Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Zhao Yuande appeared in the city of fortune, found a private room in a relatively remote restaurant, and then moved several women and Dongfang Bridge out of the space.

"Where is this place?" Dongfang Bridge looked around as soon as it appeared.

"Zuohua City!" Zhao Yuande replied.

"You are Brother Xinghe!" Sister Zhang's eyes fell on Zhao Yuande's body.

At this time, the little witch had a bit of shame on her face. She didn't know what she was thinking. She had no ancient spirits in the space **** realm, but she seemed like a quiet and elegant girl.

The other women were still a little bit foggy, and all looked at Zhao Yuande blankly.

"Cough..." Zhao Yuande coughed lightly, "Yes, I am the Galaxy! But to save the little witch, I changed my appearance slightly."

His heart was restored with a move of heart.

"Sure enough... Sure enough..." Dongfangqiao's face smiled bitterly, and he complained a little bit, "Brother Xinghe, you concealed me so hard! You still say what your name is Zhao Yuande..."

"That... Actually, my name is Zhao Yuande, Xinghe is just a codename for me, I borrowed the name of Zongmen!" Zhao Yuande explained.

"Is that so?" Dongfangqiao's face suddenly looked a lot better.

"Okay Dongfang, let's put it aside in advance." Zhao Yuande nodded and turned his eyes to Sister Zhang.

"Brother Xinghe thank you for saving Xiaomo sister!" Sister Zhang saw Zhao Yuande's eyes hurriedly.

"Thank you son for saving Xiao Mo Shimei!" Several others were also grateful to Zhao Yuande.

"Brother...Thank you!" The little witch's voice was very low, a bit shy.

"Okay! You don't have to be like this. Since Senior Mo asked me, the little witch called me brother again, I naturally couldn't stand by." Zhao Yuande smiled at everyone, "I will bring you out now, what are your plans? ?"

"We... there is no way to go back!" Sister Zhang smiled helplessly, "We are taken away by you, the old demon must go to embarrass Master and Senior Mo, we must not appear, otherwise we will be caught Hold the handle."

"What are you going to do? Find a place to retreat and practice for a while?" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes, we have been in retreat for ten years or two decades in the city of chemical engineering. After this matter calms down a bit, we will return to Master Zun." Sister Zhang nodded.

"Brother! What about me?" The little witch looked at Zhao Yuande.

"You should also retreat with your sister!" Zhao Yuande has some headaches at this time. Do you want to bring the little witch yourself?

"Sister and sister, let's retreat together! I think Senior Mo must have a way to help you get rid of it, and if your cultivation is improved, one day you can achieve Dao Zunjing, maybe you can get rid of this situation."

"Yes, only its own strength is truly powerful. It doesn't make sense to rely on anyone!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"That... can I interrupt it!" Dongfangqiao on the side was scratching his head at this time.

"Huh? Brother Dongfang, what do you want to say? Do you have better suggestions?" Zhao Yuande turned to look at Dongfangqiao.

The other girls also swept their beautiful eyes, and their eyes showed some interest.

"That... Meng Fan Fairy, my name is Dongfangqiao, and I'm glad to see you, that..." Dongfangqiao was a little nervous at this time, and his face was slightly red.

"Brother Dongfang..." Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly on his face.

This guy actually wanted...

"Hello Dongfang, what are you doing?" Sister Zhang, also known as Zhang Mengfan, looked at Dongfangqiao and smiled.

"Hey! That... It's okay, just want to know the fairy!" Dongfangqiao felt that he had a belly, but he couldn't say a word while standing in front of the other party at the moment.

"That's how we knew each other!" Zhang Mengfan's beautiful eyes blinked.

She understands the meaning of Dongfangqiao, but the other party's cultivation is not high, not the kind of strongman she wants to find.

However, since she is Zhao Yuande's friend, she will never think that the other party's vision is bad. This Dongfang Bridge must have his superiority.

She did not show any arrogance, but showed her smile lightly, so that the other party had hope in her heart, and would not feel too much hope.

"Sister... This Dongfangqiao is looking at you! Otherwise, you will follow him!" Sister Wang secretly voiced her voice full of laughter.

"Sister Sister! This Dongfang Bridge is pretty good, it's very flavorful." Sister Li was also smiling.

The danger disappeared, and the mood of the few women suddenly improved.

"Go! Some of you little girls know what, you like me to let you!" Zhang Mengfan's face was slightly reddish, and she rolled her eyes at several teachers and sisters.

"What should I do, Sister, I was already mentally prepared, but now I dare not speak in front of him!" Sister Li said.

"Me too, there are so many things to ask him..."

"Me and me too..."

"A few of you... how can I have your kind sister!"


"Okay! The days are still very long in the future, we still have time, now you go to retreat!" Zhao Yuande winked at Dongfangqiao and secretly said, "Brother Dongfang, did you like this sister Zhang?"

"Yes! I had the luck to look at him from afar and fell in love with her directly! I think I lived for her in my life. As long as I can get her, I will not live in vain in my life!" Dongfangqiao faced Zhao Yuande , And did not conceal, just spoke directly.

"Oh! It's not difficult to get Sister Zhang. It only needs to meet one condition. I promise you to hold a beautiful woman!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly and said with a voice.

"What's the condition!" Dongfangqiao's eyes opened wider than the bull's eyes at once, and a radiant light erupted from people's eyes.

"Cough! Don't be so obvious, low-key!" Zhao Yuande coughed softly.

"Yes... I want to be low-key, and I must never be too eager to behave in a low-key manner! This is a bogey..." Dongfangqiao kept muttering, and the expression on his face was not as exaggerated as before.

"In fact, it's very simple. As long as you can be promoted to Dao Zunjing, she will definitely take a look at you. As long as you show it a little, she will definitely promise you!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Dao Zunjing!" Dongfangqiao Gudong swallowed a sip of water, "My brother, this is simply my destiny! Dao Zun is such a good breakthrough! If it can be so easy, it won't be so. Many old immortal monsters!"

"Everything is possible!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly at Dongfangqiao, "I believe you will succeed!"

"Really? Do you really think so?" Dongfangqiao's eyes lit up.

"Nature!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Okay! I'm out, I won't practice to Dao Zun realm...I swear not to be a man!" Dongfangqiao swears.


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