Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3064: Strong opponent

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She looked at Luo Jin not far away, her eyes full of provocation.

Luo Jin's body shook slightly at this time, and the strong contrast almost didn't let him directly highlight a mouthful of blood.

He knew that this time he was completely defeated. Not only did he lose his reputation, but he also lost 250,000 soul crystals!

The original good mood suddenly became gray!

At this moment he felt countless pairs of eyes looking towards him. There were sarcasm, disdain, sympathy, pity...

He now wished he could find a hole in the ground.

"Let's go!" Luo Jin's face was bloody, and he turned to leave with a few old men.

"Wait! Hate, do you want to escape?" At this time, the little witch first blocked the route of his escape. "If you want to escape, you can hand over the bet lost to my brother!"

"You..." Luo Jin gritted his teeth at this moment, and couldn't bite the little witch in front of him.

He finally knows why everyone is afraid of the little witch, this guy simply spread salt on people's wounds!

"Give you!" Luo Jin didn't want to stay here for a second, and threw the little cloth bag directly to the little witch.

"Well! It's not bad, no bad debts!" ​​The little witch nodded the soul crystal in the small bag seriously, nodded with satisfaction, and waved like a fly, "Come on, let's go! Don't mess with me in the future, otherwise My brother won't spare you!"

Luo Jin didn't say a word, just bowed his head and left.

"Grandpa! My brother is not bad!" The little witch shook the small bag in her hand and returned proudly to his grandfather.

"It's not only good, it's so good!" The old man was only awake from the shock at this time. "Another genius appeared, and there is a new face on Dao Zun's list!"

"Can he enter the Dao Zun back-up list?" Sister Zhang on the side couldn't help but shocked.

She knows the authority and importance of that list, and this one is one of the writers!

"Okay! And the ranking is not low!" The old man focused his head.

A total of 24 peerless geniuses in the hundreds of millions of realms are recorded on the Daozun back-up list. These peerless geniuses have the opportunity to enter the Daozun Realm!

And most of these peerless geniuses are also the powerful existence of the half-walk respectable realm, and few practitioners who have not entered the half-walk respectful are on the list.

"Then... how many can he rank?" Sister Zhang felt that her heart was about to jump out.

"So it can be more than a dozen! The specific needs a few of us old guys to discuss carefully!" The old man replied.

"Sister! I think I am in love with him!" Sister Wang's face was red at this time, and her eyes were flowing like waves of water.

"I'm in love with him too, what to do! What to do!" Sister Li's petite figure, holding her cheek with both hands, she felt a sizzling voice when she said this.

"That's my brother, do you want to pass my sister's censorship first?" The little witch blinked her big eyes and stretched out her hands.

"Go...what sister, you are not self-proclaimed!" Sister Wang exposed the little witch very politely.

"Yes! You little girl is so bad!" Sister Li pointed to the witch's forehead.

"Grandpa! Two sisters bullied me, you beat me up, beating hard!" The little witch grabbed her grandfather and pointed to the two sisters to complain!

"Okay! Don't make trouble, you still don't plan to let grandpa meet someone." The old man hurried away from his granddaughter in a hurry, hiding far away.

Obedient! Just now you let me beat your master, now let me beat these two again! Not to mention the huge power behind them, even if your masters know it, they won't spare me!

"Grandpa..." The witch was wronged.

Not far away, Xiao Guang couldn't help but take a breath when he saw Zhao Yuande's ranking.

"Fortunately, you haven't had a conflict with him before, and now you are making full contact with him, you must make good relations!" Xiaoguang's second uncle ordered a big death order, "at all costs to attract him, even if we can't use it, we must be friends." !This child can now be listed on Dao Zun to make up the list!"

"Yes!" Xiao Guangqiang endured the shock in his heart and nodded again and again.

Similar conversations have also been heard everywhere else, everyone... The top executives of hundreds of millions of domains have received this news at the same time!

Many major forces have started investigating this person, who wants to know his true identity.

In the trial tower, Zhao Yuande didn't know all this.

But even knowing that he will only smile slightly, no one in the hundreds of millions of realms can find here, and no one can enter here, he is safe!

Soon his rest time came.

"Fourth opponent! I don't know how powerful it is!" Zhao Yuande looked forward with some expectation.

A vague figure of woman appeared in front of him.

This woman's figure seemed to be shrouded in endless nothingness, so that no one could see her true appearance anyway.

Zhao Yuande's soul fell on the other person's body, and he immediately felt as if he was caught in an endless void, as if the woman did not exist in this space and time, it was just a transmitted ghost.

He couldn't see through the opponent's truth and reality, nor could he perceive the opponent's cultivation ability.

The other party was able to block his own identification technique, which is a situation rarely encountered.

"This is a bit weird!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but look dignified.

"Void goes out!"

At this time, Zhao Yuande heard an indifferent voice.

The void in front of him suddenly shattered, and the endless and terrifying power of the void erupted around him.

"What... such a powerful vanity!" Zhao Yuande felt all this and could not help changing his face.

However, he had already stretched the space of the **** realm, and before the force of the void swept over him, his figure disappeared in place.

"Want to escape! Void broken!"

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt that the entire sixth-story trial tower space suddenly shattered, and the endless power of the void pushed him out of the **** domain space.

"How is this possible!" Zhao Yuande's complexion changed.

His own unfavorable divine space was actually broken by the other party, which has subverted his imagination.

He felt his understanding of the void in front of this woman, like a childish laugh.

"The power of the world gives me hold!"

However, Zhao Yuande is not a dead man. The 36,000 real worlds in his head explode in an instant, and the infinite power of the world wraps himself in it.

He only heard waves of creak coming from outside his body, and the world power barrier began to disintegrate and collapse under the terrible void.


The power of the world shattered, and Zhao Yuande felt a terrible blade of the sky cut into his body at once, but his blood was dripping all over his body instantly.

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