Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3076: Things solved

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No matter what happens to a sinner's daughter, no one will pay attention.

"That's it!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "Brother Mo you think he might do this, then why should I leave this trouble to myself! It's better to kill a hundred!"

"But..." Mo Yufeng wanted to say something, but found that he had nothing to say.


Zhao Yuande no longer hesitated, grabbed a palm.


The bones shattered, and Zhu Gedong was now squeezed into a mass by the force of the invisible void.

There was no more viciousness and viciousness in his eyes at this time, and he was replaced by deep fear.

Anyone will be afraid of seeing himself being squeezed into meat sauce live!

"Stop it!" At this time, several figures rushed out, and the first two were sister Zhuge.

Before the Zhuge Yuren arrived, he shot a sword and tried to stop Zhao Yuande.

"Zhao...Brother Zhao!" But when they saw Zhao Yuande's face clearly, his face suddenly changed greatly, and his words stuttered.

At this time, they regretted that they really shouldn't just look at their face and let the younger brother apologize.

They did not expect Zhao Yuande to be the initiator of the incident, and if they knew it, they would have rushed out.

They saw the situation of Zhao Yuande's confrontation with the half-walk respectable strong man, even the sage master couldn't help but compromise.

There is no one in this kind of people who can control, that is, lawlessness!

Zhao Yuande smashed Zhuge Yu's swordman, but he didn't continue to do it, but turned his gaze to the other side.

"Brother Zhao, no matter what happened, please leave the third brother alive, if he has anything wrong, we are willing to make up." Zhu Gehui could not pretend to be deep at this time, and hurried forward to come very sincerely. Bowed to Zhao Yuande.

Everyone around, including Mo Yufeng, who slightly knew Zhao Yuande's identity, was stunned at this moment.

Originally, Zhu Gedong felt that the pressure had temporarily disappeared. After seeing the appearance of the two sisters, he thought that something would be reversed.

But he also froze the next moment, but he had never seen his sister make such a gesture to anyone, even in the face of many senior elders, this sister also maintained an arrogance.

Because she has this arrogant capital!

But now he whispered so low to this guy, he knew he must have provoked someone who could not.

Many people around this time are wondering what identity Zhao Yuande is?

But they racked their brains and didn't expect one reason. It seemed that countless small bugs lived in their anxious hearts.

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande smiled. "Your Zhuge family is really a good character. To destroy my eighteen generations of ancestors, I have to find ten big Hanluns. This poor little girl, you said I should or should not It's time to kill him."

"What!" Zhuge Hui's face suddenly changed, and his eyes stared at his brother.

She really can't believe this is what her brother said. Although this brother is naughty, but...

"Brother Zhao, I'm willing to make a guarantee. Zhuge Dong was just angry and nonsense. He absolutely did not dare to do this. I also ask you to give him a way of life." Zhuge Hui has used the word you, obviously there is something in his heart Panic.

"Really? I'm not worried, but if he hurts the girl Jin Ruoer with resentment, don't I want to regret it!" Zhao Yuande looked at Zhuge Hui, "you say! I can still leave him ?"

"This..." Zhuge Hui chuckled.

She naturally knew Jin Rouer, and knew that she was rejected by everyone. In case someone took advantage of the question to secretly remove Jin Rouer, wouldn’t her younger brother be blamed?

She knew that it would be too late even if she said anything.

"Okay! For the sake of your Zhuge family's future, let me kill him!" Zhao Yuande was ready to start.

"Wait! I am willing to ask the sages to collect the gold and brothers and sisters to enter the sage tower. As long as they enter the sage tower, Zhu Gedong, even with ten guts, will not dare to harm them!"

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande turned to look at Mo Yufeng.

Here he only believes in Mo Yufeng.

"Brother Zhao, this is indeed the case!" Mo Yufeng calmed his excitement and explained, "Everyone in the Sage Tower has a very high status, and Zhu Gedong really dare not take action on them."

Zhao Yuande nodded lightly.

In fact, he knew that even if he killed Zhuge East, the people in the city's main palace would complain to Jinrouer's brothers and sisters, and they would not have a good life in the future.

What he waited for was Zhuge Hui's sentence, which could make the brothers and sisters of Jinjia safe and secure.

"Their siblings are descendants of sinners, this is no problem!" Zhao Yuande looked at Zhuge Hui.

"No problem, Master Sage also knows their situation and takes care of them secretly, otherwise their brothers and sisters will not be able to gain a foothold in this city!" Zhu Gehui nodded.

"Then there is no problem!" Zhao Yuande nodded and turned to look at Jin Rouer brother and sister, "Do you have any requirements?"

"No! No!" Jin Rouer's head shook like a rattle.

At this moment their gratitude to Zhao Yuande could not be described, and at the same time they were filled with a kind of happiness and joy.

"That's fine!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the void and grabbed that soft armor in Zhu Gedong's body, and threw it to Jin Rouer. "No one I send is eligible to grab it. If anyone still Dare to do such a thing, I will definitely find it for you again."

"Absolutely no such thing will happen again!" Zhu Geyu had cold sweat coming out of her forehead at this time. She had been wearing this soft armor for several days, and the other party would not point out!

"Thank you Brother Zhao!" Jin Rouer put away the soft armor beautifully, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande nodded, as if suddenly thinking of something, to Jin Haidao, "You come with me, I have something to ask you."

"Yes!" Gimhae nodded hurriedly, very respectfully.

"Okay, let's all go away! The matter is over." Zhuge Yu swept the Quartet, cold flashes in his eyes, "Please don't preach today's things, please!"

"Why not?" Everyone felt the chill in Zhuge Yu's eyes and waved their hands in a hurry.

"Brother Mo also wants to keep it secret and leave a little face for my city's main palace." Zhu Geyu looked at Mo Yufeng again.

Obviously, she has paid close attention to Mo Yufeng, but the other party has a close relationship with Zhao Yuande, and he can play a big role at the critical moment.

"Miss Zhuge, don't worry, we are not talking people!" Mo Yufeng nodded. "But please ask Zhuge girl to take care of Zhuge Dong. You must know his temperament better than me. If something happens, I'm afraid Brother Zhao ..."

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