Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3093: The Will of the Void Star

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Don't panic, we are here!" At this time, in the evil forest, thousands of strong men dressed in black appeared, and they were headed by the old man called Weekly Review.

Beside the weekly commentary, there are also four and a half-walking respectable powerhouses. Their gazes towards the monster group are also full of perseverance.

"Weekly comment! You..." The sage could not help but see the difference in the eyes of the strong men in black.

"We decided to leave the evil forest and return to the Void City again. I don't know if Master Sage would accept us?" Zhou commented with a smile on his face.

"Yes!" The sage's eyes were slightly moist, "Weekly comment, you are finally back!"

"Now it's not time to gossip. It's not too late to wait until the Void Beast is repelled! I will drink your millennium peach brew!" Zhou commented with a laugh.

"Enough is enough! Haha!" The sage laughed.

The war broke out again, and with the addition of weekly commentators and others, they finally ended the battle five days later.

At this time, there were too many people, and hundreds of thousands of practitioners now only have tens of thousands, and twelve half-walker esteemed three died.

" it over?" There was a smile on the sage's face.

"Hoo..." Many people also gave a long breath at this time.

"Return! This battle is too tragic, and we have suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that it will not be recovered for thousands of years!" The sage looked at the few tens of thousands of people behind him, and he couldn't help but reveal a sad look in his eyes.

"Fortunately, it is considered to keep the Void City. As long as the Void City is in our hands, there is hope." Zhu Getian, the city owner, was pale at the moment. The burning of blood and blood just made him consume too much. Now his strength is not enough 30%.

"Go back! Rest and recuperate. With the weekly review they return, our Void City hasn't actually reduced its strength, but the children..." Mother-in-law Frog looked at the crowd, and several of her proud disciples died here.


Just when everyone thought it was the end, the huge crack that had gradually healed again cracked open, and a billion-mile-long void beast suddenly rushed out of it.

When everyone saw the Void Beast, they were all stunned.

"This... this is too strong!" The sage changed his face instantly. He felt that the strength of this Void Beast is not ridiculous, and they are no longer able to resist them!

"Quick! Go back to the city and stay with everyone!" The sage roared, his face showing a determined color, and rushed towards the huge void beast.

The blood flame in his body soared into the sky, which burned the essence blood and Shou Yuan.

He has no way but to burn Sperms and Shouyuan, he can't find any way to fight against this Void Beast.

But soon he found desperately that even if he burned his blood and Shou Yuan, his strength had increased tenfold, but when he approached this Void Beast, he still felt his body trembling.


The Void Beast opened his mouth, the Void was completely broken, and the terrible fluctuations directly flew the sage that rushed to the front.

"Master Sage!" Everyone could not believe this scene.

"It's over! Even sage adults can't resist, we are really over this time!" Everyone was desperate, and their desire to escape was gone, because it was useless!


The Void Beast opened his mouth, sucking towards the crowd, hundreds of millions of miles away.

A huge black hole appeared in the void, and an irresistible force of terror flew into the big mouth of the void beast instantly.


Just as everyone was desperate, they closed their eyes and quietly waited for death, a sigh rang in the void.

A figure appeared out of thin air opposite the Void Beast.

"Sinny beast, get away immediately, or die!" Zhao Yuande's voice was filled with strong majesty.

His palm was gently cut in the void, and the huge black hole instantly lost the support of the void beast, and the village collapsed.

"What... that person is Zhao Yuande!" The sage's eyes fell on Zhao Yuande's body at once, and an incredible light appeared in his eyes.

"He... isn't he dead? Why did he appear here again?" Zhou comment's face was shocked.

"It's really him! He really appeared! Just now, I was probably alive many times I was alive..." Mo Yufeng's eyes showed surprise.

"Has he become so powerful?" Zhu Gehui's voice was somewhat lost.

"He disappeared for so long, and finally returned?"

"It's fine if he appears, we are saved..."


Everyone was shocked at the moment, but they all had different feelings.


At this moment there was a hint of fear in the eyes of the Void Beast.

It has lived in this void star field for endless years, and its wisdom is outstanding.

Suddenly, the terrible breath of Zhao Yuande was noticed.


It was at this time that a sound of Void Vibration was introduced into the Sea of ​​the Void Beast.


The Void Beast roared, and as Meng Amnesty turned, he rushed into a huge crack and disappeared.

At this time, Zhao Yuande turned his gaze on the high sky, just now he felt a thought transmitted through, and it was this idea that made the Void Beast turn around and left.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuande's voice was somewhat cold, "Why are these Void beasts attacking Void City?"

"I am the will of this void star field, this is the way of heaven and earth, and it is also the trial of screening disciples once left by Emperor Zhou. Since you now appear, these void beasts will not come again in the future!" That voice is ethereal.

"This..." Zhao Yuande nodded.

What the other party said was similar to his guess. This should be the last hurdle of the whole road to heaven. Only after passing the test of this hurdle is it possible to have the hope of achieving Dao Zun.

"Let's go back to the Void City first!" Zhao Yuande turned to look at the sages and other powerful players in the Void City, and waved to them.

"Yes..." The sage nodded slightly, expressing gratitude and respect to Zhao Yuande.

Everyone returned to the Void City with excitement and tension.

They also heard the conversation between Zhao Yuande and the will of the Void Star Realm just now, knowing that the Void Beast will never appear again.

The tribulations of the endless years have finally come to an end, and they will look forward to the next life!

Seeing that all the people in the Void City had returned, Zhao Yuande turned to look at the Void again.

"Now that I'm here, I don't know what arrangements are made by the Great Emperor Zhou?" Zhao Yuande said, "Is it directly sent me to the forging industry?"

Saying this, even Zhao Yuande was a little bit excited at this time.

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