Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3065: Lord of the Void

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Fortunately, his bones are extremely hard and have not been shredded by the Void Blade, otherwise he has been cut into countless pieces by the Void Blade!

"The undead power restores me!"

Zhao Yuande knew that the most critical moment had come at this time, and the undead power was running wildly, making his flesh actually withstand this terrible cut, forming a delicate balance in the blink of an eye!


Zhao Yuande shouted at this moment, his body disappeared in place in an instant, and the endless thunder light enveloped the blurry female figure in an instant.


The shadowy figure of the woman made a sound for the first time, which was slightly surprised.


Thunder struck the figure of the vague woman, but it seemed to be directly bombarded in the void, and the light of the thunder dispersed, and the figure of the vague woman was still in place.

"This... still playing like that!" Zhao Yuande was already desperate at this time.

It seems that the other party is not in this space and time at all. No matter how hard you try, you can't beat the other party, and the other side's Void Blade can easily break through your defense. This is a win-loss battle.

"You're barely passing!" But I didn't expect the woman's voice to pass through at this time, "but you rely on the undead ability, and your actual combat effectiveness is still too far away!"

The void slowly recovered, and the woman's figure disappeared, as if everything was just an illusion just now.

"Huh!" Zhao Yuande let out a long breath, his face pale.

"Air God, who is this? Why is it so powerful?" Zhao Yuande asked at this time.

"She... a terrible existence, known as the Lord of the Void! Like Shenwu, they are peerless powerhouses, and they have reached the level of divine respect! Both are... Master's confidantes!" Kong Shen Youdao.

"What! All are the confidantes of the emperor Zhou!" Zhao Yuande was almost blown away by this heavy news.

"Good! Lord Dizhou is not what you think! He left a period in the chemical world... forget it! You will know it naturally after you enter the chemical world!" Stopped.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"You can be affirmed in front of the Void Lord, and the next two opponents should be able to pass!" Kong Shendao.

"I just seemed to realize it, and I want to practice it," Zhao Yuande said at this time.

"Okay! I know that you should feel something under the pressure of the Lord of the Void. Just practice it!" Kong Shendao.

The Void Lord's control of the Void just now was far beyond his imagination. During the battle, he couldn't think too much, but after the battle, a lot of sentiments surged up, making him unable to wait to practice.

Zhao Yuande was affirmed by the Lord of the Void, and was considered the fourth opponent of the successful God of War.

The ranking of the outside world started to improve again!

Soon it rose to the 22nd place!

At this time everyone was used to this shock, and his face was numb.

"It's over! I don't think we are good enough for him!" Sister Wang saw that Zhao Yuande was promoted to the 22nd place, and she couldn't help but look a little sad.

"Sister, don't be discouraged. Although we lack strength, we still have a strong family behind us!" Sister Li was smiling on her face at this time. "I was originally worried that the family did not agree, but now it seems that the old people in the family The guy may be struggling to send me to the other party now!"

"...This is also true!" Sister Wang nodded seriously.

"You two little Nizi, is this serious?" Sister Zhang looked at the two strangely.

"If you can choose, who doesn't want such a man!" Sister Wang nodded.

"Also..." Sister Zhang's face was very strange.

As these two sisters said, this kind of man even moved her!

Countless great forces have once again raised the status of Zhao Yuande in their minds, really, as Sister Li said, there are not many great forces, and how many realm masters want to win Zhao Yuande through marriage, even It's okay to be sent to him as a concubine.

However, the next situation is that some people are not able to see through, and the ranking of Galaxy has not been active for more than an hour.

"Did this battle last more than one hour?" Some people couldn't help but reveal their doubts.

"It's not impossible, wait slowly!"

"Xiuwei has reached this level, and it is not uncommon to fight for three days and three nights."

"Yes, I think this galaxy must have met quite a rival opponent!"

"Keep waiting... we have a lot of time!"

"My patience is terrific, not to mention three days, I can wait for thirty days..."


Where do they know that Zhao Yuande has now fallen into cultivation.

Not knowing how long it took, Zhao Yuande suddenly opened his eyes.

"No! I'm over-cultivating, and my body has sensed thunder tribulation, so I can't drag it on anymore!" Zhao Yuande said anxiously, "I'm leaving now!"

"No problem! You go! You will be here next time you appear." Kong Shen replied.

Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared into the trial tower and disappeared into the Sky God Realm.

His flesh opened his eyes at once in the depths of the void sea, he felt the vibration of the void, as if the sky dome was about to collapse, the terrible breath swept the entire void sea, even if the small island was in this terrible breath The weather began to shake.

"Can't cross the sky here, you can go back immediately!" The voice of the **** of air came into his ears.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande didn't dare to hesitate, and directly entered the void channel, where he found the passage to the Holy City of Heaven, and stepped in one step.

Just when Zhao Yuande appeared in the holy city genius training plan, the moment in his room, the whole holy city was suddenly covered by a dark cloud cluster, which contained a cloud of destruction. Horror energy!

Several powerful beings in the holy city rushed into the air and felt the terrible energy, and they all couldn't help but look changed!

"What happened? Did someone get promoted to Dao Zun Realm and want to cross the robbery?" The Holy Spirit of the Holy City glanced around.

"I don't see it. Dao Zunjie is a hundred times more horrible than this. This should be a half-track Zunjie!" Zhanxian shook his head.

The war immortal did not leave the holy city at this time, but was discussing with the holy city the matter of entering the world of the sea.

"Yes... it's Zhao Yuande's back!" At this moment, the adjudicator suddenly exclaimed, "I feel his breath!"

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