Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3057: A wave is stronger than a wave

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded, knowing that the road ahead of him had a long way to go.

However, he has a firm character and soon recovered from the shock, striding to the third floor.

"Hey! Look, Xinghe's ranking has improved again! He passed the second floor so quickly!" At this time, an old man from the outside pointed to the stele.

"What! How can it be so fast!" Another old man was incredible. "I remember it was very difficult on the second floor. It was a series of terrible assassinations. The first time I stepped on the second floor, I was almost killed!"

"It's faster than nine adults! How did he do it?" Someone was shocked again.

"Have you forgotten, the other party is the third place in the physical training tower! His physical strength is beyond our imagination, I am afraid that the assassination can break the skin at most, and it is easy to pass under the hard resistance!"

"Yes! It must be so, it must be!"


Everyone suddenly felt relieved, if not, then this guy is too terrible!

"Sister, you see Xinghe's name has far exceeded Luo Jin!" Lin Xi pointed to the name on the stone tablet.

"It's not surprising, but the next few layers are not only able to pass by the flesh!" Fairy Baifeng nodded.

"What is the next level?" Lin Xi asked curiously.

"This... can't tell you for the time being, it's not good for you, just go in and experience it yourself!" Fairy Baifeng shook her head slightly.

"But... people can't even pass the second floor now." Lin Xi's face showed disappointment.

"During this time, you must not have followed the training tasks I have assigned to you, otherwise the second floor is not difficult!" Fairy Bai Feng showed a stern expression in his eyes, "Don't provoke Xiaoguang, he this For the benefit of people, there will be no feelings for you at all. You still die of this heart! Otherwise, your cultivation will stop here!"

"But..." Lin Xi couldn't help but change her face when she heard Fairy Bai Feng's words, but she wanted to explain something, but she found her words pale and weak.

"Forget it! All your choices are up to you. I won't intervene. I won't control you if you want to fall. I just obey Master's orders and remind you at all times!" Fairy Bai Feng shook her head slightly, she knew herself Now it is useless to say anything, or wait until one day she finds a mistake!

"Second Uncle, you said this galaxy can break to the first floor?" Xiao Guang stood beside the middle-aged man at this time, a little cautiously.

"Looking at this state, there should be no problem stepping up to the sixth floor. The fifth floor is a watershed. When you failed in the fifth floor, you should know the terrible situation in the fifth floor." The middle-aged man said lightly.

"The fifth floor..." Xiao Guang shook his body when he heard it. The fighting in the fifth floor was really terrible. At first, he tried his best to still fail, so he stayed outside 200 people. There has been no improvement in years.

The fifth floor is called the watershed of genius. After the fifth floor, it is a real genius. If it cannot pass, it is an ordinary genius.

The so-called real genius has the potential to impact Dao Zun, and the ordinary genius basically broke this mind!

Zhao Yuande stepped into the third floor. There was no terrible assassination this time. Only a bald old man stood silently waiting for Zhao Yuande's arrival.

"Young man, you are here!" Feeling Zhao Yuande's arrival, the bald old man opened his eyes.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt two bright beams of light sweeping towards him, and his skin suddenly felt a burst of burning pain.

"Very powerful!" Zhao Yuande could not help nodding slightly.

Although this bald old man is also the strongest of the few small step peaks, but its strength is definitely far beyond the ninth small step peak, the talent can already be compared with the Holy City's Lei Scale.

"Young man, you are unfortunate! Although I am not the strongest in the third floor, but it is the most difficult, and I am the best..." The old man chatted with Zhao Yuande at this time. .

"Kill!" At this time, Zhao Yuande was too lazy to talk nonsense, directly exerting his speed, and the power of the nine suns exploded completely, rushing towards the old man directly.

"You are very unruly, young man!" The bald old man seemed a little angry.

"You are too noisy!" Zhao Yuande burst out with a punch, the sun and moon were dark, and the entire trial tower space was shaking violently!

"It's powerful! You young man is not ordinary, but it's impossible to defeat me with this punch..." The bald old man shouted again and again, and his eyes showed a terrible hot light, even rushing up and Zhao Yuande physically Fight up.

"Old guy, a little skill!" Zhao Yuande also felt that the opponent was a good opponent in addition to the noise.

He didn't worry about defeating him, and started fighting with the other party.

"Aoao! I haven't met such a cool opponent in a long time, hey... your kid is stronger than me, what kind of monster are you, you..." The old man chattered, and a torrent of voice rushed into Zhao Yuande's In my mind.

"It still has this effect!" Zhao Yuande was also slightly shocked, showing a difference in his face.

"Hey, defeat me!" At this moment, the old man turned into a sledgehammer and crashed down.

The power of the sledgehammer shook the world, almost even the sky was directly destroyed by him!

"This is not always possible!" Zhao Yuande shouted, and the power of the war fairy tactics burst out thirty-six times.


He punched the sledgehammer directly with a punch.

"Wow wow!" The old man spurted blood again and again in the void.

"What a powerful boy, your body and strength can be ranked in the top ten of the trial tower!" The old man looked pale, and did not move anymore, but stayed directly in the void with a little shock on his face. Color.

"Hey! You are good, old man." Zhao Yuande didn't do it anymore.

"Unfortunately, Jiangshan has talents coming out, and one wave is stronger than the other. My predecessor has been shot dead on the beach!" The old man touched his bald head and sighed slightly, "I lost my heart this time! Kid , Your strength is qualified to enter the top 100!"

"Concession!" Zhao Yuande arched his hand.

This old guy is extremely powerful, and he is only a little worse than him. Without the blessing of the war fairy tactics, it is really not easy for him to defeat the opponent in flesh and strength! "

"Kongshen, this predecessor was arranged by me for you!" Zhao Yuande asked, looking at the figure of the bald old man gradually disappearing.

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