Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3056: Into the tower

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"Xinghe! I thought you didn't dare to come and wanted to be fat." Luo Jin saw a sneer on Zhao Yuande's face.

"How is it possible for me to speak one is one, two is two, and I will never fatten my words!" Zhao Yuande said, "You must have prepared 250,000 soul crystals!"

"It's here, I'm afraid you won't have a chance!" Luo Jin put a small pocket in his palm, "What about you?"

"This is my 250,000 soul crystals!" Zhao Yuande also took out a small pocket, which contained all his belongings. He clenched his fists against everyone around him. "You seniors can bear witness, I and Luo Jin bet against each other. In this actual combat trial tower, whoever ranks higher will win, and the winner will receive 250,000 soul crystals."

"We can do this testimony!" Large groups of old men suddenly opened their mouths and nodded.

"I Luo Jin also said one thing, do you think I will regret it?" Luo Jin glanced at Zhao Yuande, his mouth slightly showing disdain.

"Then enter the tower!" Zhao Yuande doesn't care about the other party's attitude anymore. This kind of fortune-telling boy must learn to be more tolerant to him.

Everyone's eyes fell on the stone tablet before the trial tower.

The two left their names on the stele, then turned around and stepped into the trial tower.

The actual combat training tower is different from the other two trial towers. The other two trial towers are very monotonous, either testing strength or testing the flesh, and here is a group fight.

As soon as Zhao Yuande stepped into the first floor of the actual combat training tower, he was immediately surrounded by twelve black figures.

These twelve figures, all of which have vague facial features, have a strange and powerful body, and are actually the strongest of the twelve mid-ninth stages.

The position where they stood seemed to imply a combination of five elements and six folds, and they formed a powerful attacking array. A breath of breath swept toward Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande's pupil shrank slightly, and he felt the power of this attack formation. Although he could not threaten him, the general ninth small step could be trapped in the later stage.


"The first level is this level of fighting. What will the next battle look like?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help showing a dignified expression on his face.

With dignity returning to dignity, Zhao Yuande didn't stay at all, unfolding his limit speed and powerful force, and completely leaning on the body to crush it.

Although the formation of these twelve figures is sharp, it can't turn a little bit in front of Zhao Yuande's powerful body. Any attack is invalid and defeating them is only a matter of time.

In a few flashes, twelve figures were shattered by Zhao Yuande.

"The battle on the first floor was not difficult for me at all." Zhao Yuande had already seen the entrance to the second floor at this time and took a big step toward the second floor.

At this time, in the outside world, the names of Zhao Yuande and Luo Jin began to rise all the way, but the difficulty of the first layer could not stop the footsteps of any genius, and their rankings only rose slightly.

This slight increase is not because someone did not pass the first layer, but the comprehensive performance in the first layer also reflects a person's ranking.

Two people can pass the first floor, no one will be surprised, otherwise they are just a joke.

Zhao Yuande's figure in the second layer had just appeared, and suddenly he felt a shock in the void, a sense of crisis rose in his heart, and a terrible sharp edge suddenly pierced out of the void, assassinating towards his brow.

"Huh?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but slightly shocked.

In this second layer, there is an attack that threatens you. This difficulty is really beyond expectations.

But although shocked, he cultivated the sky of the void, and everything in the void was under his control.

This kind of assassination was long noticed by him, and there was no threat to the assassination detected in advance.

He glanced at the palm of his hand, and grabbed the sharp edge of the assassination from the void.

A thunder swelled from his palm, directly powering the assassin hidden in the void into nothingness.

"Is it only that simple?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help shaking his head.


At the same time, three black swords stab out of the void, stabbing towards his eyebrows, back of his head and neck.

"It still has some meaning." Zhao Yuande's body shook and his figure smashed into the void to dissipate.

At the next moment, there was a burst of humming sounds in the void, and three figures were thrown out of the void and landed on the ground.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The three figures exploded at the same time.

"Good practice test." Zhao Yuande smiled lightly.

If you change to other people, you may be a little bit confused, but these are only pediatrics in Zhao Yuande's eyes.

"Your Void Sky Dao has been cultivated to a limit, I am afraid that you can be promoted to the Half Walk Zun at any time!" The voice of the Void Sky God came, and some of them were surprised.

"Yeah! I was thinking about going to the tower after I was promoted, but I thought I might lose some money, so I'm here now!" Zhao Yuande said.

He didn't feel surprised because of the appearance of Sky God, but the other party was the controller of the entire Sky God Realm, and it was strange that he didn't pay attention to him.

"Your choice is good! When you enter the half-track respect, the difficulty will increase tenfold, I think you may not even pass through the sixth floor!" Kong Shendao.

"Can't pass the sixth floor? This is impossible!" Zhao Yuande wondered, "My current combat power can basically sweep most of the half-track respect, is it possible to enter the half-track respect after the half-track respect? Invincible?"

"Hehe! You are too small to look at the genius of the chemical industry!" Kong Shen smiled, "Did you forget Shenwu?"

"Shen Wu..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but twitched his face when he heard the name.

This is the most powerful genius he has encountered in his life. The genius almost made him desperate, as if he could not catch up at all.

The starting point of the other party is too high, if you change in the world, the other party seems to be a young master of a super large family, and he is just a little beggar!

And this young master's talent is brilliant and clever, but his little beggar is mediocre, is it possible to catch up?

But the answer is definitely yes, that is, you need to pay more sweat and work harder than the other party!

Fortunately, Shou Yuan, a cultivator, has a long life. If you can’t do it for 10 years, then you will have thousands of years.

"Shenwu is still the first in the actual combat training tower!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking carefully.

"Yes! He is still the first. The master invited several super powers to respect the gods, and the others were shot in the second to fifth, so as long as you can get the sixth place in the actual combat training tower, That would be the first genius of the billion world!" Kong Shendao.

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