistent!"

"If you want to live here, you have to give up some rules, some beliefs! Those waiting for you to return to Zongmen, it is not too late to pick them up again!" Zhao Yuande continued tirelessly.

"Brother Zhao said well, I always feel that you are too indecisive! Whether it is our cultivation world or the immortal world that is about to arrive, it is extremely cruel, and you will lose money sooner or later if you go on like this!" Nodded and persuaded.

"Okay! I know, you let me think about it!" Zhou Ming nodded and then fell silent.

"Haha! The battle just now was wonderful, and it opened my eyes!" Just as everyone was silent, a loud voice rang in the void.

A middle-aged man dressed in white and with a somewhat refined temperament slowly came out of the void!

"Senior Qin, why are you here?" Silent Zhou Ming turned his head to look at this middle-aged man, and he couldn't help showing a little shock in his face.

"Oh! Miss Zhou Ming, and this masked girl, if you are willing, I would like to invite two of you to be a guest in my home." The middle-aged man looked at the second woman with a smile on her face, especially to Yu Luo. When Sha, there was an unabashed desire for possession in his eyes.

"Senior, we are about to enter the Tongtian Tower, thank you for your kindness!" Zhou Ming saw each other's eyes, frowning slightly, but still very respectful.

"What about us?" Zhao Yuande came out slowly at this time, looking at the other party.

"You... of course killed! The things in your body even made me a little emotional, how can I miss such a great opportunity!" The middle-aged person glanced at Zhao Yuande and said lightly, "The acquaintances are obedient. Out of all the treasures in your body, I might give you a happy heart, if it is a long word, don’t blame me for being cruel!"

"Miss Zhou Ming, look! I'm right! Do these people have to reason with him?" Zhao Yuande saw the middle-aged man showing his fangs, and he no longer ignored him, but Turned his head to look at Zhou Ming and said seriously, "This is the heart!"

"I know! Thank you Brother Zhao!" Zhou Ming suddenly exhaled a long breath.

She gently pulled out the long sword behind her back, the tip of the sword pointed at the middle-aged man.

"Senior Qin, although the little girl is not talented, but she wants to ask you for advice!"

"Let's go! I'll stop him. I have the treasure given by the master. It should be able to stop him from breathing for a few moments. As long as you fly into the Tongtian Tower with all your strength, it will be safe!" The three people thought of Zhou Ming's voice at the same time. With utter despair.

There was a touch in the hearts of the three people at this time.

"No! Let's not go! Fight together, die together! Lao Tzu is out!" Unexpectedly, Zhou Fei was the first to stand up.

"I won't go! Our sister is affectionate, how can your sister have the heart to let you face this guy alone!" Yu Rosa also gritted her teeth and resolutely stood directly beside Zhou Ming, she suddenly put the veil on her face Withdrew, facing Zhao Yuande and Zhou Fei, "I haven't been seen by other men in my life. Now that I'm dying, it's cheaper for you two bastards!"

"Ah!" Neither Zhou Fei nor Zhao Yuande thought it would be so. They screamed together, especially Zhao Yuande hurriedly covered his eyes.

Oh shit! This time it's a big game. If it survives for a while, Yu Rosa is arguing about marrying herself, what can I do!

At this time, Zhou Fei had no intention of retreating. He stared at Rosa's delicate face, especially his big eyes as if he could speak, especially the slightest glimmer of light in the depths of his eyes. The blue light is like a shining star, and the long eyelashes are fluttering, touching the heart of the person.

"Big Beauty! Peerless Beauty!" The saliva in Zhou Fei's mouth could no longer help to slam down.

But Yu Rosa didn't pay attention to Zhou Fei at this time, but stared at Zhao Yuande, watching him cover his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. Was he going to refuse his last request before he died?

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