Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3098: One month

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"Several...Don't be like this! We are friends too, so if you have anything to say, don't need it." Zhao Yuande waved his hands again and again.

"Okay!" The old man nodded, and there was a trace of pain on his face. "This matter actually has something to do with the little friend, and it is also because of the little friend."

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande suddenly became more solemn when he heard this, "If it is related to myself, this matter can really help!"

At this point, he already had a vague guess in his heart, it must be something wrong with the little witch!

"Xiaoyou helped my disobedient granddaughter get rid of the Mo family's entanglement, and at the same time planted a bane." The old man smiled bitterly, "Luo Jingtian repeatedly approached me and offered to reconnect with Xiao Moding. The second time let Xiao Mo jump into the fire pit, so he flatly refused. But he did not expect Luo Jingtian to pass Xiao Mo's story to the chemical industry because he couldn't get Xiao Mo, which led to the current thing!"

"The chemical industry? What happened?" Zhao Yuande asked curiously.

"Luo Jing's Luo Jingtian is the messenger of Fengyun Pavilion in the lower realm. He passed the news of Xiaomo to Fengyun Pavilion." The old man said bitterly, "Fengyun Pavilion immediately sent a strong man to come down and personally find me to let Xiao Mo married the young patriarch of Fengyun Pavilion."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help saying, "While being able to directly enter the chemical and chemical industry and climb up to a large force, I'm afraid many people can't ask for it."

"Hey..." The old man was full of pain, "If it is indeed a good thing to change to other people, but Xiao Mota... but it is not a good thing! If she really marries into Fengyun Pavilion, she will die in three years... "

"Why?" Zhao Yuande was puzzled. "Does the people of Fengyun Pavilion have hatred against you?"

"No! Because of Xiaomo's special physique!" The old man said, "Why did the Luo family want to marry Xiaomo, it is because of Xiaomo's special physique! If he married into the Luo family, the Luo family looked at me and her master's face She doesn’t dare to treat her, but if she enters the realm of chemistry..."

"What kind of physique is the little witch?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning.

"Liuding God is extinct!" The old man said the name with difficulty.

"Liuding God is extinct!" Zhao Yuande was shocked. "This legendary constitution really exists! No wonder... no wonder!"

The so-called six-divided **** body is the integration of six kinds of excellent furnace tripods, as long as those who practice these six types of heaven can all absorb the power of the other body through double rest.

The opponent's internal strength is born innately and possesses innate power. After absorption, the cultivation base will increase rapidly, and even when it reaches the bottleneck, it can have the magical function of assisting breakthrough.

If all six forces are gone, the life of the little witch will come to an end.

If the little witch was born in an ordinary family, I am afraid it would have been taken away and sucked up.

This is the old man's status as Tao, so that she can guarantee her happy life till now.

At first, Luo Jingtian, the strong man of the Luo family, accidentally saw the little witch, and suddenly saw her physique, he tried all kinds of ways to make a match with the little witch.

As a result, for some reason, the old man finally agreed to him.

If the little witch marries the Luo family and marries Luo Jin, Luo Jin dares to absorb the five powers in her body at most, leaving one that can let her stay in the world for a long time.

But how can the chemical industry put the power of the lower realm in their eyes, and will inevitably **** up all the little witches.

"I see!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "You want me to save the little witch!"

"Good! As long as you can save Xiao Mo, the old man's life is yours!" The old man gritted his teeth.

"Senior, actually I..." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly, "I'm also powerless!"

"As long as you agree to it, Sister Xiaomo, it's easy to say anything, we are willing to pay everything!" Sister Wang said earnestly again at this time.

"Yes! We agree to any conditions." Sister Li nodded again and again.

"I... I can promise you any conditions!" But I didn't expect that Sister Zhang even spoke at this time. When she said this, a rare blush appeared on her face.

At this time, not only Zhao Yuande, but also the old man was a little dumbfounded.

But he knew Sister Zhang's pride deeply, and she was able to say this, but she didn't know how much determination she had made.

Although most of these three women only make such a promise in the face of Zhao Yuande's infinite potential, the old man is still very moved.

"You... don't have to be like this!" Zhao Yuande looked at the three girls and couldn't help but sigh slightly. "This thing started for me, I... I can only do my best!"

"Thank you! Xiaoyou can say this, I can rest assured that the old man, no matter whether the last little friend can save Xiao Mo, the old man's promise just now is true!" The old man's face showed a determined color.

"Don't! Don't... I'll talk about it later, let's discuss how to rescue the little witch!" Zhao Yuande waved his hands again and again.

"The old man will talk here and stay here." The old man nodded. "The Fengyun Pavilion gave us a month. After a month, the young Master Fengyun Pavilion will come down and take Xiao Mo away! According to the information I got, this The young master of Fengyun Pavilion should be in retreat.

"One month is enough!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "What do you want me to do? Do you take away the little witch directly?"

"It should not be possible to take it away directly. Fengyun Pavilion has sent a strong man of Taoist Realm to monitor Xiao Mo all the time!" The old man shook his head.

"If so... what should I do?" Zhao Yuande could not help frowning.

But at this time, he was thinking about it. In fact, he could take away the little witch. As long as he passed the void channel, he could directly take it to the road to heaven. With the means of Fengyun Pavilion, he could not enter the road to heaven.

But he didn't say for the time being, he wanted to see each other's plans.

"If the little friend can come up with his true identity, I think Fengyun Pavilion will have some scruples! Maybe things can be solved." The old man tentatively said, "Although Fengyun Pavilion is powerful, there are more than a dozen young masters Well, this young master is not the most powerful one..."

"My identity cannot be revealed." Zhao Yuande flatly refused.

If his identity is exposed, I am afraid that he will be killed.

"This..." A bit of bitterness appeared on the old man's face.

"Unable to reveal identity does not mean that there is no way." Zhao Yuande saw the disappointment on everyone's face and couldn't help saying, "You are now in that realm, I can rush over as long as you have a way to let me see the little witch , I have a way to take her away."

"Really?" When the old man heard this, his face suddenly showed ecstasy.

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