Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Zhao Yuande's movement created a thunder method, absorbed the falling thunder, and turned them into the energy to evolve the real spirit world.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! I can't wait! The thunder breath is so strong here, I even feel a kind of call of origin!" Lei Yuan's voice trembled, obviously extremely excited.

Zhao Yuande looked at the two people and one beast around them. They are now under great pressure, trying their best to resist those terrifying thunders and let them go fast. It is basically impossible!

"Wait a minute! I'll accompany them for a while." Zhao Yuande returned helplessly.

"You are not their nanny, so you will give them a kind of dependence on their hearts. They are now strong enough to deal with all the mutations. Don't worry about letting go! After letting go, you will find that they will grow faster!" Although there was some anxiety in Lei Yuan's voice, it was indeed reasonable, and Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel a slight shock in his heart.

Indeed, if they are able to resist them in any danger, how can they grow up.

"You slowly realize Thunder Tianwei! I'll go to Lei Chi first!" Zhao Yuande nodded to the duo and the beast. "I can't guard you all the time, you should face the danger alone!"

"Master..." Mo Qilin had a natural fear of Tianlei. He heard Zhao Yuande going first, but he couldn't help but look bitter.

"Okay! I can't get through this difficulty. How can I accompany me to the peak of cultivation!" Zhao Yuande sipped and turned away.

Infinite Thunder fell on him, and he was all inhaled into him, without affecting him at all.

"Come out!" Dongfangqiao gritted his teeth, showing a determined look on his face.

Fairy Bai Feng said nothing, and his eyes were filled with firmness!

As Zhao Yuande just said, if he gets thrown away by the other party, is there any hope to be with him?

Just like a fairy above, would you like a mortal girl in the lower realm?

Without strong matching strength, there is no qualification to think about these things.


Mo Qilin screamed again and again, and was constantly hit by Thunder, which made his teeth grin, but when he heard Zhao Yuande's words, his eyes also showed perseverance.

Zhao Yuande was also secretly observing their expressions and expressions. Seeing this, he could not help nodding slightly.

He unfolded his speed, almost striding forward almost like a meteor.

After just a dozen breaths, he saw the figures of the three young men.

At this point, the three had gradually approached Lei Chi. Although they all showed painful expressions on their faces and trembling, none of them gave up.

"Miao Qing, I think you have been bombarded by seventy-two sky-thunders in a row. It should be almost to the limit!" Among the three young men, the youngest one was the thinnest, his eyes flashing. The cold, cold bird of prey glanced at the two of them, and there was a trace of anxiety.

"Cai Yuan, you see that you are almost at the limit! My Miao Qing is strong, and he is using these thunders to temper his body!" The young man called Miao Qing looks majestic and mighty, his face anyway, There is a thick beard on his face.

"Don't insist on the two of you, or it may be counterproductive. Let's give up at the same time!" The last young man spoke slowly, and it sounds like there is a magic power that can flow into people's hearts, and people will unconsciously give birth A sense of identity will do what he wants.

"Jingtian, don't try to influence your mind with the means of your three indiscretions. We are all going through endless winds and rains. Will we be affected by this step!" A young man named Cai Yuan looked at this person , A look of disdain appeared on his face.

"I'm serious, even if you don't listen, why don't you misinterpret my good intentions!" Jing Tian's eyes revealed a cold, imperceptible color.

"Really? You stop it first!" Miao Qing sneered.


Just as the three of them worked hard while striking each other's confidence, they seemed to feel something all at once and turned their heads to look behind them.

They found a figure striding from a distance and striding a few feet away from each step. With just one or two breathing times, the figure appeared in a place not far from them.

"Wh...who is this person? Why have I never seen it?" Seeing Zhao Yuande's appearance, a look of shock and doubt appeared on Cai Yuan's face, and of course there was a strong jealousy deep in his eyes!

"I don't know, I haven't seen it, is it a super genius secretly cultivated by a big force?" Jing Tian's face also showed shock, "Is it the Saint Alliance..."

"This person is so relaxed, right... He is not much stronger than us, but he is in control of a supernatural power to control the Thunder!" Careful observation Zhao Yuande Miao Qing's face revealed a clear color, the shock in his eyes It became a kind of determination, a kind of perseverance.

The expressions of the three people naturally fell in Zhao Yuande's eyes. Miao Qing felt the best for him. This person should be the kind of hardworking and determined person.

Cai Yuan followed, although this person had jealousy and indignation in his eyes, but he did not have the kind of vicious intentions that made people hate.

The last Jingtian was a very bad feeling in his heart, and his eyes seemed to contain all kinds of poisons in the depths.

He naturally learned the identity of these three people from the mouth of Dongfangqiao.

Miao Qing is the genius of Zun Daoshan, Cai Yuan is the third of the 12 young masters of Xiaoyao Palace, and the last Jingtian is also one of the young masters of Haitian Pavilion.

Zhao Yuande didn't pay attention to these three people's plans. He had a very disgusted feeling towards Haitian Pavilion and Xiaoyao Palace, and had no good impression.

As for the last Zun Daoshan, Zhao Yuande has not been in contact, but it is not much different when he wants to come.

He kept pace, and strode past three people.

"This Xiongtai... don't know the name of Gao?" Miao Qing looked at Zhao Yuande's back and asked.

"Xinghe!" If the other two asked, Zhao Yuande wouldn't even bother, and this Miao Qing still had a little kind of affection, so he said his name in the space **** realm.

"Xinghe!" The three of them deeply remembered the name in their hearts.

Zhao Yuande was not influenced by the three of them and strode towards Lei Chi.

At this time, they were within a hundred feet of Lei Chi. Zhao Yuande still didn't feel any pressure. Lei Yuan on his wrist was trembling with excitement at this time.

If there weren't any three people behind him at this time, it might have flew out into the pool.

However, the appearance of the three did indeed make it scrupulous.

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