Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3097: All conditions are promised

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Zhao Yuande settled down and began to crack the void to kill the formation.

But... the Void Kill Array is the most powerful killer of the Void Lord, but it is so easy to crack!

After a breath, he was cut directly into two halves by a blade of void.

"I was should be like this..." Zhao Yuande's undead body quickly recovered and started his own cracking journey at one time.

A little bit of time passed, he didn't know how many times he was chopped up by the terrible void killing array, how many times it was crushed into meat sauce... The most dangerous thing was that he was sucked into it by the terrible black hole, and was almost directly annihilated.

Fortunately, in the depths of the evil forest, he experienced a journey to the black hole of the eighteenth floor of hell, which finally turned the danger into danger.

"Okay! You successfully passed my test!" came a sound like a sound of nature.

Zhao Yuande's face showed a long-lost smile.

In this void killing array is like a black hole, although he does not know how much time he stays in, but the outside world is only a moment.

After experiencing countless dangers, nine lives, he finally heard this voice.

At the same time the endless void disappeared, standing in front of him was the peerless woman.

"I advise you not to go on the ninth floor!" The main road of the void, "Your current strength is too far away, or you should go to the power test tower to feel the true meaning of the power of Divine Martial Arts."

"Thank you, Senior." Zhao Yuande's face was grateful.

"Go!" The Void Lord waved his hand.

"Sky God, I'm going out!" Zhao Yuande said.

Zhao Yuande's figure soon appeared at the entrance of the actual combat training tower.

As soon as he appeared in the Sky God Realm, Zhao Yuande felt the atmosphere around him seemed to be a little wrong.

Countless eyes fell on him eagerly!

"Xinghe I want to marry you! Take me quickly!"

"Xinghe, I want to be a member of your harem, don't need a name!"

"Xinghe...I love you to death!"


A large group of women rushed over like a swarm, with divine light in their eyes.

It seems that the shopping aunt saw the sale of goods.

"This..." Zhao Yuande's complexion changed, "What the **** is this!"

"Come with me!" At this moment, he was held by one hand and squeezed out of the crowd.

"Senior?" After waiting to crowd out, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but look at the old man in amazement, "What happened?"

This old man is the grandfather of the little witch.

"Xinghe! You are famous, and it is a household name in hundreds of millions of domains!" Sister Zhang and her daughters were also squeezed out of the crowd at this time.

"Don't say it, this is not the place to talk!" The old man said quickly, "That group of women has chased out!"

"What happened?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering.

"Look at your ranking!" The old man pointed to the stele.

Zhao Yuande turned his head to look at the stele and found that his name was already ranked fifth at this time!

"You have been ranked in the top five in the Dao Zun back-up list. All the powerful families in the hundreds of millions of domains want to climb your tree. They sent all their princesses and their bribes. The wide net can always catch you big fish!" said the old man.

"...Let's go!" Zhao Yuande knew that the other party was right. His big fish was caught by people, and he would be in trouble in the Sky God Realm in the future.

Several people ran all the way and quickly returned to the Dongfu District.

There are rules of the sky **** realm, and no one dared to break in, but many crazy people were surrounded by the Dongfu District, and watched Zhao Yuande enter his cave.

In Dong Fuzhong, Zhao Yuande still felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Little friend, you are such a peerless genius!" The old man looked at Zhao Yuande and only half a day before he uttered such a sentence.

"Brother Xinghe, have you been practicing on the sixth floor for more than five months?" Sister Zhang couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Good." Zhao Yuande nodded. "Do I have to leave the space **** realm to avoid the wind?"

"It's better to be like this. It's better not to appear in the Dongfu District in a short time! In order to be able to draw you, the great forces of the hundreds of millions of realms are shameless, they can do anything!" The old man said, " Be careful even after going out, maybe when they will find you and use various methods to trap you. If you don’t, they may even hit you directly with the killer. Its destruction is the attitude of many great forces!"

"This..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help feeling horrified.

"Don't think you are gifted against the sky. Now that you are not Dao Zun, they have 10,000 ways to kill you." The old man continued.

"Okay! It seems I am too shocked!" Zhao Yuande smiled helplessly.

However, these words of the old man did not affect him. The most powerful of the hundreds of millions of realms were only a few old guys who suppressed their own strength in the realm of the realm. They could not find it here. They are still absolutely safe.

But being harassed in Air God Realm is not something he can bear.

"Brother Xinghe was able to step into the fifth place in the actual combat list, which really made us... admiration! What is the sixth floor, can you tell us?" Sister Zhang asked a little curiously at this time.

"Sister...Now what do you say about these, don't forget Sister Xiaomo's thing!" Sister Wang looked at Zhao Yuande, his eyes showing a bit of fiery.

"Yes! These can be said later, Xiao Mo sister can't wait!" Sister Li is also anxious.

"Cough!" The old man coughed a little at this moment, a slight embarrassment appeared on his face, "Little friend, old man, I have something to ask you, I don't know if the little friend can agree."

"As long as you agree, Master Xinghe, we will agree to all conditions!" Sister Wang lifted her proud chest and emphasized, "It's everything! Do you understand?"

"I... understand!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the proudness of Sister Wang. After all, he was still a normal man, and he couldn't help but have some kind of heart.

Sister Wang’s suggestion is too obvious, and everyone understands it.

"Master Xinghe, I am the same." Sister Li's voice was very low, her cheeks and neck were already blushing.

"Little friend, as long as you can promise, the old man's life will be given even to you!" The old man gritted his teeth.

If the words of these beautiful women made Zhao Yuande heart moved, the words of the old man made him a little shocked.

This is a strong Dao Zunjing, Dao Zunjing strong said so, I am afraid this is definitely not simple.

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