Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3123: Lu Yao's situation

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"The son said nothing wrong, this person is best to have a deep relationship, absolutely not to provoke!" said the old man with long eyebrows.

"Okay! You don't know the rights of Lei Yuan, no one should mention it to outsiders, even my father or even the palace owner can't mention half a word!" Lu Yao made a decision.


All three are Lu Yao's confidants, and they are also the arm supports selected by the Master for him. There is absolutely no problem in their loyalty.

"Brother Lu, I don't know what is happening outside now. How many people have come in Tai Cangjie?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"At this time, our chemical industry has built a large city here. Both the cultivator of the lower realm and the cultivator of the chemical industry can use the rare materials obtained in the Tai Cang Realm in exchange for the cultivation resources they need." Lu Yaodao said, "This big city is just under a giant mountain a million miles away from here. We only need half a day to get there."

"Oh! A big city was built in just ten days." Zhao Yuande laughed. "It seems that we must go shopping! We can also take a look at the many talents in the chemical industry and have a long experience." "

"Genius in the chemical industry...I'm really looking forward to it!" Dongfangqiao also showed excitement in his eyes at this time.

"What to expect! Is there a person in front of you shortly?" Mo Qilin politely hit him, "You are still far from cultivation, and you still have to work hard!"

"Yes!" Dongfangqiao is also very temperamental, who asked him to be the lowest!

"Okay! This Ding cuisine is done, I haven't done it for a long time, and I don't know if the craft is a bit rusty." Zhao Yuande unfastened the cover of the gluttonous True Lingding.

Suddenly a strong fragrance glanced out, and everyone's eyes lit up at once, staring at the boiling soup and the tender pieces of meat in Ding Zhong.

"Do it yourself!" Zhao Yuande first picked up a piece of meat. "Well... yes, still so delicious!"

Everyone heard Zhao Yuande say this, and he didn't hesitate anymore, and started one after another.

That Xiaoxiu took out a pair of jade tableware and carefully put a bowl of soup and meat pieces in front of Lu Yao.

"You eat too! It's really fragrant!" Lu Yao took his head and nodded slightly.

"I'll wait for my son to finish eating." Xiaoxiu shook his head slightly.

"'s really delicious. Brother Zhao, why didn't you say you still have this craft!" Dongfangqiao almost even bit off his tongue.

"Delicious, absolutely delicious, I haven't been late for this kind of deliciousness for a long time!" The old man with long eyebrows was full of excitement, and then said with some sorrow, "Since that person disappeared, Tian Chi Palace has never been opened, and we haven't got this mouthfeel. !"

"Well! You don't say I really didn't think of it! The skills of the little brothers are no worse than the skills of Heavenly Palace!" The old bald nodded again and again.

"Tianchi Palace? Where?" Dongfangqiao asked curiously.

Zhao Yuande's face shifted slightly when he heard the three words Tian Tian Gong.

"Tian Chi Palace! That's a good place, specializing in making all kinds of delicacies. The delicacies are not only delicious, but also have great help for cultivation!" The old man with long eyebrows said, "Unfortunately, because the old man is too arrogant, he offended the Holy A big player in the League of Nations, so the Heavenly Palace disappeared!"

"That's what it is! It's a pity!" Dongfangqiao's face showed regret.


"Huh? I feel that these delicacies have turned into a powerful ability, gathered in my body... this..." Soon the old man with long eyebrows showed a shocked expression on his face, "This is definitely the way to eat the palace, definitely is!"

The eyes of several people fell on Zhao Yuande all at once.

"Oh! I don't know what heaven eats, I just got a wonderful book, I made it according to the above method!" Zhao Yuande didn't admit that he got the inheritance of eating Dao, but he just found a reason to stumble. past.

"Is this so?" Although there were doubts in everyone's mind, they did not continue to ask, but they all fell into the delicious.

After two hours, everyone opened their eyes in spirit.

Dongfangqiao, Baifeng Fairy, and even Mo Qilin were staring at Zhao Yuande at this time. The heat in their eyes made Zhao Yuande a little unbearable!

"What are you looking at!" Zhao Yuande smiled helplessly.

"Master! I still want..." Harazi at the corner of Mo Qilin's mouth was about to merge into a stream.

"Brother Zhao, can you come again!" Dongfangqiao is also swallowing saliva constantly.

"Brother Zhao... The taste just now is really wonderful, can you..." Fairy Bai Feng's voice was very low, she always felt that something she said was awkward.

"Okay! Then make another trip!" Zhao Yuande was defeated by them too. If you let people who don't know listen to it, more terrible things have happened!


After a full half-day, all the talents were still on the road.

Led by Lu Yao, they quickly walked out of this huge forest.

Walking out of the forest is a huge stretch of mountains.

Under the highest mountain, a huge city stands.

"That is a newly built city, known as Tai Cang City!" Lu Yao pointed at the city, and there was a trace of arrogance on his face. "This is the joint construction of our three forces, in which there is absolute order. Any No one is allowed to arbitrarily, otherwise what is waiting is the end of the bombing."

"This is the best way. Only when there is security will anyone dare to trade in it!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "However, if you are trading in it, what should you do if you are peeped by someone who is interested?"

"It's okay, some people have thought about all this. Anyone in the trading floor will be covered, and each will set the exit underground, no one will have the opportunity to peep." Lu Yaodao.

"This is good, this is good!" The three Zhao Yuande nodded, their faces showing satisfaction.

They walked while chatting, and soon came to Tai Cangcheng.

"You're back, Master Lu!" The two guards outside Tai Cang are tall and majestic heroes, and their true behaviors are both Taoist Realm.

Although they were suppressed by the Tai Cang Realm, they are still not ordinary half-walker summit peaks that can contend!

"Two seniors." Lu Yao was very polite to them and nodded with a smile.

"Huh!" The two nodded in satisfaction, "Go in!"

"Hey! It's a pity that Lu Yao was so good, but it was destroyed by the waste from the Xiaoyao Palace!" One of the big men could not help sighing when he saw their back.

"It's not! Since the man disappeared, this son has been isolated, and his status is even worse than that of a true disciple!" The other big man also shook his head.

"You said he..."


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