Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3126: Chifuru Old Forest

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"Senior, I just want to exchange for Shengjing!" Zhao Yuande thought a little and handed a storage ring to the old man.

Among the storage rings is a lot of elixir he got in the elixir garden, and some monster materials obtained by the monsters he had beheaded before.

The materials and treasures on the list did not appeal to him, but there were a few immortals he was very greedy, but he can't exchange them now, because the value is too high.

Points and Shengjing are interchangeable, so still Shengjing has more peace of mind.

"Well! Good, good!" The old man couldn't help but nod when he saw this storage ring. "These things are good, worth three thousand points. The ratio of points to Saint Crystal is one hundred to one. You can get three hundred thousand. crystal!"

"Good! Then exchange 300,000 Shengjing." Zhao Yuande nodded.

After the exchange, he stepped aside, and others also stepped forward to exchange their desired treasures or points.

Walking out of the underground exit of the exchange hall of the Winners' Union, they found out that they were scattered and are in the corners of the city. This is also to prevent someone from prying into the exchange.

Several people quickly made contact and reunited.

"Brother Lu, we are going to continue to explore. Do you want to be together?" Zhao Yuande looked at Lu Yao.

"I have obtained some resources, and I want to practice in the city for a while to see if I can break through the current shackles. If Brother Zhao returns, I can contact some of my men and I can help them with anything!" Lu Yao smiled apologetically at Zhao Yuande and the three others.

"Alright!" Zhao Yuande nodded, turned around and Dongfangqiao, and Fairy Baifeng left.

"Be careful Zhuo Fei, this person will have to report his teeth, maybe it will be bad for you." Lu Yao secretly passed a message to Zhao Yuande.

"Why, if he dares to come, I will let him come and go!" Zhao Yuande didn't look back, but waved to Lu Yao.

"Son, why don't we go out with them?" Xiao Xiu looked at Landing with some doubt. "Don't you say you want to have a good relationship with them?"

"Xiaoxiu, it's not that I don't want it, but I can't!" Lu Yao couldn't help but smile bitterly. "I've been stared by them now. If I don't go out with Brother Zhao, they may not be in trouble, otherwise... "

"This group of guys are really damn! If the master returns..." The bald old man gritted his teeth, his face showing fierce color.

"Hey! They use everything to fight the son!" The old man with long eyebrows shook his head helplessly. "Heir left... Hey! Some people's nerves have been touched. They can't help but want to move!"

"I will never hand it over, even if I die!" Lu Yao gritted his teeth, his face showing a determined color.


Zhao Yuande they have been out of the city, but at this time Dongfangqiao's face is strange.

"What's wrong, did you hear anything?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking when he saw the other's face.

"Hey! Lu Yao is such a terrible child! It turns out that the group of people in Xiaoyao Palace actually peeped at what his master left behind. Although he didn't dare to rob, he was constantly persecuting him." Dongfang Bridge broke.

"No matter where it is, it's the same dirty, and the chemical industry is really disappointing!" Fairy Bai Feng sentimented.

"This matter has nothing to do with us. He was afraid he would not involve us, so he chose not to go out with us!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Good! This person is not bad." Dongfangqiao nodded, his eyes suddenly fixed, whispered "Someone is staring at us, it should be that Zhuo Fei and his men!"

"Oh! I'm afraid they won't come!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again, "Mo Wu, come out!"

He summoned Mo Wu and jumped up to Mo Wu's back together with the two. Mo Qilin seemed to disappear into the vast mountains in the blink of an eye.

As soon as they disappeared, several figures flew out of Tai Cang City.

"These low-lying seeds of the lower realm are running very fast, but they can't jump into the palm of my hand!" Zhuo Fei looked deep into the distant mountains and grinned.

"犼! Come out for me!"

A behemoth appeared in front of Zhuo Fei, looking like a rabbit magnified countless times, but in the eyes of a pair of eyes, the light flashed through the sky.

"All come up, I don't believe they can escape my chase!" Zhuo Fei put this kind of man on his back.


With a roar, shocking the four wild voids, the figure jumped up and flew into the sky for nine days.

Zhao Yuande they rushed into the vast mountain range, and soon found a large piece of rugged stone forest, from time to time came the sound of beast roar, among which there seemed to be cultivators are fighting with monster beasts.

"This piece is supposed to be the earth shrub ancient forest marked on the map, in which countless earth beast beasts live. This monster beast is full of good materials and valuable!" Zhao Yuande looked at the stone forest. "We are on the side Kill the beasts of the ground, while waiting for the arrival of Zhuo Fei!"

During the construction of Tai Cang City, the Saint Alliance has explored the surrounding territories with a powerful treasure, and the maps around it can also be exchanged for points or holy crystals.

"Okay! It's all up to Brother Zhao! We can't do much anyway!" Dongfangqiao is a little depressed. He has just been promoted to the Half Walk Realm and is basically unable to participate in this kind of battle.

The opponents are all Daozun, although they are suppressed at the pinnacle of the half-track respect, they are still not what they can face!

"Hey!" Fairy Bai Feng also sighed slightly, "I found that I was cumbersome, you can still listen to the news at Dongfangqiao, and I..."

"Okay! Don't blame yourself. Cultivation here is a hundred times faster than the lower realm. As long as you are willing to work hard, I guarantee that you can reach the peak of half-track respect within a year." Zhao Yuande looked at them and encouraged them.

"One year!" Dongfangqiao's eyes gleamed with hope, "I really hope this year will pass quickly!"

"..." Fairy Bai Feng didn't speak, but his face was all firm.

They rushed into the Dashigulin and suddenly felt the world change.

There is a rich and inseparable force of earth rushing out from the depths of the earth, and the rugged stone pillars around it seem to be growing slowly as if there is life under the nourishment of this force of earth.

Zhao Yuande they can even feel the vitality of life flowing in the stone pillars

"These stone pillars are alive!" The color of Dongfangqiao has changed. "Don't try to attack these stone pillars, and don't spread them when fighting the ground beast, otherwise it will be miserable!"

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