Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3085: Slave market

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Guest?" Yin Xiong looked at Zhao Yuande, and at the first sight he saw the Mo Qilin, "Mo Qilin! It was Mo Qilin!"

Yin Xiong's face suddenly showed a fierce light. He glanced left and right subconsciously, trying to rush to **** it, but before taking the first step, he found Zhao Yuande sitting on Mo Qilin's back.

It's no wonder that he didn't find out before that Mo Qilin was a few feet tall and his head was so high that Zhao Yuande was sitting on it a little unremarkably.

This step fell, and the Yin Xiong came to a sudden brake. The huge inertia made him almost directly planted on the ground.

"Hey! You dare to confuse your young master of the Black Fire clan, why should you be guilty?" The scorching dog was kicked on the **** of the yin bear.


The Yin Xiong was a little unsteady at first, and was kicked on the buttocks. Then a dog came to eat shit, and his head was stuck on the hard bluestone ground.

The bluestone floor suddenly shattered into a cobweb, revealing a shallow human-shaped pit.

"Yin Zhuo, you dare to kick Lao Tzu, I will kill you today!" Yin Xiong jumped up, screamed and rushed towards Yin Zhuo.

"Here is the Young Master of the Black Fire Clan, you dare to be arrogant!" Yin Zhuo's body flashed behind Mo Qilin, and he protruded his head and yelled at Yin Xionghu and Huhu Wei.

This voice was extremely loud. This partial door was originally able to leave some qualified people in the city. They were immediately attracted by this voice.

"What... really is the young master of the Black Fire Clan! Look at his breath, look at the black flames above his head, especially the blood of Qi Mo Lin is extremely pure!"

"Look at his momentum, especially the momentum, the kind that is high, and only the young master of the Black Fire clan has this momentum!"

"So handsome... people like it so much!"

"Shut up, you are my woman!"

"What do you count, they are the young masters of the Blackfire Clan, if he nods, they will immediately follow him!"

"You damsel, Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu..."


Hearing these conversations, Zhao Yuande could not help but glanced at the woman who was going to follow her.

This almost made him spit out the overnight meal. This person is tall and majestic, and he has a head higher than the yin bear, especially his body is not so long. The upper and lower are generally thick, and the bucket is just fine!

Even more excessively, this woman actually has four legs, and the four legs are steady on the ground!

The woman saw Zhao Yuande's eyes glancing at herself, and she couldn't help but toss her eyes at Zhao Yuande again and again, the blinking frequency was almost comparable to that of dragonfly wings.

"My god! What a monster!" Zhao Yuande exclaimed.

"Haha! Zhao Yuande don't have no vision. This is the most elite Elun woman in hell. Their kung fu is notoriously good in hell. If you nod, nod your head and try to get it back?" Lei There was a little laugh in the source voice.

"Is he blind in hell?" Zhao Yuande scolded.

"They are not blind, but it is more realistic!" Lei Yuan laughed. "It's the same when you turn off the lights, why don't you be more cool!"

"Turn off the lights... Is it useful for practitioners to turn off the lights?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering.

"In fact, what is more important is that the demons in **** and humans have different visions. They think people are tall, and bucket-like women are the most interesting!" Lei Yuan said.

"Well! This is the normal reason, but also the weirdest reason! I can't imagine what is in their heads!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help guessing maliciously, "I don't think grass is shit!"

"Don't show your feet. This is the key!" Lei Yuan reminded. "Obviously there is a bit of gloating in the other party's voice, and I don't know if it's true!"


"Hey! It turned out to be the young master of the Black Fire clan! The Yin bear has no eyes, please ask the young master not to blame!" Although the bear was reckless, it was not a fool. Friendly smile.

"Go!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Yes! I get off!" Yin Xiong leaned over Xia, and actually rolled up.

"Haha! Yin Xiong called you blind, and you have today!" Yin Zhuo looked at Yin Xiong in a dizzy manner, and laughed heartily, laughing back and forth, and laughing together.

"Go!" Zhao Yuande resisted the helplessness in his heart and shouted.

"Yes... Master Heilin, please follow me!" Yin Zhuo intentionally aggravated the voices of Heilin's two groups.

Suddenly there was shock in the eyes of everyone around!

The three surnames of the Black Fire clan are based on Black Forest, and the name of Young Master Black Forest is more frightening than Black Fire.

The scorching and violently took Zhao Yuande from the side door into the Yinfeng City.

The strange buildings in the city are not in line with Zhao Yuande's normal human aesthetics, so he is covered with black lines.

"Well! Not bad!" Zhao Yuande said from time to time with such disapproving admiration.

Most of the strange regional races on the street are humanoid.

Zhao Yuande's careful observation reveals that most of these humanoid demons are underground, and most are even slave races.

Zhao Yuande, a distinguished and powerful person, walked in the middle of the road, and those with low status were on both sides of the road, and he had to be cautious when walking the road!

Zhao Yuande even saw several human races, beaten by leather whips, and pigs and dogs hurriedly entered a noisy market.

"Where is where?" Zhao Yuande looked at the noisy market and could not help revealing a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Slave trading market, all kinds of cheap slaves from Hell from the chemical world and hundreds of millions of realms, will be sent to the trading market." Yin Zhuo showed disdain, "Those things like pigs and dogs I think Young Master Hei Lin will not be interested!"

"Are you taunting me?" Zhao Yuande shouted angrily. "Don't you know that my ancestors are also human races, do you want to die?"

"The young master forgives the sin, the young master forgives the sin!" Yin Zhuo puffed down on his knees, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

It was difficult for him to win such a big man. If he offended the other party in this way, he would be considered dead.

Although the other party's strength is not strong, but once his identity is revealed, I am afraid that there will be countless people crawling over to serve him. If you want to kill yourself, it will be understood by someone with a look!

"Okay! Let's spare you this time, come to me to rest first, and then you will take me to the slave market for a turn!" Zhao Yuande's face looked good, and he waved his hand slightly.

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