Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3142: Zundaoshan

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"I can't believe you!" Zhao Yuande sneered and took a picture without hesitation. "Everything you died is mine, and I am not short of servants like you!"

"I hate na!" Tu Long screamed, "But even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

At the next moment, a force of terror suddenly erupted inside the earth dragon, as if a huge flame was about to erupt.

"Do you think I'm unprepared?" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again, the world power of 2.6 million True Spirit Worlds broke out together, and the huge body of the earth dragon was imprisoned at once.

And the illusory big hand has been pressed on the head of the earth dragon at this moment.


The earth dragon's head shattered, the sea of ​​knowledge collapsed directly, and the spirit that communicated the violent energy in the body was annihilated at once.

The amount of violent violence that was about to erupt suddenly calmed down.


Zhao Yuande breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as he grasped the sky with his palm, he sent the huge body of the earth dragon into the inner world.

And his figure disappeared without a trace at this time.

Just a few breaths after Zhao Yuande disappeared, a group of practitioners appeared in this area.

This group of cultivators is headed by an old man wearing sackcloth. The old man has a strong and terrifying breath. Although his own cultivation has not reached the holy state, it is only a line away.

Although the old man is still suppressed by the Tai Cang Realm, his combat power is very different from those of ordinary Dao Zun, and he can play a part of Dao Zun's strength.

There are seven or eight young people behind the old man. They are not ordinary people one by one, the men are beautiful and the women are beautiful!

"It's a powerful atmosphere. There has just been a horrible battle here!" The old man in linen was shocked by the traces of the place as soon as he came here.

"Uncle Shi, what level of war is this? I saw that mountain was slapped and flew!" One of them looked like a young girl with a ponytail and pointed to a distant one. Jushan, his mouth grew shocked!

"This should be three powerful Daozun Pinnacle monsters left behind fighting, one of them may be thousands of miles in length, the other should be Jin Peng, you see this Peng Yu...Last this The fiercest beast is the most powerful. It should be a humanoid ape. Look at the mountains..." The old man in linen pointed to traces to explain to the young people behind him.

"Uncle Shi, you are also the top power of Dao Zun, do you think you are better than these three beasts?" A silver-coated boy smiled and asked curiously.

"You are a little slippery head, you want to listen to Uncle Shi's joke, right!" The old Mr. Mai was not angry, but tapped the forehead of the teenager gently, "Then I will tell you, if Uncle Shi encountered these three heads One of the monsters can fight one battle. If you encounter two, you must escape. If you encounter three together, you will die!"

"Ah! They are so strong!" The teenagers were shocked.

"Of course I mean here in Tai Cangjie, if there is no Tai Cangjie suppression, Uncle Shi will not be afraid of them. Even if they go together, Uncle Shi has undefeated ways!" The old man of Mai said proudly.

"Master Uncle is great!" The young boy of Yinyi gave his thumbs up.

"Master Uncle is mighty!" All the teenagers also showed their hopes on their faces.

"Grandma's... bragging in front of so many little babies, and having to be so straightforward, this job is really not for humans!" The old man muttered secretly.

"Uncle Shi, you just said that the last one is a violent ape... Is it possible that the last one is a human?" The ponytail girl flicked her hair and looked around, as if she discovered something amazing, "Uncle Shi, look, this It seems to be a piece of clothing, and it should be a remnant of a second-grade chemical treasure!"

"What!" The old man's face was shocked. He hurried forward, carefully observed, and then gently shook his head. "It really is a fragment of the second grade Huahua Xianbao, but this does not mean that this is a person... if it is really a Human cultivator, his power is too scary. Look at the traces everywhere, all of them are left with fists. This time among the many cultivators who came to the Tai Cang Realm, I have not heard of that power. powerful!"

"Also! The characters of our generation do not yet have such a genius of genius, and the older generation of people...should not have!" A slightly older age, it seems that some twenty young people nodded.

"Brother, isn't our Miao Qing, who respects Daoshan, also not so strong in flesh?" The Mawei girl's face showed an incredible expression.

"Do you want to hear the truth or falsehood?" The young man looked at the ponytail girl with a smile on his face.

"Of course it is the truth!" Mawei girl pouted, "Who wants to listen to lies!"

"The truth is not even Miao Qing!" The young man smiled bitterly.

"Is that so?" The Mawei girl seemed to admire this Miao Qing brother very much. When she heard the words of the youth, she couldn't help showing a slight disappointment on her face.

"It's true. Although Miao Qing is very strong, she is not at the same level as this monster, but there is still a gap!" The old man also nodded, a dignified expression on his face.

"Brother Miao Qing is our genius who ranks No. 17 in Daoshan Mountain, but he is ranked third in flesh. Except for a few perverts, it is Brother Miao Qing!" Mawei Girl defended.

"Miao Qingzhi's strength is not simply in strength. His physical body is also very strong, and he also has a strong physique. If it appears here, it may be able to contend with one of the three monsters!" Road, "He and I have the same strength as the old man!"

"Oh!" The Mawei girl nodded.

"Uncle Shi, you said so much, who will lose who wins the battle of these three monsters?" the silver-haired boy asked curiously.

"It should be that the violent ape won, and took away the huge monster!" said the old man.

"In this way, it's one-on-two with the apes, and they ran away Jin Peng and killed the huge monsters. Why do you say they were similar before?" said Yinyi teenager.

"It's a three-headed scuffle, you see..." The old man gave these teenagers a tiresome explanation, as if he were a conscientious nanny.

His actual role is to be a babysitter, and he was instructed to bring this group of little guys who respected Daoshan to come here to learn.

As these disciples of Zundao Mountain observed the battlefield, Zhao Yuande had escaped hundreds of millions of miles and came to a mountain with a dark sky.

Endless black clouds condensed above the mountains, and countless thunders thundered and fell into the mountains.

"Hoo!" Zhao Yuande's Soul God Realm space unfolded, covering an area of ​​a thousand miles, and did not find any powerful monsters, this is considered to have stopped.

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