Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3143: Geniuses of the three forces

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"You come out!" Zhao Yuande waved and moved Dongfangqiao, Baifeng Fairy and Mo Qilin out of the inner world.

"Brother Zhao, how are you doing?" Fairy Bai Feng saw Zhao Yuande's shattered armor with bright red blood stains on his face, and he couldn't help showing nervousness on his face.

"Yes! Seeing you look so embarrassed, won't you escape!" Dongfangqiao is not only curious.

"How could the master escape, I think it must have killed the big guy!" Mo Qilin begged.

"I was almost beaten to death, but I broke through in a critical situation and defeated the ground dragon to defeat. The Jinpeng was attacked by the ground dragon and escaped from the injury!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly.

"Brother Zhao is mighty!" Dongfangqiao couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Brother Zhao shouldn't have done this just now. We should work together. Although we can't do much help, but we can hold an enemy, Brother Zhao will not be so dangerous!" Fairy Baifeng said.

"I just had to do that in the situation just now!" Zhao Yuande shook his head. "That Jin Peng is much faster than me. As long as he captures you, do you say that I am a slinger or turn around and escape? There is no way to choose, You are my friends, I can’t watch you happen!”

"...Thank you, Brother Zhao!" Fairy Bai Feng showed a hint of shame on her face. She could hear from the other party's words, and she had a certain status in the other party's heart.

Isn’t it a good start to be a friend?

"It's so sensational, my goose bumps are going to fall to the ground!" Dongfangqiao chuckled, "Don't be polite with Brother Zhao, I'll do it instead, I don't need to say more about this kind of thing!"

"Brother Dongfang's words won my heart!" Zhao Yuande nodded and grabbed Dongfangqiao's shoulder.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, they have a good temper and have the feeling of an old friend.

"Hey! Brother Zhao, why don't we have a big meal? Your food is still drooling when I think about it!" Dongfangqiao couldn't help but laugh.

"This is easy, but there are dangers everywhere. How about we leave this meal in Tai Cang City?" Zhao Yuande glanced at Sifang Road.

"Brother Zhao, this is your promise!" Dongfangqiao's eyes are bright, "Fairy, Mo Wu, you must remember it!"

"Hmm!" Fairy Baifeng nodded.

"Aoao! Master's delicacies I think longingly!" Mo Qilin couldn't help but start to drool when he heard it.

"Okay! Stop drooling, let's go into this Thunder Mountain Range to explore first. If we find Thunder Pond, we will practice. If not, we will return directly!" Zhao Yuande pointed to this mountain range.

"Good! Depart!" Mo Qilin excitedly rushed towards the mountains.

Thunder thundered in the mountain range, an area in the center was illuminated by thunder like daylight, and there was a silver thunder pool deep in the mountain range.

"Haha! This is my hope of recovery!" Lei Yuan laughed excitedly.

"Go! Take away Lei Chi, and then we will return to Taicang City!" Zhao Yuande waved.

But things are obviously not as simple as they thought, they just entered the Thunder Mountain and found that this world is different from the outside world.

The pressure in the void is very heavy, as if they are pressing a mountain on their body.

Mo Qilin was originally carrying three people, but as soon as he entered this place, he was suddenly put down by the pressure of terror. When the three people left it, he finally stood firm.

"My mother! It's too evil here!" Mo Qilin's face was very ugly. The horror pressure just now crushed its bones directly.

If it weren't for practicing before the pool of life **** liquid, this time it might be really hit.

"I feel like there is a human breath." Zhao Yuande turned his gaze forward, his eyes showing a hint of doubt.

"Yes! Indeed, I heard them talking!" Dongfangqiao nodded, and said a little solemnly, "It seems that there are three people, namely Geniuses of Dao Mountain, Haitian Pavilion, Xiaoyao Palace, they are fighting!"

"Is the genius of the three forces?" Zhao Yuande frowned slightly.

Among the three major forces, Haitian Pavilion and himself have a feud, and his impression of Xiaoyao Palace is not very good, and only Zun Daoshan has not seen him.

However, he had no good feelings about these big forces, especially after seeing the inner fight in the Xiaoyao palace, Lu Yao miserably ended, and he felt disgusted in his heart.

It’s a lot of trouble to be able to do it without involving them.

"What shall we do?" Fairy Bai Feng saw a gloomy glance in Zhao Yuande's eyes and couldn't help but ask, "Should I move on or go back?"

"Go back? Why do you go back, is it because of the three little cubs, the master can easily kill them!" Mo Qilin said with his head held high, "We don't cause trouble or are afraid of things, they dare to come to trouble, they are all killed. !"

"Mo Wu, you finally said my heart!" Zhao Yuande patted Mo Qilin's head. "Yes, that's it. There is realm suppression in the Tai Cang Realm. As long as the Lord can't show it, I'm not afraid of anything. If these three people dare to do harm to us, they will all be killed!"

"What are you waiting for, let's go!" Dongfangqiao also showed a firm look on his face.

The group quickly entered the depths of the mountain and gradually approached the thunder pond.

Thousands of miles in front of them, three young people are walking side by side. They seem to be under tremendous pressure, and their faces are not very good-looking, but none of them voluntarily gave up!

The thunder here is really terrifying. The countless horror thunder is even more terrifying than the thunder in the sky. A huge wave of heavenly power suppresses it, making people have an irresistible illusion.

Zhao Yuande and they gradually walked towards the thunder pool. They naturally felt the terrifying pressure of Tianwei, and their faces became solemn.

"Be sure to bear this kind of pressure. The closer you are to Lei Chi, the more benefits you will get." Zhao Yuande felt that this pressure was almost half of that of Heavenly Tribulation. A guts.

The two of them nodded their heads, and they both had to close their teeth.

However, Mo Qilin was the most difficult at this time. The thing he feared most was the Thunder. This time it was considered out.

They moved forward step by step. Zhao Yuande was the most relaxed. He practiced the great forge thunder method. He had a kind of control over Thunder. There was no feeling of walking here.


Thunder seemed to sense their presence in the sky, and a dark cloud seemed to be pushed by invisible forces towards them.

Countless thunders were shrouded towards them like a downpour, and the terrible Tianwei increased several times.

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