Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3092: Void City Crisis

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However, the happy time is always short. He will soon leave his avatar in the cave house to continue to practice, and his real body has returned to his residence in the Void City.

As soon as he returned to the Void City, he felt a sense of relaxation all over his body.

It's like a mountain that has been carried on the body has been taken away, and it seems to be able to float at any time.

Everything in the void around him seems to have a connection with himself. If he wants his mind to move, the void will be easily controlled by him.

"Is this a powerful feeling?" Zhao Yuande's face not only showed a happy smile.

"Huh?" It was at this moment that he suddenly felt the void turbulence, an unpredictable force of terror, as if it had suddenly come to the whole world.

In a blink of an eye, his soul radiated hundreds of millions of miles, and the divine space was formed.

The next moment, he saw that the quiet and peaceful void city of the past no longer existed, replaced by tension and panic.

Countless women and children were hiding at home, and all the strong men were no longer here at this time, and appeared on the tall and majestic walls of the Void City.


A roar came from time to time, and countless monsters flew from the depths of the void, rushing towards the void city.

Among these monsters, there is occasionally a huge void beast.

Void beasts roar from time to time, seeming to command these monsters.

"Defend the Void City, and fight against these monsters in the end, never back!" Master Sage is standing in the Void at this time. At this time, he is very different from the gentleness of the past. His face is terrible. He is now. It really shows the strength of the super strong.


Millions of strong men in the Void City gave a roar, and the entire sky dome that was frightened would collapse.

The monster group and the strongman collided together in an instant, and the blood instantly depicted a miserable scene in the void.

Countless people lost their lives at this moment, countless monsters turned into fly ash at this moment.

An extraordinarily powerful Void Beast highlights a tens of millions of terrifying Void Blades, together with an endless group of monsters and beasts, along with thousands of powerful Void City Cultivators.

"Dirty beast!" The sage's long hair was about to stand upright, and he turned into a giant giant with thirty-six pairs of huge white wings stretching behind his back.


The sage and the Void Beast have a war, and all the voids are cleared for hundreds of millions of miles, and countless powerful monsters are shaken into the powder in the aftermath of their battle.


Another powerful Void Beast swam out of the depths of the Void, and behind him was an infinite army of monsters.

"Mother Frog, these small fishes will be handed over to you!" The lord of the city looked terrified. "That big guy, I will deal with it!"

"Good baby, come out for me!" Mother-in-law frog focused her head, waved her palm, and a huge blue figure appeared beside her.

This is a giant toad like a magnificent and tall toad like Foshan Yue, and the pimples on its body are constantly expanding.


The giant toad opened its mouth, and a dark green cloud spewed out of the mouth.

This dark green cloud seems to have life, avoiding the cultivators of the Void City and looming over towards the endless army of monsters and beasts.


The monster beast shrouded in dark green clouds made a screaming scream.

These demon beasts were melted directly into a pool of dark green pus, and a stench of breath diffused in the void instantly.

After the giant toad spit out this dark green cloud, his body suddenly shrank a few times, and the raised poison sacs on his body were also sunken, and his eyes became dull.

"Little obedient, let's go to rest!" Mother-in-law Frog saw a bit of pity in her eyes and hurriedly incorporated it into the body world.

"Roar! Roar!"

Void in the distance, terrible roar came again.

A huge void beast appeared again, and an endless army of monsters and beasts roared behind them terrifyingly.


Several strong men who reached the half-walk respect rushed out, rushing toward the head of the void beast.

Their faces were still exposed, even if they had given up their lives to prevent the Void Beast from destroying their home.

The war has reached its fiercest time. I don’t know how many powerful cultivators have lost their lives in the battle, nor how many monsters have been killed.

Zhao Yuande did not shoot directly, but fell his own soul on several people.

Brother and sister Mo Yufeng, Jiang Shaochong, and even Jin Hai, as long as they are not in danger, he will wait and see for a while.

This is not only an offensive and defensive battle, but also a trial of blood and fire. Only when these people experience this terrible life and death, they will grow up faster from this battle.

I don't know how much time in the war, the sage finally beheaded his opponent, this is considered to have the free time to help other powerful people.

He did not attempt to kill those ordinary monsters, because his thinking is the same as that of Zhao Yuande. Only in battle will some geniuses rise.

The battle lasted three days and three nights. I don’t know how many practitioners fell, nor how many monsters were killed.

The body floated in the void, as if it were a slaughterhouse.

Zhao Yuande manipulated the void and did not know how many times they rescued Mo Yufeng.

If it weren’t for Zhao Yuande, they probably didn’t know how many times they died. Others didn’t feel anything. Only Mo Yufeng was the strongest, barely feeling that something was wrong.

There were several fatal attacks, and somehow he deviated from his body, leaving him to die several times.

But he didn't think of Zhao Yuande, and of course he didn't have time to think about it.


In the distance, the void exploded, and a huge crack of hundreds of millions of miles appeared in the sky dome. An extremely large void beast emerged from it.


This group of Void Beasts has dozens of heads. They open their mouths one by one and spit out black mist.

There was a roar of roaring sounds in the mist, and the black mist formed a mass of monsters and beasts.

The army of monsters and beasts is endless, and overwhelming, let all the strong men change their colors at once.

And the ten-headed Void Beast gradually approached at this time, and a pair of eyes showed a madness.

"Broken! We can't stop these dozens of Void Beasts. Could Void City fall?" The sage's face was full of despair at this moment.

"Come out and fight!" The lord of the city was mad, and the infinite flame was burning from his body, and he even burned his blood directly.

"Yes! Fight!" Several half-walkers roared at the same time, and all began to burn their blood for powerful power.

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