Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3101: Hanging out

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After listening to the comments of several young people, Mingguang began to have some doubts, but soon shook his head.

As they said, no one in the Void Realm can enter the real Sky God Realm, and their souls are blocked in the initial place.

Zhao Yuande's consciousness was so sharp that he instantly caught the conversation between these people. He couldn't help but also secretly shook his head for his carelessness.

According to his strength, he actually does not need to hide his identity at all, but this time it is to save the little witch, it is not suitable to see people with his true face.

So at the next moment, his appearance changed slightly, although it was not much different from the original, but it was another completely different temperament, and it turned a little like a straightforward and honest young man.

Zhou on the side originally wanted to remind me, but when he saw that Zhao Yuande had made changes, he could not help but nod secretly.

The city of fortune is very huge, and it is almost comparable to a big world. Among them, various styles of buildings are lined up, some buildings are extraordinarily tall and majestic, and some buildings are rugged and full of savage style.

"This is the gathering place of all the powerful people in the hundreds of millions of realms, which is more lively than the Sky God Realm." Zhou introduced Zhao Yuande, "And there are no rules here, as long as you don't destroy the buildings of the chemical city, you kill on the street. No one is in charge."

"Doesn't this often cause blood to flow into rivers?" Zhao Yuande's eyes showed a strange light.

"Of course not. On the contrary, there are very few hands-on people here!" Zhou shook his head and said, "It is so easy to be killed to such a degree that the combatants deliberately release a little breath is enough to destroy half of the city! Know here The punishment for destroying the forged city is quite severe. The lighter will be evicted without permanent chase, and the severer will be directly wiped out."

"It turns out that way." Zhao Yuande could not help nodding.

Unless the difference in strength is extremely disparate, fighting will inevitably release a powerful aftermath.

Unless they are like Shenwu, they can control the power precisely!

"Do you want to directly call the teleportation array to go to the Bailian Realm or to stroll around the city?" Zhou asked.

"If the senior has something to do, although I can do it, I still want to turn around here at random. I still feel something new for the first time." Zhao Yuande saw that there seemed to be something wrong with Zhou and couldn't help but waved his hand.

"Since this is the case, let's separate here!" Zhou Dao, "If you are in trouble, you can contact me at any time, and I will stay here for a month."

"Alright." Zhao Yuande nodded.

The two separated, and Zhou hurried away in the direction of the chemical city, while Zhao Yuande was staying in front of a huge treasure building at this time.

Here is the center of hundreds of millions of domains, naturally there are special products of materials shipped from hundreds of millions of domains.

"This son, this is my treasure house in the wilderness realm, which contains a lot of fairy potions unique to the wilderness realm, and there are many rare minerals. Would you like to come in and see?" At this time, Baolou A tall and honest young man at the door saw Zhao Yuande staying here and hurried up.

He looked at the young man, and Xiu Wei had just stepped onto the ninth small step. His body was strong and muscular, and he stood taller than his head in front of him.

The other party's appearance looks straight and straight, but his eyes are shimmering, obviously not as if it looks on the surface.

"Oh! Okay! Take me in and see." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Okay! Son, come with me!" The youth hurriedly led the way ahead. "My son's name is Mu Sen. You can call me Xiao Mu or Komori!"

The youth obviously felt the power of Zhao Yuande, thinking that Zhao Yuande was only relatively young in appearance, but he did not know how old he was.

"Oh... Xiaomu, take me to see the materials! What precious refining materials can be introduced to me, I am a refining master." Zhao Yuande said casually.


Musen's eyes lit up. Obviously he knew that the refining masters were a very wealthy group. It seems that there must be gains today.

Entering this treasure house with a somewhat wild decoration, Zhao Yuande immediately felt many powerful atmospheres, most of them were strong men with half-walk honorable realm, and even a strong man was sitting at the top of this treasure house. A strong man who has stepped on the top of the half-walk to respect the realm.

"Son, this is the material area of ​​our barren treasure building. There are many materials that can be used to refine second-grade and even third-grade chemical treasures, and there are many furnaces used for refining. Some even my old ancestors from the wildland The real treasure brought down in the chemical industry!" Musen pointed to dozens of huge furnaces and couldn't help but start to flicker.

"Oh! Treasure brought from the chemical industry?" Zhao Yuande was really shocked.

"You are looking at a fortune-made Xianbao furnace tripod that is the pinnacle of Sanpin. You can refine all of the Xianbao Xianbao stoves under Sanpin. It is definitely the best choice." Musen pointed to a bronze furnace tripod that didn't look impressive. Zhao Yuande introduced.

Zhao Yuande turned his gaze and suddenly frowned, wasn't this guy opening his mouth?

This is just a damaged Sanpin Chemical Immortal Treasure. If you look closely, you can see several cracks that extend to the bottom of the furnace.

He immediately lost trust in the guy in front of him, and turned away as soon as his face fell.

"Hey! Master, are you leaving this way?" Mu Sen hurriedly stopped in front of Zhao Yuande, his face showing a flattering look, "This is really the third-grade chemical treasure of my wild barn."

"Okay! Let's go! I turn around myself." Zhao Yuande was originally in a good mood, but was suddenly spoiled by this guy.

"Mosen, the guests you are upset are unhappy again, get out... Don't be so careful here, be careful that I will throw you into the blood of the evil star." At this time, an old man appeared in front of Zhao Yuande and kicked Kicked him on Mussen's ass.

"Elder...I..." Musen suddenly turned pale when he heard the blood star river, so scared that he would never dare to stay, and turned away.

"This son, Musen just didn't know the details of this treasure. Don't be surprised. You need to tell me what details you need. I will give you a 5% discount. It's an apology for what happened just now." The old man was extremely polite to Zhao Yuande, with a warm smile on his face.

"Okay! I need some fine materials. The things here are not what I want." Zhao Yuande nodded, and his face looked a little more beautiful.

"Young Master, please follow me to the third floor, there is the boutique area, as long as the young man needs us all!" The old man hurriedly led the way.

At this time, there was a lot of noise outside the gate of the Barren Tower.

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