Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3075: Fortunately

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"But...but..." Zhuge Dongzhiwuwuwu, looked like hesitantly.

"Say!" Zhuge Yu sneered.

"But I gave that soft armor to my sister..." Zhu Gedong bowed his head.

"Asshole!" Zhuge Yu was almost mad at her. She never dreamed that what her brother gave her was actually taken off from others. She was not an accomplice!

"Take it out and give it back to others!" Zhu Geyu grabbed a soft armor from his body and grabbed his face. This time his face was extremely ugly!

If she doesn't consider that she is in Huazhen Building now, I am afraid she will beat her younger brother!

"Brother Mo pleased you, take this **** out! I have no face to see Jinrouer!" Zhu Geyu looked at Mo Yufeng.

"Since Zhuge girl is so reasonable, then I can rest assured that as long as Zhuge Dong can apologize sincerely, I believe that the other party will compare this to buying and selling in my face!" Mo Yufeng deliberately did not say Zhao Yuande, He still wants Zhuge Dong to suffer more, this guy is too arrogant!

"Go out and apologize until the girl is satisfied, otherwise I will not be forgiving!" Zhu Geyu looked at Zhu Gedong and asked again.

"Good! Don't let people look down on our city's main palace!" Zhu Gehui also said at this time.

"Yes..." Zhu Gedong, like a deflated ball, showed a bitter gourd face.

Mo Yufeng saw that things were going well, and was too lazy to say anything, turned and walked out.

Many people pointed at them along the way, and apparently already knew what had happened in the attic just now.

Zhu Gedong hated his teeth at this time, and his heart was extremely unhappy.

He hated the noisy guy in front of him.

Soon they walked out of the third floor.

As soon as he came out, Zhu Gedong saw Jin Rouer's brother and sister, and Zhao Yuande standing in front of Jin Rouer.

"Brother Zhao, fortunately, it's not humiliating." Mo Yufeng came to Zhao Yuande and gave him a fist.

"It's hard!" Zhao Yuande nodded and put his eyes on Zhu Gedong, the coldness made people feel terrified.

"Hand over that soft armor immediately and sincerely apologize to Jin Rouer!" Zhao Yuande's voice was full of doubts.

Zhu Gedong didn't come to the stomach, and when he saw an unrelated person yelling at himself, he immediately burst into anger.

"What are you, Laozi's apology? It's your business!" Zhu Gedong held back for so long, and finally broke out. "I'll leave Laozi right away, or Laozi will destroy your eighteen generations!"

"This..." Mo Yufeng was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Zhu Gedong would be so stupid. Didn't he or she teach him what it means to judge the situation?

At the same time, he also regretted that he should not hide the identity of Zhao Yuande, this time things can't be done any better!

"Slap!" How did Zhao Yuande get used to him and slap him back with a slap.

Zhuge Yufan's slap did not use much power at all, just a lesson. But Zhao Yuande's slap didn't keep his hands. Although he didn't use his best efforts, he still fanned Zhu Gedong's face with a slap, full of teeth, and sprayed it out with blood.

"Wow!" Zhu Gedong spouted **** teeth, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face.

He couldn't believe that the other party would dare to shoot directly, and it was so heavy!

You know you are the young master of the city master! The future heir to the city master!

This kind of identity is very honorable, and there are two older sisters standing up, who dare to treat him like this in the entire Void City.

"Ah! Give me a person, a person!" Zhu Gedong screamed, "Go and call my sister and let them come out to see how his brother is being bullied!"

Everyone around was always in a slack, until now it was sober from the shock, they all looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably, they never dreamed that this guy was so bold and arrogant.

In the face of everyone, slammed the face of the young master!

At this time, someone had rushed in to report.

"Brother Zhao..." Mo Yufeng didn't know Zhao Yuande's true identity. He suddenly worried about Zhao Yuande. If this conflicted with the two sisters of Zhuge's family, Zhao Yuande would definitely suffer.

"It's okay! Brother Mo is on the side!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand slightly, a light smile on his face.

"Okay!" Mo Yufeng knew Zhao Yuande's temper, so he nodded and said nothing.

But if it is the critical moment, he will still stand up and stand side by side with Zhao Yuande.

"Zhu Gedong! Looking at your sister's face, I will give you another chance. Immediately hand over the soft armor and come to Jin Rouer to kowtow, or no one can save you!" Zhao Yuande's eyes are very cold, looking at Zhuge Dong's eyes had already revealed the murderous opportunity.

"You are looking for death! You are looking for death!" Zhu Gedong could still hear it at this time, his face showing a grudge, angry roaring roar.

"In this case, then come here!" Zhao Yuande grabbed it, and an irresistible force directly pinched Zhu Gedong's neck, dragging him violently, and threw it in front of Jin Rouer.

"Apology!" Zhao Yuande's voice was cold.

"No... this will do! This will do!" Jin Rouer was panic-stricken at this moment, and she didn't expect things to get to this level.

She is still a very kind girl, although Zhu Gedong humiliated her and robbed her of her things, she couldn't bear to see the other person like this.

"Don't you!" Zhu Gedong was also hard-hearted. He was thrown on the ground with seven meats and eight primes, but he still didn't bow his head. The bitter eyes stared at Zhao Yuande, and the vicious words in his mouth continued to spit out. , "You wait for me, as long as the master is not dead, you will die, and you little bitch, don't be hypocritical, if I don't die, I will definitely make a big man take you alive..."

"Okay! Since that's the case, then I won't be polite to you!" Zhao Yuande killed the star at this time, and the void grabbed Zhuge East directly.


Zhu Gedong only felt that the void around him was squeezing towards himself, and he could clearly hear the overwhelming click of his bones.

"Brother Zhao kept his life!" Mo Yufeng on the side saw this and finally couldn't help but persuade, "He is the son of the city master, you will be in big trouble if you kill him!"

"You can hear what he said just now. If I let him go, if he really did that, you said I wouldn't regret it!" Zhao Yuande turned to look at Mo Yufeng and asked seriously.

"This..." Mo Yufeng said suddenly.

He knew that the other party was used to domineering, maybe he would really do that kind of thing.

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