Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3084: Yinfengcheng

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"All right!" Zhao Yuande said dryly.

He felt the bitterness in his mouth. Just a few days before the invincible world, it was time to pretend to be a grandson. Now it is really better to be happy in the Tongtian God Market.

Zhao Yuande landed on the ground and greeted the Chiming dark horses on the opposite side.

"Don't laugh, **** pays attention to your strength and the power behind it. Laughing is useless, you have to be fierce!" Lei Yuan said.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande smiled condensedly, and his face showed a terrible color, and his eyes were even more murderous.

"That's right! Evil, fierce! The more fierce you are, the stronger you are!" Lei Yuan continued to teach.


The Chiming dark horse group stopped slowly, and the strong man of the Yinluo Demon Clan led Zhao Yuande and the Mo Qilin under his seat with the one eye full of evil light.

At the next moment, a smile that was uglier than crying appeared, because it found Mo Qilin's extraordinary, although Mo Qilin's cultivation practice was not powerful in his opinion, but its bloodline was extremely pure.

This pure blood veined Mo Qilin is rare even in their Yinluo Mozu.

The other party's ability to possess Mo Qilin has demonstrated its extraordinary identity.

"This is the brother of the Black Fire Clan?" The voice of the Yinluo Demon guy had some expectation in his voice.

"It's true that I am the Black Forest Clan of the Black Fire Clan!" Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth, pretending to be fierce.

"Heihuo clan Heilin clan!" The guy heard Zhao Yuande's self-reported door, and suddenly shot a more excited light in his own eyes. "Yin Luo Mo clan has seen Brother Hei Lin!"

The Black Fire clan is divided into three major surnames, Black Forest, Black Wind, Black Fire, Black Fire is strong hundreds of millions of years ago, but now it is Black Forest strong!

It is a great chance for him to appear here at this time!

He was once a genius of the Yinluo tribe, but he was demoted to this poor mountain and the bad waters to take care of Yaoshan because he offended a big person.

If Yinluo Mozu is one of the top ten demons in hell, it is the end of the top ten demons.

And he is also a branch of Yinluo Mozu. If he can get the help of this Hei Linfeng, he will surely rise again among Yinluo Mozu.

Thinking like this, his heart became even hotter!

"Well!" Zhao Yuande held his head in a disrespectful manner. "I traveled and practiced in various continents, and now I am a little tired, you take me to the nearest city to rest! If I am satisfied, there will be you naturally the benefits of!"

"Hey! Young Master Heilin ordered, how dare Yinzhuo say no!" Yinzhuo heard Zhao Yuande's imperative tone. Instead of feeling angry, a big stone lay down in his heart.

I'm afraid you don't need me, and using me will make you feel inseparable from me! I thought so in my heart.

Yinzhuo turned his head toward the group of Chiming black horses and made a loud scream, and the group of Chiming black horses turned around and ran away in the direction of coming.

"Brother Heilin, please come with me! The nearest city, Yinfeng City, is 300,000 miles away. I will introduce the situation of Yinfeng City to Brother Heilin as I walk!" Yin Zhuo passionately led Zhao Yuande and talked Introducing Zhao Yuande.

Apart from his strange appearance, this guy is the same as the human race, and his ability to pat the horse is not weaker than that of the human race. Zhao Yuande couldn't help being taken by him.

The distance of 300,000 miles in the world of the void or the road to heaven, Zhao Yuande can reach it with only a thousandth of a moment at most, but it is suppressed here in its entirety. time.

Zhao Yuande finally saw the end of the horizon, a huge city lying on the ground like an ancient beast.

There is a huge golden orb suspended in the sky above the city, releasing an infinite light, and seeing the distance in the square bowl.

Seeing a hint of curiosity on Zhao Yuande's face, the scorching side hurriedly opened his mouth to help him solve the puzzle.

"This is called the golden light pearl, but it is an ordinary fifth-grade magic treasure, which was made by my Yinluo demon cultivator to provide light sources for major cities."

"Oh! The item magic treasure is indeed rubbish." Zhao Yuande said lightly.

But there is a wry smile in my heart, the fifth-grade magic treasure is equivalent to the fifth-grade magic fairy, and there is not one fifth-grade magic fairy in my body!

Yinfeng City arrived soon, and Zhao Yuande saw many strange races coming and going in and out of the city gate in an orderly manner.

And in the sky there is this powerful breath that constantly shuttles back and forth.

He can feel that the flying in the sky is beyond the half-track respecting realm, and the lowest order is also the power of the Taoist realm. There are also a few more powerful than the Taoist realm. He even feels a strong breath. Pcs.

He knew that it should be a holy deity, a deity!

Do not! In this hell, the realm of Dao Zun is called the deity, the deity is the deity, and the deity is naturally the deity!

"Into the city you need to be irradiated by the Yin Luo mirror, but Brother Hei Lin followed me like this treatment!" Yin Zhuo pointed to a huge black mirror hanging outside the gate.

"Yin Luo Jing? Is it a treasure to distinguish the demon?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but cast his gaze at the black mirror curiously.

"Not to distinguish the demon race, but to distinguish the other race!" Yin Zhuo whispered, "Last time, there was a strong human race mixed in the Yinfeng City, and as a result, he killed seven in seven out, even my Yinluo demon is here A holy demon stationed was almost cut! They only attracted attention this time. They spent a lot of money to buy this Yinluo mirror from the main city of Yinluo!"

"No need to worry, this Yinluo mirror can't decipher your identity. The flame transformed by Xiaoqing can perfectly cover your breath. Even the true Demon Venerable of the Black Fire Clan can't be deciphered here, but if it is reached The demon of the Sacred Realm is hard to say!" Feeling the tension in Zhao Yuande's heart, Lei Yuan explained.

"That's good!" Zhao Yuande secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yuande was taken to a side entrance by Yin Zhuo. The guard at the side gate was a strong Yin Luo Mo Clan. This strong Yin Luo Mo Clan was extremely tall, as if it was a giant mountain. Yin Zhuo and this guy It's simply a bean sprout.

"Hey! Yinyue, when will the 1,000 magic crystals owe me be returned to me!" The guy saw the Yinyue and couldn't help but stepped forward, his fists squeaked and his eyes were fierce. Light.

"Yin Xiong, don't be arrogant. Didn't you see a VIP behind me?" Yin Zhuo's voice was sharp, and there was no slight fear in his eyes.

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