Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3094: Coming to practice again

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"No! You need to work hard to cultivate yourself to become Dao Zun, and naturally will directly ascend to the chemical industry. As for direct entry into the chemical industry... The quota has been used." The consciousness of the Void Star Realm slowly said, "It has been truly held by the emperor. The woman from Zhou Fuzhao used it."

"Hand-held emperor Zhou Fuzhao?" Zhao Yuande suddenly had a name in his mind, "Is it jade? When did he enter the chemical and chemical world, and where in the chemical and chemical world?"

"Yes, it is her! At this time, she has entered the chemical industry for one year and three months, and I don't know the continent of the early chemical industry."

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "That is to say, I don't have any shortcuts now, only to cultivate to the path of Taoist Realm!"

"Good! Work hard! You are the first genius I have seen in the control of the Netherworld for hundreds of millions of years. You should have at least a 30% chance to achieve Dao Zun! My task is finally completed...then I can fall asleep..."

Zhao Yuande shook his head somewhat disappointed and turned back to the Void City.

In the Void City, he did not say anything to the sages, but just chatted with Mo Yufeng, Jin Hai, and Jin Rouer for a while, and left some cultivation resources.

He probably won't come back to Void City again, this should be the last time he appeared here.

The next stop is the island in the void sea.

He still appeared in the depths of the void sea, and the spirit of the gods entered the space **** realm.

As soon as his soul returned, he still appeared on the sixth floor of the actual combat tower.

"You are back!" There is some expectation in the voice of the **** of air, "I feel that your strength has increased, and you have reached a limit. Now you should be able to pass through the sixth floor, enter the seventh floor, and even the eighth Layer!"

"Can I still pass the ninth floor like this?" Zhao Yuande asked cautiously.

"Do you think you can defeat Shenwu?" Kong Shendao.

"Uh...when I didn't say anything." Zhao Yuande hurriedly shut up.

"Now meet the fifth challenger!"

The air god's words just fell, and the entire sixth-story test tower suddenly became a world of ice.

A woman in white slowly landed from the void, her appearance was flawless, but there was no human emotion in her eyes, like a cold machine.


As soon as the woman came up, she sipped with no angry voice.

A thick icicle directly broke through the void and appeared in front of Zhao Yuande.

"What a terrible blow!" Zhao Yuande's face changed, and his body disappeared into the void instantly.


The icicle didn't kill Zhao Yuande, and it burst into blasts, and the void around it was like glass.

"So strong!"

Zhao Yuande shuttled in the void, and was suddenly stabbed in the back by a piece of icicle explosion. The place where he was stabbed suddenly felt faint pain.

If he hadn't tempered his flesh in **** for five months, I'm afraid it might not be able to block the debris from the explosion, maybe he would be stunned.

He appeared behind the woman in the next moment, and punched the woman with a punch.

"Ice Shield!"

Woman drinking cold.


The moment Zhao Yuande's fist fell on the woman, an ice shield appeared in front of the woman.

Zhao Yuande hit the ice shield with a punch, and the ice shield didn't break directly, but only showed a crack.


Zhao Yuande was really shocked. He knew that the other party's cultivation practice must be the same as himself. He didn't expect that it was just an ordinary ice shield but he didn't break under his full blow.

Sure enough, the strength of the fifth challenger is much stronger than the previous ones!

Except for the Lord of the Void, she ranked fourth is just a test, not to let you fight directly with it.

Otherwise, the strength of the Void Lord may be placed on the ninth floor, alongside the Divine Martial Arts.

The beginning of the war between the two was very fierce. Zhao Yuande was not the same as before. Although the other party was powerful, Zhao Yuande just used his physical strength just now.

With the cooperation of Divine Space and Void Sky, the woman quickly lost.

In the world of 200,000 true spirits, the power of the world has completely exploded. Even a top-level half-walk respectable realm must be directly crushed.

Only the strong man who has realized the nature of Heaven and Dao in the half-walk respectable realm like this ice girl, the Lord of the Void, and even Shenwu can compete with him.

Outside of the actual combat trial tower at this time, all those who expected Zhao Yuande's performance had long gone, and for more than five months, they almost all had forgotten this matter.

But at this time, the name "Xinghe" began to slowly increase, and finally stayed at 21!

"What... you see, Xinghe's ranking has risen again!" A young man who is bored in idle time is dazed in front of the stele, but at this time there is a flash of purple light. He followed the purple light and suddenly saw the purple light. The name in the package, galaxy!

"Who? Xinghe..." Not far from him, several young people were chatting, and suddenly he was attracted by his voice.


Everyone at the scene was all around at once, and a pair of eyes all fell on the top of the stele.

"Sure enough it's a galaxy! He... even started to work hard again!"

"I have long said that he had sentiments in the actual combat training tower and fell into a closed door. This time I finally verified my statement!"

"Sure enough... I thought he had withdrawn from the trial tower long ago!"

"Come on, know everyone, and pass this amazing news."

"Yes... It was passed out immediately, and the Galaxy was promoted to twenty-one, which is against the rhythm of the sky!"

"He must have defeated the fifth challenger..."


In just a few short breaths, the galactic retreat ended, and the news of the direct victory over the fifth challenger spread like a plague, unstoppable.

After just a dozen breaths, the entire combat trial tower was already crowded with crowds again.

"Sister, did this galaxy really practiced in the actual combat tower for more than five months? Does the trial tower allow this?" Lin Xi looked at the flashing purple name on the stele incredible.

"This is the gap between genius and ordinary people. If you are such a genius, you can get this kind of treatment!" Bai Feng nodded now, even if she was shocked by Zhao Yuande's reappearance.

"Sister, do you think he can overcome the sixth challenger..." Lin Xi's voice was a little trembling.

"It's not easy to say! The sixth challenger is the last difficulty on the sixth floor. Since Luo's Luo Jingtian, no one has been able to overcome the sixth challenger. It can be seen the difficulty of this challenger."

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