Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2720: Heavenly Demon Statue

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"This is simple!" Qi Jun thought and nodded for a moment, "Huo Qingyu is indeed not dead, because the jade brand representing her has not been broken, and there is a drop of her blood in the jade brand!"

"What! That's great!" Zhao Yuande heard Qi Jun's words, and his face suddenly showed ecstasy.

"I'll take you to get that token!" Qi Jun heard the urgent situation in the road to heaven, and there was a bit of anxiety in his eyes. "Do you want me to inform Master about this?"

"You can inform Master, but it is not appropriate to get the token first, and finding these two talents is the key!" Zhao Yuande urged.

At this time, Zhao Yuande could not meet the war immortal. With the power of the war immortal, he can definitely see that he is actually the body. Then, he can freely travel between the two realms to be exposed.

He did not dare to ensure that War Immortal knew that he had such a treasure, would he be greedy and robbed.

The key is that this thing is too defying, so defying everyone will be excited!

"Yes! Take you to get the token first!" Qi Jun nodded.

The token came quickly, and Zhao Yuande hurriedly left Qi Jun.

In the teleportation array, continuous shuttle, and finally returned to Xinghezong.

Through the Void Channel, he returned to the ninth floor of the Golden God Star Trial Tower.

"Is there anything happening?" Zhao Yuande returned and opened his eyes to look at Hanyu next to him.

"It's not a big deal, but there have been some news recently. The aliens seem to have shrunk recently, as if a conspiracy is brewing." Han Yu saw Zhao Yuande return and his eyes flickered with joy.

"Oh! It doesn't matter! I have found what I want." Zhao Yuande took out the blood of the white-haired old man who was sealed in the jade bottle and the token with Huo Qingyu's blood.

"This is..." Han Yu looked at the two things and couldn't help but slightly puzzled.

"This sperm blood should be the sperm blood of the father of the formation genius Ye Chen. And in this token is the sperm blood of a woman who was a woman with a horse and a horse of Ye Chenqing." Zhao Yuande explained to Han Yu one by one, and it would happen Told her again.

"What are you saying! There is such a thing." Even Han Yu couldn't help but was a little shocked, but soon he was a little surprised, "It may be the case, as long as we can find these two people, things It will be solved."

"Good!" Zhao Yuande nodded and smiled, "I will go out and feel the breath of these two people. I believe it is not difficult to find them."

"I'll go together too!" Han Yudao said.

"No... I'm going to be safer alone." Zhao Yuande shook his head.

"Okay! You must be careful." Han Yu, she knew Zhao Yuande's temper and thought, but did not insist.

This is where Zhao Yuande appreciates Hanyu most!

It is said that the confidant is hard to find, and Han Yu is Zhao Yuande's confidant.

Zhao Yuande quietly came to the ground through the void channel.

He was shrouded in spirit, and he was in the air for hundreds of millions of miles.

He knew that the two should be in a big city of different races, and the two would definitely not be locked together.

There are now dozens of alien cities on the ground, and he can only look for the past one city after another.

This star is so huge that the distance between the two cities is billions of miles.

That is, Zhao Yuande has the magical domain, and the speed is incredible!

In just a few dozen breaths, he came outside an alien city.

As the intelligence said, the aliens did not know why, but the city gate was closed, and there was no shadow of an alien outside the city.

He quietly probed the soul into the city, and suddenly found that in the middle of the city in a huge square, countless aliens seem to be together, at this time they looked at the huge statue in the center of the square with piety, all on the face Worship fanatic colors.

The statue is a Celestial Clan, and the carving is extremely perfect. Next to this statue are two powerful Celestial Clan strongmen, each of which is a powerful existence of the eighth small step.

"That statue... seems to be a demon!" Zhao Yuande's spirit glanced at the statue and couldn't help feeling strange. The eyes of the demon on the statue seemed to be releasing a terrible black light, so that his spirit would almost fall into it. Can not extricate themselves.

"There are people who dare to peep at my statue!" At this moment, a roaring roar came from the statue, and a sound like a terrifying thunder rushed into Zhao Yuande's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Not good!" Zhao Yuande's face changed quickly, and he quickly withdrew the soul, and his body disappeared into the void in a flash.

At this moment, he felt the powerful spirit of the statue's owner, which has greatly exceeded himself, and may even be the ninth small step.

It is not uncommon for a strong man who has reached the ninth small step in the state, but the strong man who has reached the ninth small step is absolutely rare, and even he has not seen a few.

Except for War Immortal, Zhenyi, Daotian, and Zhou, he has never seen other powerful spirits reach the ninth small step, without great chance, super talent, it is impossible to reach this state. .

Many people are stuck in the half-walk respectable realm, but the most critical reason is that the spirit realm is not enough.

Only after the Soul Cultivator has reached the ninth small step, will he be eligible to enter the Half-Track Zun!

"Give me a search across the city, don't let go of every place! The master has disturbed anyone who is going to die!" A roar spit out from a mouth of a demon next to the statue. anger!

It seems that the strong members of the Sky Sword Clan suddenly exploded in a pan, and they buzzed into the sky. The area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles was instantly enveloped by the angry Sword Clan strong men.

"My God! What the **** happened! Did the Soul of the Demon Clan rise to the ninth small step, and thus began to enslave all the powerful Sword Clan strongmen from the Soul of the God?" Zhao Yuande jumped several times in the void, Hidden in the depths of the void, the game looked incredible at this scene in front of him, and his heart jumped out of his fright.

There are hundreds of millions of Sky Sword Clan strongmen here, and the one with the lowest cultivation level is also the strongest who stepped on the first small step, and some even turned out to be the strong presence of the eighth small step.

If they are discovered by them, I am afraid that what they are waiting for is to be crushed and turned into scumbags!

"Such powerful strength! It seems that the information we obtained before is simply untrue!" Zhao Yuande was unbelievable at this time, "Where did so many Tiandao clan strongmen come from, or where they hid before? ?"

"Fortunately, the entrance to the underground world is not known to the powerful Sky Sword Clan, otherwise the Sky Sword Clan alone in this city will be enough to completely crush it!"

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