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"Hehe!" Zhao Yuande smiled faintly.

"Xiaoyou! You are a real evildoer!" the old man sighed, and there was a Taoist divine light in his eyes, "but that's better! With the joining of Xiaoyou, we may soon be able to figure out where the black hole leads to, maybe……"

"Take me a look!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Since he was promoted to Half Walk Realm, his control of the void has reached an incredible level. As soon as he comes here, he has a strong feeling that the power of the void is extremely powerful and terrible, and there is an unknown strong breath. Constantly revealed from it.

That powerful breath clearly does not belong to this world of time and space, but comes from another mysterious and powerful space.

"Little friends come with me!" The old man took Zhao Yuande forward.

Strictly speaking, this is no longer a sin forest, nor a void star field, but is in the gap between two pieces of time and space, and the power of the void around it is more and more scary, even the old man is a little cautious at this time. Rise like a thin ice.

"I don't know what my brother is calling?" Zhao Yuande has now reached the half-track respect, and it is no longer appropriate to call the other's senior.

"My name is Zhou Ping, and Xiaoyou calls me Old Zhou or Brother Zhou." Zhou Ping replied.

"Brother Zhou! Do you know that there is a strong man named Jin Jun among you?" Zhao Yuande thought of Jinhai's brother and sister and couldn't help asking.

"Jin Jun!" Zhou Ping heard the name, and he couldn't help but change his face slightly. "How did Xiaoyou know this name?"

"I am..." Zhao Yuande did not conceal, and said about the brothers and sisters of Jinhai one by one.

"They... suffered!" Zhou Ping's complexion suddenly became dark, and he looked at Zhao Yuande sincerely with his eyes. "Little friends, thank you. If you weren't, they might... Hey!"

"Who is that Jin Jun?" Zhao Yuande could not help wondering when he saw the other's expression.

"You will see him in a moment!" Zhou commented bitterly.

"He's really here?" Zhao Yuande can not only frown, "I'll scold him at that moment, what does he mean, can't he take their brothers and sisters from Gimhae? Let them suffer from the Void City all day long. He can also feel at ease with the eyes of that group of people!"

"..." Zhou Ping didn't speak, and there was a look of guilt on his face.

"Hey!" A faint sigh came from the distant sky, a bitter voice came into their ears, "It's me... It's me I'm sorry for them! Weekly comment You brought him in! I want to thank you in person Benefactor!"

"Yes! Boss!" Zhou Ping heard this voice, slightly solemn.

The two soon came to an illusory space, where the colorful light flickered everywhere, and the light and shadow on the side like a mirror were constantly turning.

The infinite black breath at the top of the space is spurting outward, and from time to time, a powerful monster beast rushes out of it, shuttles into that mirror, blinks and disappears.

The six strong men in black robes are separated in the six directions of this illusory space, constantly playing various different tricks.

Among these six black robe strongmen, a middle-aged man with a somewhat old-looking look is constantly waving a euphorbia flashing in his hand.

The euphorbia continuously cut the upper void, tearing the black breath.

Zhao Yuande was keenly aware that in the envelope of the black breath, a powerful breath continuously spewed out, and this breath was full of ancient times and mysterious vicissitudes.

Zhao Yuande breathed a little bit of this breath and could not help looking slightly changed.

He immediately discerned that this is a breath from a high-level interface. Although it is somewhat similar to the breath of the chemical industry, it is not as strong and powerful as the breath of the chemical industry.

Sure enough, as Mo Qilin said, here should lead to a certain layer of hell.

"The other side of this passage is not the chemical world!" Zhao Yuande said, "but a certain space of hell!"

"Little friend said well, I think so!" The old middle-aged man stopped waving his euphorbia and walked towards Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande felt the power of the void in the opponent's body. The opponent apparently also practiced the sky of the void, but it was not the void crystal core that finally condensed!

"You are Jin Jun?" Zhao Yuande looked at this middle-aged man and couldn't help but show a trace of anger on his face, "Do you know how much grievance Jin Hai and Jin Rouer have, what kind of treatment they have suffered, why don't you Bringing them, even if they die here, is more reassuring than being humiliated all day long! A young girl, Jin Rouer, was even snatched alive by many of them because of a soft armor I gave! How exactly are you a father!"

"How dare you be irrational to the leader! Do you know what the leader paid for this passage! You don't know what you are doing here!" The six old men all looked cold at this moment, glaring at Zhao Yuande!

"You shut up! It's me wrong! Xiaoyou is my great benefactor, you must not be unreasonable to him!" Jin Jun turned his head and roared, as if venting his depression, "Xiaoyou, you don't know, I really want to Take them over, but there has never been a chance. The void here is really unstable. Without the guarding of us, it is likely to collapse, and our efforts for thousands of years will be in vain!"

"It's all an excuse!" Zhao Yuande didn't pay attention to the other party's pain at all, but said, "It's just a passage, how can the safety of your family be concerned, your father is not qualified!"

"Yes! I am not qualified!" Jin Jun lowered his head, his eyes gleamed with a cloud of tears.

"Boss..." Zhou commented in a low voice, "This can't blame you all either. It's useless for a few of us. We have been found by the old guy several times near the Void City, and every time we have failed to return. And these years If it weren’t for his obstruction, I’m afraid we’ve got through this channel.”

"The sage has his worries! He is afraid that there will be countless **** monsters rushing out after the passage of the tunnel, and then the Void City will be directly submerged!" Jin Jun shook his head.

"Then why do you go through this channel so firmly?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"Because... some of us have already entered it! And there are often weak messages!" Jin Jun said that there was strange light in his eyes, "That's my Master, and now I can still feel Master's breath faintly. From the depths of the passage, I feel that Master is not dead, but has entered the space of **** and is sending us some kind of message."

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