Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3148: Temporarily separated

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"What do you mean by this? He is so powerful, there must be a terrible force behind him. Although we have some status in the Saint Alliance, but there are countless existences that we cannot afford to provoke, you will not be overwhelmed by interests. Mind your brain!" the slightly fat old man asked.

"What you do when I am doing this time is to verify his identity!" said the kind old man, "I found that he should belong to the lower realm, but a peerless genius with great luck, if this genius is controlled by us, then Use secret methods to extract his luck for our use..."

"Peerless genius in the lower realm...this... isn't it another emperor's universe!" The fat old man's face changed, "I can't let it grow up, should we sue the Lords on this matter?"

"No first, even if you want to sue, you have to wait for us to catch this kid!" said the kind old man.

"Okay! I listen to everything about you. Don't try to throw me away. I will never let this benefit go!" The slightly fat old man's eyes flashed greedy.

"Reassure! I still count on the person behind you. If there is really any powerful force behind him, let that person come out to help us clean up the mess. This is called risk sharing... Hey! Old gentleman Hehe laughed.


Zhao Yuande took them through the space and went directly back to the city of fortune.

"Brother Zhao, where have we been?" Dongfangqiao was puzzled when he was moved out. "Do I feel familiar?"

"This is the city of fortune!" Fairy Baifeng exclaimed suddenly, "How come we come back here, how is this possible!"

"Qua! How do you know the master's greatness, but the master can travel through the heavens and the world, powerful and unimaginable!" Mo Qilin smirked proudly.

"Okay! Don't laugh!" Zhao Yuande patted Mo Qilin's head, "I have a treasure that can shuttle space!"

"It's so perverted!" Dongfangqiao's eyes showed a shocking light, "Wouldn't it be better than my Tongtianqiao!"

"Okay! Don't take out your Tongtianqiao, even if it is a complete Tongtianqiao!" Mo Qilin said wryly.


"Don't we miss the great opportunity of Tai Cangjie, what a pity!" Fairy Baifeng said bitterly, "I thought I could be promoted to Dao Zun Realm!"

"We can actually go back, but we are now wanted by the two old guys, I am afraid... going back will also become a cross-street mouse everyone shouted!" Zhao Yuande said helplessly.

"Can I go back?" Fairy Baifeng and Dongfangqiao's eyes lit up at the same time.

"Yes, but when we go back and change our appearance and act in a low-key manner, Mo Wu can't appear!" Zhao Yuande said.

"His mother!" Mo Qilin's teeth bite loudly. "These two old turtles really make Uncle Mo Wu angry! Don't take the opportunity, otherwise I won't spare them!"

"They are the strongest in the Saint Alliance, we can't do anything in Tai Cang City, even if we want to exchange resources, I'm afraid it's impossible!" Fairy Bai Feng said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter if we exchange resources. We are not short of resources. The key is to be wanted by everyone. When the time comes, we have nowhere to stay. We can only go to those dangerous places. The risk of danger will be greatly increased!" Dongfangqiaodao.

"Actually, don't worry about this. We will go back to the Fortune City once after a big exploration, but we certainly haven't practiced in Tai Cangjie soon!" Zhao Yuande said. , Let’s rest for a while!"

"Alright!" The two nodded.

The place where they appeared was a corner of the Fortune City. Zhao Yuande set the coordinates here, and there are not many people passing by here.

Zhao Yuande put Mo Qilin into the in-vivo world, changed the appearance a little with both of them, and went out.

"Do you have anything, and you can deal with it if you have something. I plan to enter Tai Cang Realm after a while, which is also a temporary shelter from the wind!" Zhao Yuande said.

"I'm fine, anyway, I was hiding from Tibet all day before, now it doesn't matter!" Dongfangqiao waved his hand.

"I want to go back to the Bai's to see!" Fairy Baifeng has now reached the peak of the half-track statue in a short period of time, and also got that white ivory. The fighting power is stronger than before. I don't know how much. Times, want to return to the family to share this matter with parents and family.

"Well! You can go back, but you have to remember that you must not talk about things that enter the Tai Cang Realm, otherwise... you may attract a peep from the strongest in the chemical realm, and your Bai family may also suffer!" Zhao Yuande Warned.

"Brother Zhao assured me that I knew the stakes!" Fairy Baifeng nodded.

"Well! That month, we still meet here after a month, and we will explore Tai Cangjie again." Zhao Yuande said.

"Good! I must show up in a month!" Fairy Baifeng nodded vigorously.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhao Yuande waved to her.

Unlike Baifeng Fairy, Dongfangqiao looked at Zhao Yuande strangely.

"Brother Dongfang, what do you think?" Zhao Yuande was seen hairy.

"Hey! Brother Zhao, don't you see that Fairy Baifeng is very interesting to you!" Dongfangqiao frowned.

"I... see it!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly, "but..."

"But what! This girl is very nice!" Dongfangqiaodao, "Why don't you give her a chance, as long as you open her, she will definitely put into your arms without hesitation."

"It's still forgotten. My women are too many. I don't want to be sorry for those." Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Brother Zhao is really fraternity!" Dongfangqiao smacked his mouth. "Then I won't say that, but Brother Zhao, you still think about it. Fairy Bai Feng is really good."

"I know, I see it. I'll wait to talk about this matter!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Okay!" Oriental Bridge Road, "Where are we going now?"

"Take you to my Zongmen to see!" Zhao Yuande smiled, "Then take you to **** again."

"Your sect... hell..." Dongfangqiao stunned, "These two will not be one place!"

"Close your crow's mouth...


Zhao Yuande took the Oriental Bridge and traveled through the void, and soon appeared in the Galaxy Sect.

However, when they appeared in the Star River Sect, they found a mess in the Star River Sect, and even an enemy invaded the Star River Sect, killing it indiscriminately.

"What the **** is going on!" Zhao Yuande only felt that there was a flame burning in his chest. He grabbed a running disciple of the Galaxy Sect and asked angrily.

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