Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1708: Maximum gain

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"Haha! Two great peerless beauties, my Qin Palace is really blessed!" The middle-aged man also naturally saw Yu Rosa's appearance. Although he was very amazing for Rosa's appearance, he still put most of his eyes on her. Chest.

The huge weapon was fascinating. Imagine being able to press both hands on it. The heart of the middle-aged man who has been silent for a long time is speeding up again!

"Surrender immediately, I will let you quickly become a fairyland! Otherwise, you will die here today, and you will die very miserably!" The middle-aged man stared at the second daughter, he had already lost his mask and started to be red The threat of fruit.

"Dream! Either kill us, or let us go, there is no third way!" Zhou Ming holding Jiang Jian, this moment his elegant temperament completely disappeared, replaced by a strong killing intention!

"I fight with you!" Yu Rosa didn't get a positive response from Zhao Yuande, and she couldn't help but feel a little desperate. She could no longer control her emotions and rushed towards the other party directly.

"Brother Zhao, hurry up and find a way!" Zhou Fei looked at Yu Luosha's irreversible rush towards the opposite strongman, and couldn't help but look anxiously at Zhao Yuande, "our daughter-in-law will die if you don't shoot!"

"What our daughter-in-law!" Zhao Yuande's face was black.

"Whether you look or not, he took off the veil in front of us, so she can only choose one of the two of us! Now she hasn't chosen yet, who is our daughter-in-law?" Zhou Feili said with confidence.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande was defeated by his fallacies, and he only nodded and pointed to the strong man on the opposite side. "Then let's go together! Let's die together!"

"Come out! I don't want these three hundred pounds anymore!" Zhou Fei was awe-inspiring. He slapped Xiaohe's head, turned his back on him, and directed Xiaohe towards the middle-aged man.

"Hey! It seems that I can't hide even if I want to hide, so let me reveal my cultivation behavior a little bit!" Zhao Yuande sighed softly.

At this time, the three men had already fought with the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was obviously playing with the three. He didn't use the power of fairyland at all!

In this way, he wanted the two girls in front of them to let them see their strength and then succumb to them.

As for Zhou Fei, he didn't even care about it at all. This guy's fighting ability is really different, which is more than one level worse than the two women.

"Old guy, I'm here!" Zhao Yuande also joined the battle group. He still held the second-grade Xianbao long sword in his hand, and each sword had a powerful deterrent.

"Oh! It turned out to be a second-grade immortal treasure! It seems that the biggest gain today is you!" Middle-aged man Qin Gong naturally paid attention to the long sword in Zhao Yuande's hands and said excitedly.

"Old guy, don't be careless, maybe you will overturn the boat in the sound ditch and die in my hands!" Zhao Yuan was weak in German and didn't mean to be afraid of the other party.

"Hehe! It's up to you? Even if I stand here to let you kill, you can't kill me!" The middle-aged man's mouth slightly raised a mocking arc.

"Really? Then do you dare to take me a punch?" Zhao Yuande simply handed the long sword to his left hand and looked at the other party with interest.

"Okay! I'll let your dead heart take it orally without complaints!" The middle-aged man tickled his finger at Zhao Yuande and patted his chest again, "Come! I don't dodge, you rush here!"

"I rely on! Are you irritating me?" Zhao Yuande pretended to be angry, "I am practicing the body of the stars. Now that I have control of the power of the three stars, are you afraid that I will kill you with a punch?"

"Come on! Fight!" The middle-aged man glanced contemptuously at Zhao Yuande, once again confirming the opponent's cultivation behavior, and couldn't help but ridicule.

You, a little mid-cultivator of the Divine Emperor Realm, may not even know how powerful the flesh will be after the immortal Qi quenching body!

And before he was majoring in flesh, plus the immortal Qi quenching body, the flesh now can be comparable to the strong man in the middle of the fairyland, not to mention the boy in front of him, even the strong man at the peak of the Divine Emperor cannot break himself. Defense.

"Since you are looking for death, then I'm welcome!" Zhao Yuande showed an indifferent smile, the three stars on his body lighted up instantly, and a strong breath surging in his body.

"Dead!" Zhao Yuande exploded the power of three stars, hitting the middle-aged man with a punch with all his strength.

"Hey! I'm afraid you'll be the one who breaks the chain in a while!" The middle-aged man smiled indifferently, and really didn't provide any protection.

But just before Zhao Yuande's fist was about to appear, the middle-aged man suddenly felt a strong sense of death overwhelming himself, as if he would lose his life in the next moment.

"Not good!" The middle-aged man's complexion suddenly changed, his body flickered, and he wanted to avoid the attack of this punch.

But this time it is too late to try to dodge!


Zhao Yuande hit the middle-aged man with a punch.

"You..." The middle-aged man just had time to say this word, and he felt as if his body had been hollowed out at once. All his strength disappeared at this moment, and he fell into endless darkness the next moment.

Although this punch does not contain all of his strength, it is as easy to detect a strong man in the early stage of the fairyland as he is completely unguarded!

The body of the middle-aged man flew out at once, flying very high, far away!

And before the body fell, it suddenly burst into pieces!

The power of Zhao Yuande's punch is too great, directly destroying all the tissues in the other party's body, filling his skin pouch with meat sauce. When the vibration of the meat sauce reaches a limit, it explodes in an instant.

Zhou Fei was shocked! Zhou Ming was also stunned! Even Rosa was stunned at this time!

They all looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably. They saw a weak cultivator killing an immortal, which made them unacceptable.

At this time, Yu Rosa finally understood why Zhao Yuande had to cover his eyes, because the other party knew that there wouldn't be any problems today, because the other party's strength could already kill a powerful fairyland!

"What can I do?" Yu Rosa's face suddenly turned red, and she couldn't help but scolded herself that she was too reckless. How could you do such a thing, do you really want to marry that fat man?

Do not! Absolutely not, he is too fat! And lazy and greedy, and...

This Zhao De is a good person, with strong strength, beautiful appearance, and his own persistence, I...

In Rosa's mind, there were many thoughts, and she didn't know what they were thinking about.

" him?" Zhou Fei looked at Zhao Yuande stunned, pointing at the flesh and blood not far away.

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