Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3145: The horrific presence in the thunder pool

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Zhao Yuande approached Lei Chi step by step, and kept on walking. Only when he was ten feet away from Lei Chi did he feel a kind of magnificence.

He knew that if he continued to move forward with his own cultivation, he would have to bear unpredictable heavenly prestige.

"Quick! Only ten feet left, hurry up! I can't help but rush out!" Lei Yuan's voice was quick.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande clenched his teeth, still striding forward.

"Click! Bang!"

The thunder came loudly, and a thick thunder came down with terrifying Tianwei, and chopped down towards Zhao Yuande.

This Sky Thunder seems to be a huge Thunder Excalibur, with unparalleled power, even more powerful than Lei Yuan!

"Not good! This power is too strong, Lei Yuan helps me!" Zhao Yuande seemed to feel that his life was threatened, and he could be killed directly with this sword!

"No problem!" Lei Yuan whispered, and the huge power of Thunder turned around in Zhao Yuande's body, turning into a Thunder Sword and striking towards the Thunder Sword split in the sky.

Because of the existence of the latter three, Lei Yuan still converged a little, and did not directly display the ontology, otherwise they were discovered. If Zhao Yuande did not kill people, he waited for an endless pursuit.

He did not believe that Lei Yuan could not be recognized by these three people, nor did they believe that they could keep their mouths shut.

"That man... The released Thunder is so powerful!" The three of them watched Zhao Yuande confronting Tian Lei with some shock at the moment, and all of them could not help growing their mouths.

Although they thought they could release this kind of attack, they also felt the Tianwei carried in the sky.

Under Tianwei, their strength will definitely be greatly discounted, and this powerful attack will be somewhat difficult.

"This person is stronger than us!" Miao Qing couldn't help sighing, "At least it's easier than when we fight against Heavenly Tribulation, and it's easier to advance to a higher level!"

"Xinghe! I remember this name!" Jingtian gritted his teeth.

"If it is outside, I will not lose to him, but I am not as good as him in this Thunder Mountain!" Cai Yuan gritted his teeth.

At this time, Zhao Yuande was not in a mood to listen to the three people's evaluation of him, but went all out to fight against the sky.

However, with the help of Lei Yuan, Zhao Yuande had a shocked encounter with this Tianlei.

"Swallowing the vortex gave me all the power!" Zhao Yuande sipped.

All the power of the thunder that was broken up in the collision was inhaled by him.

He immediately felt a slight difference, because there was an unpredictable power among these thunders, that is Tianwei.

Tianwei was sucked into the swallowed vortex and could not be transformed, and was still fed back from the swallowed vortex.

"These powers..." Zhao Yuande suddenly discovered that these Tianweis seemed to be unable to be absorbed by him at all, and continued to chaos in his body, as if to find a catharsis outlet to rush out.

"Don't let them go out! These are all good things!" Lei Yuan's voice was a little excited. "Your swallowing vortex is really...too powerful, even able to absorb Tianwei, hurry up They are bound, these things are of great use!"

Hearing Lei Yuan’s words, Zhao Yuande couldn’t help blinking his eyes, and hurriedly imprisoned these Tianwei into his own true spirit world as Lei Yuan said.


Next, he didn't have time to ask Lei Yuan Tianwei for any use at all, and he was overwhelmed by all kinds of horror sky thunder.

Although Thunder is extremely powerful these days, there is the presence of Thunder Source, and with Zhao Yuande's great forging Thunder, swallowing the blessing of the vortex, he is approaching Thunder Pond step by step.

The three people in the rear were stunned, and their faces were not very beautiful.

They looked at Zhao Yuande more and more dignified.

"Xinghe! What kind of person is this!" Miao Qing's face showed admiration.

"Hey! Powerful, really powerful, I am afraid that the first genius of our Xiaoyao Palace will not do better than him here!" Cai Yuan showed a bit of jealousy on his face, "but I still think that he is no better than me Strong, only in this case will be stronger than me!"

"Xinghe, I remember it, absolutely remember him! I will go out and check his identity out of the stone!" Jingtian eyes flashed a faint light.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had gradually approached Lei Chi, and there was a trace of shock on his face, because the closer he was to Lei Chi, the more he had the kind of terror that he felt in the clouds when he went through the robbery.

However, this kind of breath is more powerful than the kind of terror breath in the cloud thunder pool when he was in Heaven.

"Lei Yuan! Do you feel it? There seems to be a horrible existence in this Lei Chi." Zhao Yuande could not help saying.

"There is indeed a strong presence, but... it seems to have fallen asleep!" Lei Yuan said with a little uncertainty, "otherwise we can't be so close!"

"Sleep? We won't wake it up when we come!" Zhao Yuande was a little nervous, he knew that the power of heavenly power was radiated from this horrible being.

It is also because of this horror, that the three people and Dongfangqiao will be so strenuous that they cannot get close to Leichi!

"If you fall asleep, will you be awakened by a little ant?" Lei Yuan shook his head. "We are too weak relative to it. I'm afraid even a little ant! I can sense it sleeping in Leichi." Under the depth of hundreds of millions of miles, otherwise we...can’t get close to here, and will be crushed directly by the power he released."

"So scary?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help shaking his body. Hearing Lei Yuan's words, he couldn't help feeling terrified.

"It should be above the Lord... even the strength of the master!" Lei Yuan nodded. "We plan to change, we can't practice here, we can only take some of the thunder fluid from the thunder pool, otherwise if it is really angry This horror exists, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of miles will be turned into coke, and Tai Cangcheng will also be destroyed directly."

"Listen to you!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Faced with this terrifying existence, he always had awe.

Half a day later, he finally came to Lei Chi

At this time, his body was already shaking, and the horror heavenly prestige released by the horrible existence under Lei Chi made him unable to control his body.

If it weren’t for Lei Yuan to guard him, now he may have been unstable!

"Hurry up and take some thunder fluid, don't be greedy," Lei Yuan said.

Zhao Yuande stretched out his hand, and some tremblingly dived into his hand.

Suddenly a terrible power suddenly rushed into his body, making his body almost convulsed.

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