Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Understood!" Zhuge Yu nodded.

This time I must go back to let my father have good discipline.

"Gim Hai, what is your father's name, I will soon go to the evil forest, if I can meet him..." Zhao Yuande did not continue.

"What..." Jin Hai heard Zhao Yuande say this, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face, but then he dimmed. "My father is called Jin Jun. He is a half-walker esteemer, and he was the palace of the Criminal Law Hall. the Lord."

"Um! Jin Jun... I remember!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He could imagine the helplessness and despair of the brothers and sisters, and it was because of pity that they decided to help them.

The matter ended successfully, Zhao Yuande took a brisk step and left Huazhen Building.

Zhuge Hui, Zhuge Yu, Mo Yufeng and others looked at his back and couldn't help but daze a little.

"Hey! When will we be able to practice to this point!" Zhuge Yu couldn't help sighing again and again.

"Sister! Why do you..." Zhu Gedong was also quite honest at this time, but looked at the two sisters in a puzzled way.

"What do you know! But he is able to contend with half-walker Zun, even if his father can't beat him personally, what do we think we should do, do we not fight him?" Zhuge Yu hated the iron.

"What!" Zhu Gedong closed his mouth immediately, and he knew he was really wrong, ridiculously wrong!

At this time Mo Yufeng, Mo Yuyu and Jiang Shaochong were also stunned.

Only in their hearts did they understand why Zhao Yuande was so confident, that they had strength!

They are also fortunate to be able to make such a friend!

At the same time, I understand why the ancestors so seriously told them!

Zhao Yuande strolled around in the Void City for a long time, and then he directly escaped into the Void, left the Void City, and flew in the direction of the evil forest.

He has now become a master, and his forces are almost invincible in the half-walk respect, and he is not afraid of any danger at all.

Now is the best time to go to the evil forest.

"Mo Wu, Xiaoqing, you all come out!" Zhao Yuande summoned them.

"Master, I'm really suffocating!" Mo Wu's eyes were full of excitement at this time. "My strength has finally returned to the strength of Half Walk Daozun. Now I want to see who dares to provoke me!"

"Father, I'm a little stronger!" Xiao Qing absorbed a lot of flames during the Heaven Tribulation, breaking time to digest, and his strength has also improved.

It is now close to the seventh level, and the realm corresponding to the seventh level is also Taoist Realm!

"Haha, good!" Zhao Yuande was very happy.

The promotion of these two helpers also improved Zhao Yuande's combat effectiveness.

Sin Forest is as dark as ever. He did not fall but flew against the top of the Sin Forest. The speed was not too fast.

He is here to find the sinners in the evil forest, not to fight the monsters among them.

Flying a dozen breaths, he suddenly patted Mo Qilin's head and let it fall into the forest.

Because he found several cultivators in black robes are fighting fiercely with a group of monsters.

This group of black robe cultivators is the sinner in the evil forest.

The emergence of Zhao Yuande suddenly made this group of sinners like an enemy, and immediately separated the two to fly towards Zhao Yuande.

Looking at the hostility on the faces of these two people, Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Don't do it, I'm the one you are looking for. Now take me to see your leader!" Zhao Yuande was too lazy to talk to them, and he directly said his identity.

"Are you...Zhao Yuande?" One of the men in black turned out to be a woman, she was veiled, and there was something strange in her voice.

"Good! I am Zhao Yuande!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Can you prove it?" the woman hesitated.

"This is not difficult!" Zhao Yuande set his sights on the battlefield not far away.

There are hundreds of black three-headed demon wolves in the battlefield. These three-headed demon wolves are all nine-level monsters, which is equivalent to the powerful existence of the ninth small step.

At the moment, seven or eight people in black are fighting against them.

"Destroy me!"

Zhao Yuande was not long-winded, and pressed directly into the void in the battlefield.

All three demon wolves in the battlefield seemed to have been fixed at this moment, and they were unable to move.

But at this time their blood eyes are full of panic.


At the next moment, all three magic wolves exploded at the same time, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

" is this possible!" The woman's voice was full of horror and incredible.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande withdrew his palm and said lightly.

"Yes!" The woman shuddered.

Zhao Yuande quickly led these people towards the depths of the evil forest.

These people are very familiar with the evil forest. They led Zhao Yuande through the forest. They even passed through the void channel several times, and finally came to a dark space.

"Here... the power of the void is so powerful!" Zhao Yuande looked at the dark space in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"There is something evil here that makes me very uncomfortable, and I ask to go back!" Mo Qilin suddenly said.

"Oh?" Zhao Yuande nodded and sent Mo Qilin and Xiao Qing directly into the body world.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but send a message to Mo Qilin.

"Here gives me a sense of familiarity, as if...I'm from here!" Mo Qilin's voice had a strange smell.

"Really?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked. "Is there really a way to the chemical industry?"

"No... it should be the way to hell! I was mistakenly involved in the Netherstorm and was involved in **** before I came here!" Mo Qilin finally told the truth at this time.

"Why didn't you say that before?" Zhao Yuande wondered.

"I... I just restored these memories!" Mo Qilin said.

"It turned out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Little friend! You are finally here!" The old man who had previously intercepted Zhao Yuande appeared at this time in front of Zhao Yuande and smiled at him.

But as soon as the old man's voice fell, his complexion suddenly became very exciting.

" were promoted!" The old man stuttered a little, showing how heavy the shock in his heart was.

"Promoted?" The masked woman who came with Zhao Yuande couldn't help but shake.

From the old man's reaction, she immediately thought that the other party's promotion might be a half-track respect, otherwise the old man could not be so shocked.

In addition, the other party's previous powerful forces reinforce this speculation.

Others also vaguely guessed what they saw, and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes full of horror.

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