Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3100: Fortune City

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"I ferry you, you come to ferry me again, is this the arrangement in the dark?" Zhou nodded and smiled.

"Actually, this time when I came, there was one more thing I wanted to ask my seniors." Zhao Yuande's doubts were solved, and he asked about Bailian Realm.

"Oh? What else do you have?" Zhou wondered, "I want to ask how to go to other realms?"

"Other realms? What are you going to do in other realms?" Zhou wondered.

"I met a friend in Kongshen Realm. He had something wrong. I wanted to rush over to help." Zhao Yuande didn't elaborate, but just passed the lightly.

"Going to other realms, in fact, it is not difficult to reach your realm. I will take you to a place where there is a transit point for hundreds of millions of realms. You can be called a teleportation array there, leading to every realm!" Zhou stood up and said, "Come with me! Where is it far away? It takes about three days for us to arrive."

"Good!" Zhao Yuande was not too long-winded, and left behind Zhou.

Both of them are the most powerful beings in the world, and they are all practicing the sky of heaven, and their speed can be imagined.

But even if it takes three days, it is enough to show how far that place is.

"That place is called the city of fortune! Floating in the depths of the endless void, if you don't know the coordinates, I'm afraid I won't find it for a lifetime." Zhou explained to Zhao Yuande while flying.

"Who built such a place?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It should be a giant in the chemical industry!" Zhou Dao, "It is said that there is a passage in the chemical city that can directly lead to the chemical industry, but no one can find it after the endless years. According to the memory of the emperor Zhou, I know that there have been such cases. Passageway, but was later obscured by the giant who built the center city!"

"If there is such a channel, wouldn't it be possible to enter the realm of chemistry directly! Is there a strong presence in the city of chemistry?" Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of this question.

"It does exist, and it is the Dao Zun strong! But this strong man never pave the road, but only cultivates in the sky tower of the chemical city. Unless someone wants to destroy the central city, he will not appear at all." Eternal Road.

"Just like that." Zhao Yuande smiled, "I must explore this time. If it is really found by me, I don't have to wait until I reach the Taoist Realm."


The two flew while chatting. They flew out of this realm and flew into the far-endless void.

Sure enough it took three days, they saw a huge city suspended in the endless void.

"It's finally here!" Zhou said with a sigh of relief. "Every transaction takes several days. It's really frustrating! It's a pity that the teleportation array is not allowed to be set up privately in the chemical city, otherwise you don't have to waste so much time!"

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

He is not so troublesome, as long as he comes once, write down the coordinates, and next time he can directly come through the void channel.

But he didn't tell the other about the empty gourd. This is his most important secret. The fewer people in the world, the better.

The two had just landed in the chemical city, and a few people approached.

"Zhou!" Someone on the opposite side apparently recognized Zhou, and there was a little excitement in his voice. "How many years have you been from this fellow? You have been waiting for your meal for hundreds of years!"

The speaker is a middle-aged man, who looks very elegant and gentle. If it is not a strong breath, he thinks that he has seen a teacher.

Behind the middle-aged people are a few young men and women with arrogant faces, their clothes are luxurious, and they are very powerful chemical treasures.

"Mingguang! It turned out to be you." Zhou saw this man with joy, "Since the last time there have been hundreds of years, but you also know me, I need to sit in the empty world, which is like Mingguang you So busy!"

"I'm not busy. Now I'm being requisitioned by the domain master in the Mugu realm. I plan to take a few boys to go to Shenguang Xinghai to practice. You haven't seen Senior Zhou!"

"Seen Senior Zhou!" Although a few people were arrogant, when they faced Zhou, they still lowered their proud head.

In front of this Zhou, but famous, even the master of the domain is very admired!

They are also listening to the name of Zhou from Master Mingguang here, and their ears will have cocoons!

"Oh! These young men are extraordinary, are they all geniuses in the Mugu realm? Not bad!" Zhou nodded, a faint smile on his face.

"Zhou, is this young man?" The middle-aged man named Mingguang turned his attention to Zhao Yuande at this time.

Zhao Yuande did not speak, but just looked at these people quietly, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This... is one of my juniors. This time I'm going to visit the City of Chemical Industry and have a long experience." Zhou didn't say Zhao Yuande's identity.

During these three days, he heard Zhao Yuande say his glorious deeds, and actually tried the fifth tower of the battle. This is to scare people!

It will inevitably attract many people to watch, and Zhao Yuande's rescue of this time may be exposed in an instant.

It may even attract the maliciousness of many people!

"Oh! Not bad, very good!" Mingguang's eyes swept over Zhao Yuande, with a certain amount of doubt in his eyes, he could not see Zhao Yuande's cultivation behavior.

Not missing him did not think much, thinking that the other party only had something on his body that covered his breath.

"Senior!" Zhao Yuande was neither humble nor humble, and slightly fisted at Mingguang, with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, we really have to go, otherwise we will delay the time to enter the sea of ​​divine light and star! One day later, Brother Zhou must be waiting for me in Qunxianlou, we will have a drink." Mingguang asked.

"I will be waiting for the driver in a day!" Zhou nodded and took Zhao Yuande away.

"Huh, do you think that the man just now looks like the nearest legendary star in the sky **** realm?" Just before Zhao Yuande and they did not go far, one of the young men and women lowered their voices and asked themselves companion.

"Hey, don't say it, it's a bit like it!" A young man nodded. "No wonder I see him a little bit familiar, just like the people in the image."

"It's a bit like that, but the galaxy is said to be a disciple of the great characters of the chemical industry. It is very powerful. How can it appear here and be with this senior Zhou? Do you forget that everyone in the void world where the senior Zhou is located can't enter the real "Aerial God Realm!" another young man whispered.

"Yeah... definitely not a person, it should be somewhat similar in appearance."

"Forget it, stop thinking about it..."


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