Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3063: South Gate Tyrant

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"Oh? Boy, you are very interesting. I decided that I will definitely not hit your face for a while!" Dahan looked at Zhao Yuande with interest.

"Don't know the senior name of the senior?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Boy, you are not qualified to know now, but if you can beat me, I will tell you!" Dahan shook his head and wanted to know his name. He needs to be recognized by him, and only in this **** of the sky. A few talents are qualified.

"War!" Zhao Yuande's body slightly bowed forward, as if he was a bull, rushing towards the big man directly.

All the brilliance of his body shone, the power of the nine suns broke out completely, and the war fairy tactics were also blessed at the same time.

More importantly, the power he learned from Shenwu was naturally integrated into the battle at this time.

"Good boy, appetite for me!" Dahan immediately showed a look of excitement when he saw Zhao Yuande's posture, "I haven't met a little guy like you for a long time, I don't know if you can make me happy today!" "

The momentum of the Dahan instantly erupted, and his movements were exactly the same as Zhao Yuande, with a huge cyan barbarian ghost appearing behind him.

The cyan mania imaginary foot on the stars, the sky above the head, and the two eyes flash like the blazing sun.

A wild and overbearing atmosphere, the ancient and chaotic atmosphere rose from the body of the blue barbarian bull, making the entire void suddenly become a blue.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande had only this idea in mind at this time.


The two hit hard together.

The entire sixth-level void is broken, exposing the space of black holes.

"Two perverts!" The figure of the sky **** sounded in the void at this time, and the big hand imaginaryly captured, and the broken space healed instantly.

At this time, the two figures flew at the same time.

"Haha! It's so cool!" Dahan's voice was full of excitement, as if an old drunkard drank a bottle of old wine!

"Cool! I felt so cool for the first time!" Zhao Yuande was also excited.

Although they were all flying backwards at this time, although their bodies were cracking, they were all ecstatic.

"Come again!"

The big man's body hit the invisible light curtain fiercely, and the body ejected once again hit Zhao Yuande.

The big man bathed in blood all over the body, but the blood was instantaneously dried to a blood mist and rose into the shadow of the green cow behind him.

The color of the green cow gradually changed to blood red, and the breath was even more enhanced.

All of Zhao Yuande's blood returned to the body, but the wounds on his body recovered in an instant.


When Zhao Yuande saw the big man hit him again, he also hit the past again.




Zhao Yuande collided with the opponent again and again, and the green cow behind the big man became more and more red in color, and he had almost become a blood-colored giant cow, and his momentum and strength were also rising.

The power of the great man has also increased at least ten times!

But Zhao Yuande is becoming more and more invincible, his body is hit farther and again, and the wounds on his body are getting more and more serious.

But every time Zhao Yuande's injury recovered instantly!

Although Dahan had a strong breath at this time, his strength reached its peak, but he could see that his face was pale and his nostrils were panting.

Obviously, after repeated impacts, the blood he lost allowed the Green Cow to absorb in the void to improve his strength. Even a few times, even the big man could not bear it.

"It's really unpleasant! This broken body!" Dahan roared, and after colliding with Zhao Yuande again, there appeared a huge crack on the body.

"Senior, you are going to lose!" Although Zhao Yuande was knocked off this time, his body was almost broken, but the terrifying ability of the undead force made him return to his original state again.

Although the Dahan also has a physical repair method, but in this high-intensity collision, it does not play a big role at all.

"Hey! I lost!" Dahan knows that if he continues, his body will definitely be broken directly, and it will not look good at that time. It is better to admit defeat now.

"Seniors gave in!" Zhao Yuande nodded and smiled.

"Your kid's resilience is too strong, I'm not as good as you!" Dahan Dao is also a straightforward character, and he directly admits that he is not as good as Zhao Yuande, which is simply impossible for other strong people.

I am afraid that other strong men will find various reasons to cover up their failures, and they cannot afford to lose this person in front of a junior.

"Actually, I won the predecessors with the help of a kind of undead. If I was not as good as the predecessors in a single round of flesh, this game should actually count me out!" Zhao Yuande sincerely said.

"Oh! Your kid has an appetite for me!" Dahan heard Zhao Yuande say this, not only can he show a little appreciation in his eyes, his face suddenly became solemn and solemn, "You remember, I am called the South Gate Overlord, but It is a person of the Nanmen clan in the endless wildness of the southern domain of the chemical world. If you can enter the chemical world, you must just come to me!"

South Gate Tyrant, the name alone reveals a lot of information.

Those who dare to call domineering are either really overbearing or fools.

Really overbearing can block everyone's mouth, after everyone's challenge.

And fool, I am afraid that the name will be killed alive as soon as it is exported!

Nanmen Batian must be famous in the chemical industry!

"Younger Zhao Yuande! If I could enter the chemical industry, I would definitely look for my senior!" Zhao Yuande nodded, his face showing solemnity.

"Haha! Happiness! Happiness! For hundreds of millions of years, you are the first little guy who has an appetite for me. I hope you can succeed!"

"If you can really deal with this person one day, that is the real pleasure!" Zhao Yuande looked at the other person's disappearing back and couldn't help but reveal a look of anticipation on his face.

"There will be such a day!" There is also a trace of excitement in the voice of the sky god, "You should have 30% certainty to promote Dao Zunjing with your current potential! Work hard!"

"Good!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He recovered his calm mood and sat down on his knees to slowly recover from his previous losses.

Before the trial tower, everyone looked at Xinghe's name. At this time, the name began to blink golden and began to rise slowly.

"His!" There were many people's air-cold voices at the scene, and their eyes were straight at this time.

Because they saw that the name of the galaxy at this time was not upgraded one or two places as previously thought, but it stepped over seventy, sixty, fifty, forty...

"Haha! My brother... My brother's ranking rose to thirty-six! Haha..." The little witch could not help laughing at this time.

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