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"Well! It's actually hiding here!" Just when Zhao Yuande was thinking wildly, a cold voice came into his ears, and a black shadow didn't know when it appeared not far away from him.

This is a strong demon in black clothes, with a strong breath, and has reached the eighth small step, and his divine soul is magnificent, it is also the eighth small step!

"Escape!" Zhao Yuande saw this powerful Demon Clan, and immediately felt unable to compete with the enemy, and directly manipulated the void gourd to shuttle through the void.

"Oh! There is even a treasure that can travel through the void at will!" That day, a pair of dark eyes of the devil fell on the void gourd in Zhao Yuande's hands, and his eyes showed extremely greedy eyes.

"You can't escape, stop, hand over the treasure, and I will spare you!" That day, Mo Li screamed, and the body shuddered for a while, even following Zhao Yuande's shuttle through the void, and quickly followed.

"When you are my three-year-old child, you will believe the devil's words!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again, and refused to stop at all.

"Since you are obsessed, don't blame me!" The devil sneered that day, and he kept reaching out in the dark, and grabbed the void of Zhao Yuande.

As soon as the inky ghost hand appeared, it immediately enveloped the endless void fault, and the layers of time and space were shattered by the presence of this big hand.

This big hand is not just about how big it is. The terrifying power radiates hundreds of millions of miles, and it includes Zhao Yuande's body stiffly.

"Death!" There was no emotion in the devil's voice that day, and the cold made people feel like hell.

"It's so powerful! I can't resist it at all!" Zhao Yuande felt the horror hand coming down, letting his speed fall again and again.

He even had a sense of confusion that fell into the endless abyss, his body was still falling, and he couldn't control it.

Is he just caught by him like this?

Zhao Yuande felt a sense of urgency that never flowed into his heart. He even felt that he was going to die like this.

Absolutely not to go on like this, Zhao Yuande began to constantly think about countermeasures, the means he controlled and the treasures he had.

Makeup Boxing, War Immortal Tips, Shura Hell, Reincarnation of the Heavens, Spear of Thunder!

Although these supernatural powers are very powerful, they can't effectively deal with this god.

Jian Tianbei has no effect at all in this case.

Void gourd can be used as a last resort, but now the other party's soul is too powerful, and now the void gourd can't exert its desired effect.

All Stars and Stars!

"Senior Xia Yan!"

Zhao Yuande thought of Xia Yan at this time, but this guy was a strong man in front of him, wondering if he could escape with himself.

"Hehe! You finally remembered me!" Xia Yan's voice rang in Zhao Yuande's ear, and he could hear a bit of gloating.

"Senior! Don't ridicule me. Is there any way to hurry up! The cultivation of the demon and the spirit of the gods have all reached the eighth stage, and the fighting power is almost as strong as the ninth small step. I simply It’s not his opponent. If I talk about it, I’m afraid I will be caught by him.” Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Oh! Anyway! Everything is under control." Xia Yandan smiled, "There is a sonic boom among the large array of stars, which is specifically for dealing with the powerful enemies of the soul. As long as you are willing to let go of it, all It is possible to hit the other party!"

"Sonic boom? What needs to be consumed?" Zhao Yuande keenly heard the meaning of Xia Yan's words.

"What needs to be consumed is a set of flags. This set of flags is very difficult to refine, and it takes a lot of time even if the materials are put together!" Xia Yan said.

"In other words, I can only use it once in a while! Even if it is a one-time consumption formation method." Zhao Yuande quickly knew what the other party meant.

"Not bad!" Xia Yandao said, "There is another way for you to escape, but the success rate is not high."

"What way?" Zhao Yuande asked.

This time, if the consumables of the heart can be used, it is best not to use them first.

"Trap the other party in the large array of stars and let Xiaoqing deal with it!" Xia Yandao said, "Xiaoqing has the ability to burn the soul of the gods, which can be regarded as the nemesis of the gods soul cultivator! But..."

"But nothing!" Zhao Yuande asked nervously, "but... if the opponent has a special fairy flame protection body, it may put Xiaoqing in danger. The opponent's strength may be able to hold Xiaoqing in a flash ."

"Use sonic boom array!" Zhao Yuande heard this, shook his head suddenly, and immediately made a decision.

This communication between Zhao Yuande and the other party was time-consuming and labor-intensive, but in fact it used the spirit to communicate, but it was only completed between the electric light and the stone fire.

"Boy, this is your last chance!" That day, the devil's dark hands had caught Zhao Yuande's head, and there was a smug sneer in his eyes.

"Envelop me!" Zhao Yuande's figure flickered at this moment, his body rushed out of a bright galaxy, and enveloped the demon towards that day.

Heavenly Demon only felt the change of the void, and the next moment appeared in a vast starry sky. There were bursts of void blades around his body constantly cutting towards himself.

"Hum! How can this kind of carving insects hurt me, how can a formation form trap me and open me!" Heavenly Demon sneered again and again, and the terrifying power of his body spewed out, sweeping in all directions.


There was a collapse of the voids around, and bursts of breaking sound came from all directions.

"Haha! Let me die!"

Tianmo felt that he had broken through the opponent's formation at once, saw Zhao Yuande's figure not far away, couldn't help laughing, and grabbed Zhao Yuande.

"Hey! You can't escape it!" Demon felt that figure seemed to have lost the ability to run away, was grabbed by himself, and couldn't help but sneered with pride.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and a crisis seemed to come down suddenly.

"It's not good! It's a good idea!" Tian Mo also felt that Zhao Yuande, who was in his hands at this time, didn't even know when it would turn into a **** flag.


It was at this time that a cold and ruthless drink sounded in the ear of the devil.


There was a burst of continuous explosions around the void, as if the entire void collapsed at this moment.

The endless power of the horrible explosion squeezed towards him from all directions, and the eyes of the demon cracked, and his teeth almost shattered directly.

"What a treacherous little thief!" The Sky Demon flashed in shape, constantly shuttled through the force of a violent explosion.

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