Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3122: World spirit

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Suddenly there was a wave of waves in Luo Zhen's consciousness of the sea. A huge water **** rushed out of the consciousness of the sea. One palm resisted the hand that Zhao Yuande slapped down.

"Water God True Spirit! He got such a thing, Xiongtai be careful!" Lu Yao could not help seeing this scene, his face changed slightly, reminding Zhao Yuande.

"It's okay! No matter what, it will be suppressed under the Dao Zun realm!" Zhao Yuande's mouth was slightly curled, and the thunder source on his wrist turned into a thunder god's awn, and he fell directly towards the water god's true spirit, "Give me Die!"

"Yes... Lei Yuan... how is it possible!"

The true spirit of the water **** was cut into two halves by the thunder god, and made an incredulous cry.

What Zhao Yuande didn't expect was that the other party actually recognized Lei Yuan!


There was a rage among Lei Yuan, and the thunder was more radiant, and Luo Zhen directly split in half.

A golden light flew out of the broken sea of ​​knowledge and wanted to rush into the sky.

"You are a **** person, you are a demon of the Black Fire Clan! You can't escape, the entire chemical world will chase you down!" Luo Jinzhong's voice in Jinguang was extremely bitter.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Zhao Yuan's Divine Realm was shrouded, and his figure appeared in front of the golden light at once. The terrifying power of the void directly wrapped this golden light and caught it in his hands.

"No... don't kill me! I am the young master of Haitian Pavilion. I can give you many resources. As long as you let me go, I will never reveal your identity!" Luo Zhen screamed in horror.

"It's late!" Zhao Yuande's palm thundered in his palm, directly annihilating the soul of the golden light.

Luo Zhen died, the golden light turned into a golden water drop and fell in Zhao Yuande's hands.

At this time, everyone also killed their opponents, and gathered around him.

"Brother Zhao, what the **** is this guy, what is the Black Fire Clan?" Dongfangqiao looked at Zhao Yuande with a puzzled expression.

"Don't you know the eighteenth floor of hell? As for the Black Fire clan, it should be one of the ten demon clan in hell!" Zhao Yuande explained, but at this time his eyes were on Lu Yao and his maidservant who were not far away Xiaoxiu.

"If I said that I am not a member of the Black Fire clan, I just happened to get this treasure. Will you believe it?" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly at the landing.

"I believe!" Lu Yao nodded. "Xitai does not have the scent of the Black Fire clan, nor the magical energy of hell, and **** people cannot do this, but will look at the two of us. Both will hurt, and only then will appear. I didn’t see any thunder source at all just now, I just saw the lightning flash."

"Well! Brother Lu really is a clear man, so I'm relieved!" Zhao Yuande nodded, a satisfied expression on his face, "Under my introduction, this is Zhao Yuande, this is my mount Mo Wu, these two It’s my friends Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy."

"Two. Luyao is courteous!" Luyao nodded slightly at Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy, and finally focused on Mo Qilin's body, and praised "a Mo Qilin, and his bloodline is pure, even in me Rarely seen in Xiaoyao Palace, Xiongtai is really lucky!"

"Overwhelming!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand. "Now it's not time for chat. Let's take this piece of medicine garden and talk about it."

"This is the truth!" Lu Yao nodded.

Everyone worked together and quickly cleaned up all the elixir in this medicine garden.

"Let's find a place to chat about?" Zhao Yuande laughed at the landing.

"Good!" Lu Yao nodded, "I will let the two guardians return first!"

After a few breaths, the roar of the magic thorn horned tortoise came again in the distance, and the figures of the two old men appeared in the sight of everyone.

Seven people and one beast joined forces, and the magic thorn horned tortoise will be the first to be powerful.

Soon they found a clean place and sat together.

Zhao Yuande used the blood and flesh of the magic thorn horned tortoise to make a great food, and everyone happily ate.

"Brother Zhao, so you are cultivators in the billion world?" Lu Yao quickly judged their identity.

"Good! We have been in it for more than ten days. We found a Feng Shui treasure and practiced it before, but we didn't expect to see you as soon as we came out. When did you enter the Tai Cang Realm in the chemical and chemical world? ?" Zhao Yuande not only asked, but also asked.

"As early as ten days ago, the Alliance of Saints issued a conscription order to allow the genius characters of all major forces to enter the Tai Cang Realm to find the soul of the world." Lu Yao did not hide anything.

"Jiehun? What's the use of this?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"I don't know the specifics, neither our disciples are qualified to know that only the strong existence of the winners' alliance can understand the role of this kind of thing." Lu Yaodao.

"Jie Soul...I know!" Lei Yuan sent a voice to Zhao Yuande, "Jie Soul is the ruler of Tai Cang Jie. Why Tai Cang Jie became a ruin may be because Jie Soul slept or was seriously injured. By refining it, you can control the entire Tai Cang Realm, which becomes a private world!"

"What! Isn't it possible for anyone who can get the soul of the world to control the entire Tai Cang world?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked

"How could it be as simple as you said!" Lei Yuan smiled bitterly. "First of all, the Soul of the World is very powerful. Even if you fall into a deep sleep or even get seriously injured, you can't get close with your cultivation. Let alone talk about refining! To refine the soul of the realm, at least it must be the cultivation of the Lord! Only when the Lord comes here will it not be suppressed by the creation world!"

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande's heart suddenly became cold.

While Zhao Yuande and Lei Yuan were communicating, Lu Yao was also communicating with three subordinates.

"Son, this person is very powerful and mysterious. I feel the terrible power inside him!" Xiaoxiu said. "Even if he doesn't use Leiyuan, I'm not his opponent!"

"I also feel that maybe our team is not his opponent at all!" Lu Yao replied.

"I just heard about Lei Yuan... Is it the ancient treasure brought to **** by the Black Fire clan ancestor?" The elder Changmei asked in shock.

"It should be! Just when he beheaded the God of Water God just now, the God of Water God called the name Lei Yuan." Lu Yaodao said, "The God of Water God has nurtured infinite years between heaven and earth, and their knowledge should not be wrong. "

"Shall we report this matter?" the bald old man asked.

"No... no!" Lu Yao denied, "This person has infinite potential, more powerful than many geniuses in the chemical industry I have ever seen. Even in my Xiaoyao Palace, only one or two talents can suppress him. We are now I’m afraid I won’t get any benefits even if I report it, and if I can make contact with this person, it might be of great help to me in the future."

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