Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"What should I do?" Dongfangqiao changed his face when he heard the word Dao Zun.

"Who dares to kill my blood son's men, to death!" Just at this time there was a loud noise outside, and a large group of people came over.

A young man headed in a **** coat, his eyes full of anger, and a somewhat strange smile on his face.

There was another person beside the blood-clothed young man, who turned out to be the Baifeng fairy they had seen before.

At this time, Fairy Baifeng's face was a bit dull, and it seemed that he was being held by these people.

Fairy Bai Feng saw Zhao Yuande at a glance, her eyes could not help but stunned slightly, she did not expect to see Zhao Yuande here.

"Hurry up, this blood boy is lawless and will not have any scruples!" Fairy Bai Feng tweeted to Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but stunned when he heard the voice of Fairy Bai Feng.

This woman just had a relationship with herself and even reminded herself in good faith at this time. It seems that she really has some fate. She wants to help him today!

"Kill my blood boy, you are going to die today, and it's very miserable." Blood man's face showed a grim smile.

He hesitated towards Zhao Yuande without hesitation, a flash of blood flashed, a powerful and strange breath filled the entire space at once.

"It seems that I will open the killing ring today!" Zhao Yuande's eyes froze.

At the next moment, the entire space was suddenly shrouded by a terrible force, and the infinite power of the sky surged from all directions.

Everyone present, including the Baifeng Fairy, the restaurant owner, and even the Dongfangqiao felt the loss of resistance at this moment.


Zhao Yuande tweeted abruptly, thousands of invisible blades suddenly appeared in the void, and enveloped towards the blood boy and his men.

"Ah! Don't..." The blood boy screamed in horror!

At the last moment, his face was evil and indifferent, terrible, but at this time, he was already terrified!

"Late!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again.

"Don't...My father is Xuesha Daozun, he won't spare you if you kill me! Absolutely won't spare you!" The blood son roared again and again, trying to break free from Zhao Yuande's void.

But he was just a strong man at the ninth peak of the small steps. Even if he did not have more than a half-walk respectable realm behind him, only Bai Feng Fairy, who was held together, turned out to be a half-track respect.

But even the fairy Bai Feng is desperate at the moment. She finds that even she can't move at all, and her self-cultivation is as ridiculous as a weak ant in front of the other party.

"Ah!" The blood son was shattered by countless invisible void blades, and his soul rushed out of the broken body, trying to escape.

"Who... dare to kill my blood-scarred son!" At this moment, an angry voice passed from the far deep void.

"Not good!" Zhao Yuande's complexion changed slightly, and the palm of his hand gripped the void, and the entire void was directly annihilated.

Everyone except Baifeng Fairy, Dongfang Bridge and the restaurant shopkeeper on the scene... The spirit of Xue Gongzi was swallowed by a huge black hole, leaving no trace or even breath here!

At this moment, Zhao Yuande directly removed the blood of the blood sons from their deaths to hundreds of millions of miles. Even if Xuesha Daozun wanted to find this place with this breath, it might take some time, and he was in this period of time. The shadowless disappeared long ago.

"We will leave immediately after we save people!" Zhao Yuande suddenly got up and pulled the Oriental Bridge directly, and the two disappeared into the restaurant.

Fairy Bai Feng looked at the ground in disarray, her face changed and her figure flickered and she left here. She knew at this time that she might not be able to escape the relationship. She would return to the city of chemical engineering immediately, and only there was the safest one.

"It's over!" The old shopkeeper thumped and sat on the ground. "That's a Dao Zun. You dare to kill Dao Zun's strong man. Our drunk moon building is over, it's over!"

Dongfangqiao felt a void move, and the light and shadow changes appeared in the attic in the next moment.

In front of him were several women who were chatting.

"Mengfan Fairy..." Dongfangqiao's eyes almost glared out, staring at several women, where he stayed for a while.

His eyes were now on the first tall woman.

"You..." Several women stood up at the same time, looking at the two who suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Don't talk!" Zhao Yuande pressed the palm of his hand into the void.

The women suddenly felt an irresistible force, and they re-squashed them back to their seats.

"Brother..." The little witch seemed to feel something at this moment, her eyes widened unbelievably, staring at Zhao Yuande.

After hearing the little witch's voice, several women suddenly opened their eyes one by one.

Several pairs of beautiful eyes kept sweeping on Zhao Yuande, seeming to want to find the image of the man in his memory.

"Brother!" At this time, Dongfangqiao also heard this sound, and suddenly looked away from the opposite sister Sister Zhang, and fell on Zhao Yuande's body, "You... are... Galaxy!"

"You don't want to resist, I will take you away!" Zhao Yuande is undoubtedly, the powerful force directly enveloped them, and moved all of them into their own inner world.

Several people felt the irresistible power, and they looked at each other, and there was more shock in their eyes than shock.

Zhao Yuande took all of them into the body world, stepped into the void channel in one step, and stepped directly into the channel that was sent to the Fortune City at the next moment.

"What!" Just a breath after the little witch was taken away by Zhao Yuande, an old figure had already arrived here.

This is an old woman with a slender figure. The old woman looked at the empty attic inconceivably and could not help making a roar.

"Who is it that makes you rob someone in front of your wife! Do you think you can escape?" The old lady grabbed the void, and her chicken-clawed hands dived into the void.

But after a while, the old woman's complexion suddenly became very ugly.

"How could... this is impossible! Who can even tear the void and escape the distance of tens of thousands of realms, I can't do it, this is definitely the hand of the Lord!" The old woman's eyes flickered and her face changed continuously. , "What should I do now? How can I explain to the young master?"

The old woman's face was extremely ugly, and her body was shaking with anger.

"Go to the old thing, it must be him... definitely him!" The old woman showed a fierce light in her eyes, and her body disappeared in place.

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