Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3125: Exchange Hall

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When seeing the greed in the eyes of Elder Chen, Lu Yao knew that he wanted to invite Zhao Yuande into the Xiaoyao Baolou plan.

Although I really want to make friends with Zhao Yuande, but these people I met today are more greedy than others, and one is able to drill camp.

Especially this elder Chen is most greedy, if Zhao Yuande enters the Xiaoyao Baolou, I am afraid that he will not be able to get out.

"Brother Zhao, I'm sorry for you, you should go to the exchange hall of the Saint Alliance! At least it is fair and can guarantee your safety." Lu Yao looked at Zhao Yuande apologetically, "I sent Brother Zhao to the Saint Alliance In the redemption hall, if anyone dares to do anything, I will let Lu Yao out!"

Lu Yao was originally a kind person, but now his friends are being persecuted like this, he is really angry.

"Lu Yao! What are you talking about! You're going to send the guests to the exchange hall of the Saint Alliance, are you really a person in my Xiaoyao Palace!" Elder Chen heard Lu Yao's words and couldn't help but look cold Come down and say, "Lu Yao, your master has disappeared for so many years, you still have not learned to forbear. If you do this time, I will definitely report it to the palace master at this time, and your status may fall. Come again! Think about it!"

"You..." Lu Yao changed his face, gritted his teeth and shouted, "As you please, there is nothing in the Xiaoyao Palace that is worthy of my nostalgia, the big deal is that I leave! Brother Zhao, let's go, who dares to start, I Against you, I don’t believe they can cover the sky with one hand."

Although Lu Yao is very affectionate about Xiaoyao Palace, because this is where the master taught him and enlightened him.

When the Master was there, everyone in the Xiaoyao Palace was kind to him, and everyone smiled at him.

He thought that the Xiaoyao Palace was so beautiful, but he didn't understand until the master disappeared, that everything was an illusion, that was all the master brought him.

Just because Master is the first elder of Xiaoyao Palace, because Master is the first person under the master of Xiaoyao Palace!

Ten years after the disappearance of the master, everything is gradually changing. Everyone’s eyes have changed, and a thousand people who are good to him have changed, except for the old servants and maidservants left by the three masters around him. Everyone quietly changed his attitude towards him.

Especially some of the young people who had called him brothers and brothers before him showed hostility to him at this time.

He later learned that it was because of his identity as a young master!

Gradually he was isolated, oppressed and deprived of the position of young master.

But he still firmly believes that Master will come back one day and his situation will definitely change.

Another ten years later, he was gradually disappointed. Although he still insisted on the illusion in his heart, he was disappointed in Xiaoyao Palace.

"Lu Yao, that's what you said, but I want to tell the palace owner the original thing! Let him decide." Zhuo Fei grinned, showing a smug smile.

"Random!" Lu Yao gritted his teeth and turned his head away with Zhao Yuande.

"Brother Zhao, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect it to happen like this, Zhuo Fei is too much!" Lu Yaobian walked towards Zhao Yuande and showed his apology.

"It's okay!" Zhao Yuande waved his hands and smiled. "As I said before, there is no shortage of villains. Since Xiaoyao Palace is not good for you, then quit. Brother Lu's talent should have a lot of power. Grab and accept you as a disciple!"

"Hey! This matter... I can't invest in other sects. The master treats me with great gratitude. I can't betray his sect!" Lu Yao shook his head in pain.

"Then leave the Yaoyao Palace and spread it on your own. Even if your master returns, he will naturally know what you have experienced during this time, and he will never blame you!" Zhao Yuande explained.

"Thank you Brother Zhao!" Lu Yao nodded, his face showing gratitude.

Instead of blaming himself for causing trouble, the other party has come to comfort himself. Such people are really rare, and there are no mistakes in their choices. Such friends are definitely worth making.

"Okay, now we should not have so much trouble going to the Saints Union!" Zhao Yuande laughed.

"Absolutely not!" Lu Yao shook his head and smiled bitterly, "No one can recognize the other party in the redemption hall of the Saint Alliance. The transaction is absolutely safe. Just now I was really selfish... I want to fight for the Xiaoyao Palace. Some resources."

"Your heart will be towards the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch! Forget it!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

The exchange hall of the Alliance of Saints is more magnificent than the treasure house of Xiaoyao Palace.

As soon as Zhao Yuande stepped into it, they immediately felt the cloud cover of Yunshan Mountain, but the fog disappeared in the next moment. They all seemed to be covered with a thick cloak, and even their faces were blocked, no matter how powerful the soul was. Unable to explore a little useful information.

"Sure enough it's magical!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help laughing, "This is even if I can't detect my own information!"

The voice he spoke turned out to be extremely thin, as if it were metal friction.

"You can trade at will here, no one knows who the other party is!" Lu Yao on the side is also the same at this time, and his voice has completely changed.

"Okay! It's safe. I'll trade here in the future!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"I want to exchange some cultivation exercises!"

"I want to exchange the Elixir, an Elixir that can break through Daozun's bottleneck."

The two voices around me sounded, and there was no way to tell which one was Dongfangqiao and which was Baifeng Fairy.

"Several please follow me!" At this time, a beautiful and enchanting woman appeared in front of them. The woman had no disguise, and she was still looking.

A few people did not say anything, followed behind the woman, and soon came to a private room.

There is an old man who is helping a black robe to exchange items.

Soon the black robe was exchanged, everyone looked at each other, and Zhao Yuande walked up first.

"Put the exchanged items in the storage space, I will give you a valuation, if we feel that the price is satisfactory, we can make a deal, we are not satisfied, we do not force it."

"Isn't it possible to exchange for other treasures? For example, medicine, treasures, materials?" Zhao Yuande asked?

"Yes, you can take a look at this exchange table first. The numbers above are all points, and the valuation I gave you is also points. Of course, points can also be exchanged for the Holy Crystal!" A dense form with countless names of materials and medicines.

Everyone saw it clearly.

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