Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3050: The sisters of the little witch

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I don't know how long it took, he finally opened his eyes.

"Huh! Finally reached this state!" Zhao Yuande exhaled for a long time, a little joy on his face.

At this time, his Void Sky Dao, after absorbing one of the Void Nucleus Fragments, will be repaired and raised to the peak of the ninth small step, and he can be promoted to Half Walk Realm only by almost.

However, the promotion of the Half-Hairway Realm is indeed inappropriate here, because a horrible catastrophe may occur, and it is not good here if the Nether God Realm is affected.

"Let's go into the Sky God Realm first and look at it again!" Zhao Yuande divided a ray of soul into the Sky God Realm.

He pushed open the door of his cave and walked out.

He couldn't help becoming cautious because he was afraid of touching the little witch.

Although this guy can't say it's bad, but he's also a troublemaker. It's better to be less prone or not.

However, this is often the case, and the more you don’t want to provoke, the more you will encounter!

He had just walked a few steps, and his footsteps were stiff, because he saw on the road in Dongfu District that a little girl with a high spirit was grinning at him.

"Brother! You finally got out of the customs, people have been waiting for you for a long time!" The little witch waved towards Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande was almost scared by her turn and ran away, but soon he gritted his teeth and straightened his chest.

A seven-foot man in his own right, when he walked there, he made the powerful genius who was frightened by the wind, how could he be afraid of a little girl, this is impossible and absolutely not allowed!

Thinking this way, he strode to the little girl's side.

"What's the matter with you." Although he adjusted his mind at this time, he still felt a little faster heartbeat.

"Brother! Grandpa said that you helped me a lot, let me thank you very much, I want to take you to spend the most luxurious place in our God of Realm!" The little witch behaved very well, and it seems that she really came to thank his.

"The most luxurious place? What is that place, wouldn't it be the real Tao Lou!" Zhao Yuande could not help asking curiously.

"Zhen Dao Lou... how could that place be called luxury." The witch rolled her eyes subconsciously, "The most luxurious place is Zhenhun Lou! Zhenhun Lou will always have a strong presence to explain the way of the soul, this time it is said It is a strong man in Taoist Realm who appeared and preached. One ticket is ten thousand soul crystals!"

"Oh! Is there such a place?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help showing a look of interest on his face.

"Of course! The predecessor who preached this time is an old friend of my grandfather. The grandfather asked me to take you to two places. Thank you for your help." A happy smile appeared on his face, "I finally got rid of Luo Jin's nasty ghost!"

"You got rid of him, and I offended him!" Zhao Yuande knew that he had destroyed this family matter. Even if Luo Jin didn't trouble himself, the Luo family would remember himself.

But he is on the road to the sky, no one can come in to find his own trouble, what about offending!

With such a thought, Zhao Yuande's mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Brother! Let's go, and there are three hours to preach." The little witch took Zhao Yuande's hand and took him to the direction of the trading area.

Zhao Yuande didn't care either, just a little girl, and she didn't have many taboos.

What he didn't expect was that it looked like a little girl, but the little witch was much older than him, at least a hundred years old.

But this is also normal. Now the practitioners are tens of millions, or even tens of millions of years old. Hundreds of years is really just a moment of long life.

Moreover, these people have been practicing since they were born, and have not experienced too many human relationships. They just blindly practiced to reach this state. Their mentality is really like a child.

The little witch seemed to be really correct, and took Zhao Yuande's hand to the bounce all the way to the trading area.

It's very lively here, I don't know how many powerful ones are in and out of the shops.

"Brother, here is the Real Soul Tower, but now we have to wait and wait, it's too boring. How about we go around in this trading area?" The little witch blinked her big eyes, and seemed to have a bit of inquiries. among them.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but agree.

Hearing Zhao Yuande's promise, the little witch's eyes suddenly showed a bright light.

Zhao Yuande instinctively felt that something was wrong, and the little witch was in a wrong state.

But the next moment, he was pulled by a small hand and ran towards a tall building not far away.

Seeing the name of this tall building, Zhen Wei Xuan!

Zhao Yuande just let go of it. From the name, it should be a restaurant.

The restaurant opened in the sky **** realm makes Zhao Yuande a little curious.

The little witch seems to have chosen the target long ago. There should be no conspiracy waiting for himself in this restaurant!

But he was not allowed to think too much, because the little witch had pulled him into the restaurant, and went straight to the second floor.

"Sister Zhang, Sister Li, Sister Wang..." As soon as she rushed to the second floor, the little witch started waving at a table not far from the window, "I have brought you!"

The little witch's voice alarmed the entire second floor, and everyone couldn't help but cast his gaze.

The person who can appear in the sky **** realm is not a top peerless genius who cultivates the soul of the **** to a very high realm, or a real half-walk respectable realm strongman.

Although they are just a body formed by the ray of the soul passing through the Dao Kong God Realm, there is also a faint powerful will in each of the eyes.

Being so watched by so many people, even Zhao Yuande could not help feeling some scalp tingling.

But the next moment, something happened that made his scalp tingle.

Because that table person! It was a peerless woman whose tables were all of extraordinary appearance, and they all projected curious eyes towards Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt that this group of women's hot eyes seemed to tear their clothes.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yuande instinctively stopped and looked at the little witch.

"Brother! These are my sisters. They admire your style and want to meet you. Isn't this a good thing?" The little witch held him tightly, not letting him escape, and lowered his voice, "And so many Beautiful women, their origins are extraordinary, I think you are a single person, so I brought you to my own claim! In fact, that Wang Sister... you see the one with particularly big breasts, her father is a real king. Domain master, brother, you can hook up with her, and you can definitely go sideways in the real king realm..."

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