Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3049: Scary scene

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The space of God Territory started instantaneously, and his figure disappeared into place.

"I see when you can escape!" Void Beast's voice was not slow or slow, and apparently entered its inner world, and has already entered its control.

"Just ahead, the position of the suspected void crystal nucleus is ahead! To what extent are you now recovering, and how much power can you exert?" Zhao Yuande asked hurriedly.

"If I do my best, I should be able to release a blow that is almost the first entry to the Taoist Realm. However, after the blow, the energy I have recovered in these years has been completely consumed, and I will even fall back to the Sanpin Chemical Immortal." Lei Yuan Dao, "If you are not sure, don't try it easily."

"Is there any chance? I am afraid that I will be swallowed up by repression if I don't try this time!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly. "If I can escape this time, I will definitely help you find more sources of Thunder and let you recover again!"

"It's almost the same!" Lei Yuan said, "but you also need to be prepared. If this sword can actually destroy the other's void crystal nuclei, I am afraid that the opponent's mortal counterattack will be very terrible! Even if this piece of void explodes directly , You must die here!"

"If you don't try, you will definitely die. If you try, there may be hope." Zhao Yuande firmly said.

"Okay! I'm fancy you, decisive!" Lei Yuan praised.

"Ready! As soon as the void gourd responds, I'll start!" Zhao Yuande repeatedly propped up the power of the world, and escaped from the cracks of the void crushed again and again.

The fluctuation of the empty gourd in his hand is getting heavier and heavier, just like the dark space before encountering Zhuge Yu. There is a feeling that he wants to break free of his palm and rush out.

"It's here! Lei Yuan's full blow!" Zhao Yuande roared, and Lei Yuan instantly turned into a great Thunder Sword in his hand.

The Thunder Sword hadn't attacked yet, and the voids around it began to shatter, and the incomparably rich power of the void poured out of the broken space, and suddenly filled the whole world.

"It's here!" Zhao Yuande was overjoyed, chopping the Thunder Sword in his hand.

A thousand-mile thunder thunder was cut out at once, and the whole world was directly divided into two.

Appearing in front of Zhao Yuande is a world of faint blue. The power of the infinite void is rushing and flowing here. In the center of this world is a magnificent blue crystal suspended in midair.

"What... how is this possible! How can you sense my void crystal nucleus!" A frightened roar came out of the blue crystal at this time.

"Leave me to death!" Thunder's sacred mansion remained uncut, and he chopped towards the void crystal nucleus.

The thunder was imminent, and a huge crack appeared on the void crystal nucleus.

"Ah! Break me!"

The voice of the Void Beast is full of resoluteness.

The Void Nucleus exploded directly at this moment, and the power of the Void Nucleus explosion suddenly shattered the Thunder God's Mandala from the Void, and a bright blue light burst the Void and disappeared. .

"This guy even abandons his own body!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but stunned.

But at the next moment, he felt that the void began to oscillate continuously, and huge cracks appeared in the void.

The terrifying void storm rushed out of the crack, and the entire space began to collapse in an instant.

"Broken, the other party directly disintegrates the flesh and flees!" Lei Yuan's voice was full of exhaustion.

"Don't worry, this kind of void storm will not kill me! And these fragments of the void crystal core... but a once-in-a-lifetime chance!" Zhao Yuande was not in a hurry at this time, but the Divine Realm space opened up, and the power of the world guarded Around me, I began to collect fragments left after the explosion of the void crystal nuclei.

After just a few breaths, Zhao Yuande has collected dozens of pieces, small in size with a washbasin, large and even comparable to a house, in which the power of the void is endless.

Zhao Yuande almost couldn't keep his mouth closed.

"What... what kind of breath is this!" Zhao Yuan suddenly felt a chill on his back.

The world and the flesh of the Void Beast are constantly crumbling, and in this crumbling he suddenly feels a breath of horror.

This kind of breath is not weaker than this Void Beast, which makes him can't help but explore the past along this breath.

At the next moment, he had a cold war all over his body, and he never thought of collecting debris from the void again.

He stepped into the void channel with one step.

Just after his figure disappeared and did not see a few breaths, the flesh of the Void Beast completely shattered, revealing a boundless void.

In this boundless void, a huge void beast floated quietly.

Each of them is about the size of the Void Beast that just exploded. There is even an extra-large Void Beast that is twice as large as this one, and the breath it released is more powerful.

But these Void Beasts seem to be sleeping, even the explosion just did not disturb them!

Zhao Yuande's figure appeared next to the island in the Nether Sea. As soon as he appeared on his face, an uncontrollable horror appeared.

"My God, what I saw just now! How many Void Beasts are there!" Zhao Yuande murmured, "None of these Void Beasts can not be resisted by the Void City. Directly destroyed."

"Why do they appear here? Is it arranged by Emperor Zhou?" Zhao Yuande quickly thought of this place, and there was a look of doubt in his face. "Why did Emperor Zhou let so many Void Beasts be placed here? Is it for...wrong..."

Zhao Yuande racked his brain and couldn't think of a reason. Just as long as the Void Beasts had to attack him, he would be dead.

It takes time for the Void Channel to start, and his Lei Yuan has almost lost all its power, and now it is only the level of a three-level crafting fairy treasure!

However, this time he still escaped from death and obtained so many fragments of Void Nucleus. However, Lei Yuan lost its strength and became an ordinary third-grade chemical treasure. He needed to find a lot of resources to restore it.

"Don't think so much, let's practice first!"

Zhao Yuande throws away all thoughts, dives into the void below the sea, and begins to silently absorb the power of the void crystal fragments.

These Void Nucleus Fragments are the energy crystals of the Void Beast that has reached the limit of the Half-Path Zun, I don’t know how many billions of years have lived, and I don’t know how huge the Void Power is.

Zhao Yuande's practice of absorbing these forces of the void was like a fish, and soon fell into practice.

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