Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3062: Flesh Strong

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"Okay! Then try it!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Every challenger has a quarter-hour break afterwards, you can hurry!" Kong Shen reminded.

At this time, the outside world's ranking changed again.

He rose directly from 299th to 136th.

"He has already defeated the first opponent! This seems to be a bit fast!" The little witch's grandpa couldn't help but look surprised.

"It took me half an hour to defeat the first challenger. The other party's soul attack was really unpredictable." Sister Zhang nodded, but she had a deep experience.

"Grandpa, can my brother exceed the nasty ghost?" The little witch only cares about this issue.

"There is hope! According to his physical body, it is not difficult to pass the second challenger, just to see whether he can overcome the third challenger!" The old man replied.

"That nasty ghost's face is green now... It's so happy!" The little witch glanced at Luo Jin, and she couldn't help but outline a smug smile.

"It's too early to be proud!" Sister Zhang squeezed the little witch's slightly fat baby face.

"Grandpa, Sister bullied me, you help me beat her." The little witch looked at Grandpa very dishonestly.

"You silly boy, do you want grandpa to be beaten?" The old man was almost mad at the little witch.

"Hey... I'm very happy that you guys are being beaten."

Everyone at this moment all set their sights on the name of Xinghe. Some people are excited, hoping to see a peerless genius really rise, but some people are very worried, worried that Xinghe surpassed Luo Jin...

Zhao Yuande had adjusted his state at this time, and a petite woman appeared in front of him.

This woman is a little more slender than Sister Li, the little witch. When she walks, she feels very light.


The woman's figure disappeared in the void in the next moment. A flash of cold light had appeared less than a foot in front of Zhao Yuande. The next moment would pierce her eyebrows.

"Quick speed! This is pure speed, and there is no power to control the space!" Zhao Yuande was not only shocked.

This speed completely surpassed him, even if he had seen the cold light sting, he almost did not escape.

Han Guang scratched the skin of his forehead, although it didn't hurt him, but it made him irritated.


The cold light flashed again, he hadn't stood still just now, and he felt a chill in the back of his head.

"Shenyu Space!" Zhao Yuande yelled, and Shenyu space opened, and his figure moved out.


That Hanmang was not slower than the instantaneous speed, and it was cut in his hair.

Han Mang cut the hair and hair together, and even made a sound of gold and iron symphony.

His body is comparable to Sanpin Chemical Xianbao. A hair strand is a powerful material for refining. Although Hanmang is fast, it still does not exceed the boundaries of Sanpin Chemical Xianbao.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Yuande was at ease now.

The power of the world envelopes me!

Zhao Yuande took advantage of this moment when the power of the world in the 36,000 real worlds in his head exploded completely, forming an invisible barrier of world power around him.

"Ah!" The petite figure made a sound for the first time.

Because she was too fast, she didn't have time to dodge, and she crashed into the world power barrier arranged by Zhao Yuande, her body stumbled back and forth.

"I have an invincible body, guarded by the power of the world, and it is just to restrain your speed-type opponent!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a smile at the moment, and the tension just disappeared.

"..." The petite woman did not say a word, her figure flashed again and again, and launched a crazy attack on Zhao Yuande.

But as Zhao Yuande said, the other party can't help him now.

After a dozen breaths, the petite woman disappeared into the space without a word.

"I'm afraid this is the most suffocating battle of the Silver Moon Lord!" The Sky God could not help sighing at this moment.

"Silver Moon Lord?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"Do not doubt that these are all friends invited by the master. They left a trace of the projection in the sky **** realm. This silver moon sage is a strong man in the chemical world who is known for speed, but did not expect that today he will He was very stingy because he was restrained by you. If she knew it, she might come to the lower realm to beat you." Kong Shen laughed.

"This...Why do the strong like to beat people!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He remembered the little witch's grandfather. This old guy likes to beat people everywhere, saying that he is venting his granddaughter. Who knows if he is mentally perverted!

"There is actually a reason for this!" Kong Shendao, "In the chemical world, because of the existence of the Alliance of Saints, the strong men are not afraid to act too arbitrarily. Young people who hate their teeth, and they beat them by default. The elders teach the younger ones, do not hurt their cultivation behavior, they can still be angry, and it is reasonable to say it!"

"Okay! It seems that I will have to be cautious in the chemical and chemical industry in the future. An old man might beat me up if I don't do it well!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly for a while.

"Hey..." The Sky God didn't smile honestly, "You really have to be careful, I am afraid that many people in the chemical industry really want to beat you!"


Zhao Yuande is using the rest time to chat with the air **** happily, but at this time, the outside world has raised a burst of exclamation.

Because Zhao Yuande's ranking suddenly entered the top 100, ranking 78th!

Luo Jin looks more and more gloomy, which means that the opponent has defeated the second challenger, and the speed is very fast!

The other parties responded differently, but their gazes all fell on the name of Xinghe, expecting the name to change again.

Zhao Yuande had already seen his third opponent at this time.

This is an extremely tall and extremely majestic man.

He was wearing a fur coat and his hair was messy, and he looked like a savage coming out of the endless wildness.

There was a terrifying power of terror in his body.

"Boy, if you lose, quickly confess, and I will not leave a living person under my fist!" Dahan's fists collided, and Mars splashed all over the sky, and the void was shocked and appeared to be connected, as if it were two big hammers. Bombard each other.

"It turned out to be a strong body!" Zhao Yuande suddenly saw his opponent's eyes, and his eyes lit up.

"Are you going to do it with me? You little bone... Gee!" Dahan glanced at Zhao Yuande.

"I look forward to your opponent for a long time!" Zhao Yuande didn't care about the other person's disregard for his own eyes, but also learned the other side's fist collision, making a thunderous bang.

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