Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3060: Fifty-seven

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"Grandpa, is this annoying ghost really as powerful as they say?" The little witch listened to the comments of the people around her, and there was a hint of worry on her face.

"Hey! I shouldn't have dismissed the marriage contract!" The old man sighed softly. "But he didn't expect to hit him a few times, but let him break through this stimulation directly!"

"Can the galaxy lose?" The little witch looked bitter.

"This...I'm not sure, but his chances are not high!" the old man said.

"Okay!" The witch frowned.

"Senior, I feel that you are not as pessimistic as you said." Sister Zhang spoke at this time.

"Oh! Little girl, tell me what you think?" The old man looked at Sister Zhang and seemed to take her views very seriously.

"As far as I know, the true skill of killing the gods is extremely depleting the power of the soul. With Luo Jin’s current cultivation capacity, it can be used up to twice, that is, he can only use it once! How long do you think he can last?" Sister Zhang replied.

"I estimate that the third challenger will be able to withdraw him from the trial tower!" the old man said.

"So Xinghe is not without hope!" Sister Zhang's eyes showed a light smile.

"Good! But all this must be built on the little guy in the Galaxy can enter the sixth floor!" said the old man.

In the fifth layer, Zhao Yuande also saw twelve powerful opponents.

"Each of these twelve people has a powerful strength comparable to the peak of the ninth small step, and each of them can almost be invincible in the half-track respect." Zhao Yuande quickly distinguished the strength of these twelve people .

However, although they are powerful, they are only invincible under the half-track respect, and I have been able to defeat the real powerhouse in the latter half of the realm.

Zhao Yuande's mouth curled up and rushed towards the twelve people.

The powerful flesh released an irresistible force of terror. At this moment his fighting power was fully open, and he collided with the twelve people in an instant.

These twelve people are not weak, but their attack did not actually harm Zhao Yuande. His physical body is comparable to that of Sanpin Huaxianbao. The twelve people's attacks fell on his body without leaving any traces.

However, Zhao Yuande did not directly launch the killing, these twelve people are very good whetstones.

Many of his comprehension of the void and his understanding of cultivation can be tested on these people one by one.

He fought the twelve men for half an hour, and then they reluctantly defeated them all.

"A group of good targets." Zhao Yuande made such a conclusion.

"Your perception of the void is not bad, basically has reached a limit, as long as you return to the body now, I am afraid it will provoke a catastrophe!" Sky God rarely praised, "Master's vision is really good!"

"Hey!" Zhao Yuande smiled proudly.

At the sixth floor at this time, Luo Jin had fallen into a bitter battle.

He has defeated the first challenge opponent, and now is the second.

This challenge opponent looks like a woman, and the speed is incredible. Luo Jin does not know how many times he was hit by the opponent and flew out in embarrassment.

"Is this already my limit?" Luo Jin roared, "No... I don't want to!"

His eyebrows gleamed brightly.

A horrible and powerful figure appeared in the light and shadow, and these figures exuded a breath that surpassed the half-walk respectful powerful...

Under the pressure of this breath, the woman's body suddenly stagnate and shivered.


Luo Jin's eyes were cold, and he sipped the golden light in his hand and passed the woman's head directly.

"The second... finally passed! My ranking should be in the top 100 now!" Luo Jin was tired and **** in his eyes, and seemed to be overwhelming.

At this time, in the outside world, Luo Jin's ranking has once again improved, and has entered the top 100, staying in 57th place!

"Luo Jin has defeated the second challenger. I don't know if he can win the third place next?" Sister Zhang looked at Luo Jin's ranking and couldn't help looking slightly unnatural.

She ranked 67th, and she did not beat the second challenger. This already shows that the other party is already stronger than her!

"Fifty-seven...Looking at the time of this battle, there are two incense sticks. It is estimated that Luo Jin has tried his best. If he does not use the true skill of Tu Tu, he can barely overcome the third challenger and enter the top five. Ten, if it has been used, he has stopped after fifty, and he can at least get one or two more places!" The old man's words seemed to have given Luo Jin the final result.

"My brother!" The little witch turned her gaze to the name of the galaxy on the stele. "Yeah! My brother's ranking is also improving, and now it has been raised to 299th!"

"What... this little guy also passed the fifth floor!" The old man's eyes lit up. "There will be a good show now! It is not a problem to defeat the first challenger with his physical body and strength. As for the second one. hope……"

"Second Uncle, Xinghe has crossed the fifth floor!" Xiao Guang's voice was somewhat unnatural.

"If you see it, this is a real genius! Your talents are not weaker than them, but your strength is indeed... A person who pursues a strong physical body and an attacking power is indeed a weak chicken. What's the use!" Zhong The young people's voices were severe, "This has strengthened my determination to send you to a trial of life and death. You should prepare immediately!"

"Yes... Uncle!" Xiaoguang's voice was bitter.

Everyone also noticed a change in rankings at this time, and their eyes all showed excitement.

"Unfortunately, the two little guys in the sky **** realm can't fight, otherwise it will definitely be a dragon fight!"

"I think that if Xinghe is really fighting, he will definitely not be Luo Jin's opponent.

"Indeed, the true skill of killing the gods is a powerful method that can be challenged beyond the ranks, not to mention that Luo Jin has not yet been promoted to the half-track respecting realm, but the use of the true skill of killing the gods is enough to kill the middle-aged strongmen of the half-track realm!"

"You said so wonderfully, what is the real secret of killing God?"

"This... Actually I don't know!"

"Let me tell you! The real skill of killing the gods is a kind of spirit attacking method. According to legend, the true spirits of the Lord can be summoned to attack the spirits of the other party, so that the opponents are suppressed and lose their combat power. Although only a moment, it is enough to change the battle situation. !"

"What... Summon the true spirit of the Lord... Then he is not invincible!"

"It is said that Xiaocheng can summon the true spirit of Dao Zun, and Dacheng will summon the true spirit of the holy deity, but even so, no one can kill him under Dao Zun!"

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