Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3048: Dead horse as a living horse doctor

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It opened mouth slightly towards Zhao Yuande and sucked gently.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt that the entire void was flying with him towards the other party's mouth, he had no trace of resistance at all.


At this time, Zhao Yuande finally knew why the power of the Void City was so scared of this big disaster. With such a horrible existence, it can completely crush the Void City!


Zhao Yuande knew that this time had reached the most critical juncture, and there was no way out.

Lei Yuanjian cuts again, and the void is broken!

Zhao Yuande got rid of this terrifying power of attraction.

"The Void Gourd is all up to you!" Zhao Yuande took the Void Gourd out, and with the control of the Void Sky Dao, the Void Gourd could exert ten times more power than before.

His body entered the depths of the void with a shuttle.

"Exercising the power of the void in front of me, you are still too tender!" An indifferent voice followed Zhao Yuande's back and forth into the layers of void.

This is an illusory big hand full of scales. Under the capture, the void seems to be transformed into layers of water waves, which can't hinder it at all.

"If I can control this method..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help showing a look of anticipation on his face.


At this moment, several Void Blades appeared in front of Zhao Yuande. Before the Void Blades cut into Zhao Yuande's skin, Dao Dao's blood stains appeared on his skin!

The power of this Void Blade is even more than the third-grade chemical treasure!

He can't let the Void Blade cut his head, otherwise he may be cut by the sea, and the soul will die directly.

In desperation, he had to raise his hand to stop it.

"Puff puff!"

The Void Blade cuts, flesh and blood cutting his entire arm.

But his bones were not cut!

"The undead power restores me!" He was relieved in his heart, recovering his wound quickly.

"Huh!" There was a whisper of sound from behind, apparently a bit surprised by Zhao Yuande's physical strength.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Yuande continued to shuttle his figure, and he did not know how many dimensions he had shuttled, and finally got rid of the illusory big hand full of scales.

But he hadn't breathed a sigh of relief, but a huge mouthful swallowed him directly into his belly.

All of a sudden Zhao Yuande felt that the sky was turning, and his body could not move. The whole person seemed to be caught in a quagmire.

"Humans, you are still too naive! Do you think that the void has only the power of space? There is time! I just need to wait for you in the long river of time, and you can cast your own net!" The voice of the void beast comes in In his ears.

"What... have you reached the time and traveled between the past and the future at random, have you reached this level?" Zhao Yuande was shocked. "Isn't this Dao Zun's ability?"

"Strengths who practice other heavens may need the realm of Dao Zun, but strong people who practice void heavens can arrive at this state in advance! You had this possibility originally, but now it is in my mouth! I want to devour you Let your way of the void achieve me, maybe it will allow me to reach the dream state in advance!" There is a bit of greed and excitement in the voice of the Void Beast.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhao Yuande suddenly remembered it. Wasn't his rebirth the intervention of Zhou?

He must also be a cultivating void sky, and has reached the terrible state of this void beast!

"If you want to devour me, I'm afraid you don't have that skill yet!" Zhao Yuande Leiyuan is in hand, once again slashing a terrifying thunder sword.

Lei Yuan is a fourth-grade chemical treasure, and the attack has reached the level of Dao Zun Realm Strong. This sword fell down and the whole space was broken again.

"Hey! The opponent is too powerful and has infinitely close to the strength of Dao Zunjing, so it is not a way to continue." Lei Yuan also woke up from a deep sleep at this time. "In this space, every sword consumes Several times the outside world, even if I can’t afford this kind of consumption, I will soon need to consume your power!"

"Is that so?" Zhao Yuande controlled the void gourd to rush out of the broken space and began to escape again.

"Useless, my power is endless, and you can never escape my control!" Zhao Yuande had not yet escaped, and the curse-like voice rang in his ear again.

He knew that this time was definitely the most dangerous moment in his life, and if he didn't get it right, he would be swallowed.

But at this time he did not panic, but constantly exhausted his efforts to find a way to escape.

It’s not a breathing time. He was swallowed by the Void Beast’s mouth again. This seems to be an unsolvable problem. The other party deliberately waited for him in advance of the time. No matter how he escaped, he couldn’t escape. Calculation.

"What should I do now? Do you have any good solutions?" Zhao Yuande asked Lei Yuan.

"Unless you can find the head of the Void Beast and shatter its Void Nucleus, there is no way to escape!" Lei Yuan said.

"Void Beast's Void Nucleus!" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up. "Every time when swallowed into the Void Beast's abdomen, the Void Gourd has a movement, as if it indicates a certain direction. Is that the Void Beast's Void Nucleus? ?"

"You can try it at the next moment. If it doesn't work, I will try to help you escape!" Lei Yuan said.

"Dead horse is a living horse doctor!" Zhao Yuande said, "There is no way, only to hide in the void gourd, I think even if the void beast wants to refine it! It is impossible for me to practice again in the morning. ."

"Never! Void gourd may be attracted by its powerful force of the void. If it is really refined, then you are a turtle in the urn. I can't see the level of the void gourd. I can't break the void inside. We can only be trapped inside!" Lei Yuan said.

"What..." Zhao Yuande was shocked.

At this moment, a big mouth appeared in front of him again, swallowing him directly into it.

Zhao Yuande did not resist this time, but let the sucking force in the big mouth pull into the inner world of the Void Beast.

As soon as he entered the Void Beast's inner world, Zhao Yuande suddenly sensed the Void Gourd. Sure enough, the Void Gourd seemed to sense a certain direction in the Void, and wanted to pull Zhao Yuande forward in that direction.

But at this time, Zhao Yuande just remembered the position of the void, because there was a terrifying force of void suppression in all directions, and he wanted to suppress his body in place.

"The power of the world will hold me open!" The 36,000 real spirit worlds of Zhao Yuande's head erupted together, and all the powers of the world rushed out together, all of a sudden blocking the force of repression around the void.

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