Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3102: Fire Dragon Mingsha

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The brigade rushed in from outside the gate. Zhao Yuande turned his head and saw that a woman dressed in white was surrounded by stars in the middle of the moon.

Many people in the Baolou couldn't help but frown slightly when they saw the battle, but when they saw the woman's face clearly, no one dared to show this expression, and all cast a burning, staring look at the woman.

The woman's appearance is very beautiful, she has a unique temperament, and her cultivation base is also a half-walk respect!

There was a touch of worry on the girl's face, as if she was having troubles!

Zhao Yuande felt that the woman was familiar and seemed to have seen it from somewhere.

"Who is this person?" Zhao Yuande asked the old man.

"You don't even know this woman!" The old man couldn't help but stunned slightly.

He originally thought that Zhao Yuande would soon be surrounded by this woman, but he did not expect to ask himself.

"Is it strange to not know her?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering.

"You must have just arrived in the chemical city soon!" The old man seemed to be enlightened. "This is Fairy Baifeng, a genius among hundreds of millions of realms. He has just broken through the half-walk respectable realm and came to the chemical city. I heard that the family of Fairy Baifeng has provoked the Luo family. The family intends to find a relative for her, and they will fight against the Luo family!

"No wonder!" Zhao Yuande nodded, his face revealing a little enlightenment.

The genius family that can cultivate Baifeng Fairy is naturally not a simple family. The Luo family was forced to marry and confront. The huge power of the Luo family can be seen!

He also had a relationship with the other side, and he felt pretty good about it.

But that's about it. He can't help him.

He shook his head slightly, turned his head to look at the old man, and gestured to him to lead the way ahead.

At this time, Fairy Bai Feng was very depressed, and the Luo family didn't know what the wind was like. He even came to his Bai family to raise relatives and asked her to marry Luo Jin!

There were some interest disputes between the two families. The Bai family has always been weak. However, this time the other party even asked Chi Guoguo to ask him to marry Luo Jin because of some small things. There was no room for negotiation.

Fairy Bai Feng knows some of Luo Jin's scandals, so he speaks directly and never marries this person.

Fairy Bai Feng is a peerless genius of the Bai family, and has just broken through the half-track respect. If it is not cheap to marry the Luo family, they naturally refuse to, after consulting the opinion of Fairy Bai Feng, they still issued a marriage. News!

Although the Luo family is strong, there are also many powerful forces that can compete with it, and many outstanding young people are now coveting Bai Feng.

So this time the Bai family came to the Fortune City to openly recruit relatives.

The one that can offer the most lucrative gift, the one that can satisfy Baifeng Fairy, the Bai family marries that family.

Fairy Bai Feng came to the City of Chemical Industry and was very depressed, so he asked to walk out.

A group of self-assured young and powerful young men surrounded him, making her even more troubled.

But he didn't expect that the ghost sent the gods into the wild barn, and he didn't expect to see a familiar figure at a glance.

"Xing..." Fairy Bai Feng looked at that figure, and an unbelievable look appeared on her face. She almost surrendered the name Xinghe.

Fortunately, she still refrained and closed her mouth!

I don't know why. Fairy Bai Feng's face showed a trace of joy, striding towards the figure stride.

"Fairy...Where are you going?"

"Miss wait for us..."


Many people chased in a hurry, even showing a puzzled look.

However, Fairy Baifeng is very fast, and she is exhibiting her fastest speed, but disappeared in the corner of the stairs in an instant.

The crowd of people around her couldn't help but be a little stunned. They didn't know how this kind of thing happened to Fairy Baifeng, a woman who usually looked quiet and cold.

What is the "star" she just said in her mouth? Is it that she remembered the materials she needed to buy?

Many young Junjies also seemed to understand, thinking of this possibility one after another, and began to search all kinds of materials about the stars.

Zhao Yuande walked up to the third floor, and there was always a feeling of being stared at.

"Son, this is our boutique area! Our wild world is the most abundant, as long as you want the materials we can find." The old man cheerfully introduced to Zhao Yuande.

The third floor is another world. It is like a small world. There are all kinds of materials, and they are placed on the ground in piles. It definitely has a wild style.

"Oh! That's great!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but sigh slightly, a smile appeared on his face.

Because his soul swept through this small world, he suddenly discovered more than ten kinds of rare materials. These materials can really be used to refine Sanpin and Xianbao.

"Huh! Fire Dragon Mingsha! There are even such materials. Hurry up and buy them all. This thing is very valuable in **** and extremely rare." Lei Yuan's voice rang in Zhao Yuande's ear at this moment, with a slight trace Silk's excitement.

Zhao Yuande followed Lei Yuan's prompt and soon saw a small pile of fiery red gravel among many piles of materials.

The gravel is fiery red, all of which are the size of rice grains, and faintly can hear the roar of the dragon roaring from the gravel.

"Sure enough, it's the fire dragon Mingsha!" Zhao Yuande swept the soul to get the information of this material.

He found that this is a strange material, which can not be directly used to refine treasures, but it is an auxiliary material. If the refiner is mixed into it, the treasures that are refined can have a powerful auxiliary effect.

"Oh! The son has good eyesight, and this is the fire dragon Mingsha!" The old man saw Zhao Yuande's reaction, and he immediately felt a certain amount of excitement in his eyes, "I don't know how many tablets the son wants, refine a chemical fairy treasure, add up to 18 Grains can achieve the best results!"

"What price is this fire dragon Mingsha?" Zhao Yuande looked at the old man and asked lightly.

"This... 150,000 top-grade fairy crystals!" The old man thought for a moment, "This is the best price I will give you."

"Let your lord of the barren treasure house come over! I want all these fire dragons and sands." Zhao Yuande glanced at the old man and saw the excitement in the other person's eyes knowing that he certainly had no discount, but he also increased the price. He I don't have time to talk to this guy.

"What...everything is needed! This is... there are more than 30,000 tablets!" The old man stuttered, which was obviously shocked by Zhao Yuande.

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