Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3061: Six challengers

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"It's so powerful, isn't it a good defense?"

"Good defense? That true spirit is an indiscriminate attack. No matter where you hide or what defense you make in advance, you will be suppressed by the true spirit, unless you have a powerful Horcrux that surpasses the third-grade chemical treasure. live!"

"Beyond the third simply say that the fourth grade is forgotten! How many pieces of the fourth grade are made of immortal treasures in the hundreds of millions of realms? And even if it is in this empty **** realm, it is not responsible for you. Simulated Sipin Chemical Xianbao, what you need is your true strength!"

"...So, if Xinghe met Luo Jin in the space **** realm, would he be defeated?"

"you could put it that way……"


Just when many old men were chatting, Luo Jin had reached the limit in the space **** realm.

A majestic man hit Luo Jin's face with a punch at this time, and his powerful teeth were completely broken.


Another punch came, causing his body to be seriously damaged, almost to be penetrated directly.

"I'm not willing..." Luo Jin roared, his face crimson.

He wanted to use the real skill of killing the gods for the third time, but there was a lot of pain in his sea of ​​knowledge. The power of the soul was almost dry, he knew he was finished!


This punch was hitting his head, directly smashing his head.

Luo Jin disappeared into a little light and shadow on the sixth floor of the actual combat tower.

Luo Jin jumped a noun in the ranking of stone tablets, reaching fifty-six!

"Fifty-six! As I expected." The little witch's grandfather nodded, a smile on his face.

"Look... that nasty ghost came out!" The little witch saw a shadow of light condensing in front of the tower, it was Luo Jin's figure.

"Young Master!" Several old men stepped forward excitedly.

"Your ranking is fifty-sixth, although it does not reach the height of the old master, but your cultivation is still shallow, if the time exceeds the old master, it should be a problem!"

"Not bad! This time my Luo family will definitely announce hundreds of millions of domains, and there is another peerless genius in my Luo family!"

"My Luo family has an old master and a young master, you will definitely rise in the hundreds of millions of realms soon..."

"Little Lord……"

Several old men seemed to have flowers on their faces.

"Huh!" Luo Jin was a little depressed, and he was better now.

He doesn't think he should demand too much from himself. The ranking of 56 can already completely crush the galaxy.

He looked forward to the little witch who was not far away, hoping to see a different brilliance in the other party's eyes.

But he was disappointed, because the little witch didn't even care about him, and gave him a head.

"How much is the Galaxy now ranked? Has it reached the fifth floor?" A little disappointed in his heart, he turned and asked an old man beside him.

"Xinghe should have passed the fifth floor, now ranked 299th!" The old man hurriedly answered.

"Really? He has some skills!" Luo Jin said lightly.

Although he said so in his mouth, his heart was raised at once. With the physical and strength of the other party, the first challenger should be easy to pass, and even the second one is not without hope..."

But he also knew that this was just a guess, and things might not be as bad as he guessed.

Zhao Yuande has entered the sixth floor at this time.

A man of unusually long figure on the sixth floor is waiting for him.

The man's flame was burning like a huge torch.

"You're here!" When Zhao Yuande arrived, a smile appeared on the man's face, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Really? Then let's start!" Zhao Yuande was very relaxed at this time.

He saw at a glance that the other party's cultivation practice was the first step into the half-walk respect.

"Okay! Then I will see how powerful you are!"

The man with an unusually long figure combined his palms, and suddenly the entire sixth floor became a sea of ​​flames. The horror flames burning through the void enveloped Zhao Yuande in an instant.

"The power of flames?" Zhao Yuande felt the flames burning the flesh. Although he could feel a burning pain, he did not cause him substantial wounds.

He knows that this means that the other party is in control of a terrible magical flame, and the power of this flame is already comparable to that of Sanpin Huaxianbao.

"The soul is burning!" The strangely long man seemed to feel Zhao Yuande's abnormal shape in the sea of ​​fire, and immediately shouted again.

A long, slender black fire shadow flew through the flames and drilled directly into Zhao Yuande's eyebrows.

"I want to see the power of this burning soul!" Zhao Yuande didn't avoid flashing, but let the black fire shadow get into his eyebrows.

As soon as the black Huo Ying entered the brow and knew the sea, he suddenly lived a black flame monster and spurted a black flame towards the depth of Zhao Yuande's sea of ​​knowledge.

But at this time, a crystal branch protruded from the depths of the sea and bound the black flame monster at once.

"Oh!" The black flame monster snarled in horror. It wanted to break free from this branch, but the branch grew thicker and tighter!

"What is this..." The man with an extremely long figure in the endless flame suddenly opened his eyes in horror.

Zhao Yuande sensed the opportunity at this moment, and a thunder fell directly on the other's body in the void.

There is no terrifying power in Thunder, but a powerful paralyzing force.

The man with an unusually long body stiffened and lost his resistance in an instant.


Zhao Yuande's fist hit the opponent's head directly without fancy.

The man with an unusually long figure widened his eyes and watched Zhao Yuande's fist fall in disbelief, then his body shattered into light rain.

"Good! The timing is very good, and your true combat power is still above my estimate." The voice of the sky **** sounded at this time, and there was some praise in the voice. "It seems that you can pass at least four challenges. By!"

"Air God, how many challengers are there?" Zhao Yuande punched and killed a man with an unusually long figure, he could not help asking.

"A total of six challengers, the more powerful the future!" Kong Shendao, "You can qualify for the top 50 if you can pass the four challengers, if you pass all six you can enter the top ten!"

"How many floors does this actual combat training tower have?" Zhao Yuande could not only ask.

"Nine floors!" Kong Shen Dao, "but it's too difficult after the sixth floor, and no more than ten people have been able to reach the seventh floor from its inception.

"What is the seventh floor?" Zhao Yuande asked curiously.

"If you can pass the challenge of the six challengers, you will know it naturally!"

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