Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

They soon converted a large amount of materials obtained this time, the monster body, into the cultivation resources in the exchange hall of the Alliance of Saints.

Next they rented a large cave house.

"Dongfu is good!" Zhao Yuande felt the atmosphere in the cave and nodded slightly.

"Master! Don't forget the food, it can't wait anymore!" Mo Qilin came up with a pleased face at this time.

Hearing the food, Dongfangqiao and Baifeng's eyes also lighted up.

"Okay! Just to satisfy you!" Zhao Yuande smiled and took out the gluttonous true spirit tripod.

Then, some meat removed from the earth dragon and giant elephant, plus dozens of rare elixir, boiled into a pot of delicious and powerful cuisine.

"Master... I still want it!" Mo Qilin watched Dingzhong's food being eaten up, and stared at Zhao Yuande.

"This time the medicine is too powerful to be wasted. Let's talk about it after practicing!" Zhao Yuande patted his head.


They soon felt the tremendous energy contained in the food, slowly turning in the body, and suddenly all fell into cultivation.

For Zhao Yuande, this kind of food has no great effect.

At this time, he sent Lei Yuan into a real spirit world, because it was a lot of thunder fluid he got from the thunder pool.

"These thunder liquids are barely enough! It's a pity... pity... if those two old guys didn't come, you could get more thunder liquids!" Lei Yuan couldn't help but say something uncomfortable.

"Okay, hurry in and recover! I hope you can succeed early. If you regain the power of Tier 5 Xianbao Xianbao, my strength will be greatly improved. "" Zhao Yuande urged.

"Okay! You have to be careful during this time. I think the two old guys might not let you go. If you are in danger, it is safest to escape to **** or to the heavenly ruins." Lei Yuan asked.

"By the way, I forgot to ask about that day, how should I use it?" Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of this question.

"Tianwei is a good thing, you can slowly integrate it into your own breath. Whoever is suddenly released during the battle may have unexpected effects!" Lei Yuandao said, "Even the Holy Master might appear. Instant stagnation, this is a life-saving means!"

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but lightly smile on his face.

Lei Yuan began to absorb the thunder fluid, and Zhao Yuande was also trying to integrate Tianwei into himself.

A little bit of time has passed, and I don't know how much time has passed.

When Zhao Yuande felt that Tianwei had gradually integrated into his body, he heard the anxious voice of Dongfangqiao before he tried this power.

"Brother Zhao, it's not good! We were discovered. The two old guys were looking for us, and we are almost at the Dongfu District!"

"What! Was it discovered? How could it be so fast?" Zhao Yuande opened his eyes and couldn't help but startle slightly.

"It seems that... Mo Wu exposed our whereabouts." Dongfangqiao looked at Mo Qilin.

"Damn! How could this group of guys know me!" Mo Qilin couldn't help expressing anger on his face.

"It's awful, we are now the turtles in the urn and can't escape!" Dongfangqiao said anxiously, "They have already come!"

"Don't resist." Zhao Yuande waved his sleeves and sent Mo Qilin directly into the body world, then stepped into the void channel in one step and disappeared into a door of space.


Just as Zhao Yuande disappeared, the gate of Dongfu was suddenly shattered, and several powerful middle-aged people rushed in.

Each one of them is as strong as a wolf, and each one is a strong man at the top of Dao Zun.

"They were here just now, why are they missing?" One of the middle-aged men frowned.

"I felt the fluctuations in the void, they should have gone through the void!" Another middle-aged man said solemnly, "No wonder Master wants to find them, they have such a powerful treasure!"

"What should I do now? How can I return to Master?"

"To be honest!"

"What are you talking about! They even walked through the void?" The slightly fat old man looked at the middle-aged people below and couldn't help but frown.

"Really! The disciples felt the void fluctuations. They should have a treasure that can travel through the void at will, and this treasure is very powerful, and its release speed should not exceed a breathing time!"

"It's really a big fish!" The amiable old man smiled, "I don't believe they will never come to Tai Cangjie again, and issue me a wanted order, whether it's the chemical world, Tai Cangjie, or billions of domains, I want to find them!"

"Yes!" The group of middle-aged people below showed shock on their faces.

Wanted by the Three Realms, it seems that the value of this child does not stop at the treasure that traverses the void.

"Is it worth it?" The slightly fat old man frowned slightly.

"It's worth it! Definitely worth it!" The sympathetic old man nodded. "It's more powerful to be able to withstand Tianwei's powerful treasures than to be able to shuttle through the void! With your ability, there is no way for me to approach the Thunder Pond. There may be more secrets than we thought, we must win him, he may be a glimmer of hope for our promotion to God!"

"Promote to Divine Venerable! You will not be too exaggerated!" The slightly fat old man couldn't help but wonder.

"You don't know, I just got a message just now, and there is also a genius named Xinghe in the sky **** realm. He has already got the fifth rank in the actual combat training tower!" said the kind old man, " Do you know what the fifth represents?"

"I don't know! I didn't pay attention to the sky **** realm!" The slightly fat old man shook his head.

"Shenwu you always know!" said the kind old man.

"Shenwu! The first deity in the chemical world... And it is said that she may be promoted to the Lord's realm at any time now!" The little fat old man opened his mouth, "Is there any connection between him and Shenwu? Then we still find his trouble , Are you looking for death?"

"Who said there is a relationship between them, I just tell you that Shenwu is the number one in the actual combat training tower!" The gentle old man said, "The second is who do you know? Forget it, you certainly don't know, then I will Let me tell you, the second is the woman who is known as the Lord of the Void, you always know her mystery and power!"

"Know!" the fat old man nodded again and again, his face was already dull.

The other party said that these two people, as long as they are in the chemical industry, know that these two people's name has shocked a generation and shocked countless powerful geniuses.

"I will not talk about the third and fourth. The sixth is the Sage Saint Goddess of our Saints Alliance. You now know how powerful this galaxy is!

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